Academic Planning Council Meeting Agenda

Date:Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Time: 4:00 P.M.

Location:Bears Den Computer Conference RoomMarkee Pioneer Student Center

Officers: Andrew Pawl (Co-Chair), Travis Nelson (Co-Chair)


Quorum - Minimum number of 6 voting members needed to call a meeting to order

Elected Members

☐Annie Kinwa-Muzinga (2017)
☐Susan Hansen (2019) ASC Rep / ☐Bidhan Roy (2017)
☐Mesut Muslu (2019) / ☐Travis Nelson (2017)
☐Teresa Burns (2018) UUCC Rep
At-large / At-large / Academic Staff Rep
☐Irfan Ul-Haq (2017) / ☐Andrew Pawl (2018) / ☐Daniel Avenarius (Ac. Staff Rep)
Student Rep

Non-Voting Members

☐Elizabeth Throop (Provost, ex officio)
☐Lisa Merkes-Kress (Rec. Secretary)
☐Laura Anderson(Faculty Senate and AOC Rep) / ☐Patrick Hagen (Provost Rep)
☐Michael Black (AITC Rep)
☐James Hibbard (Library Rep) / ☐Rosalyn Broussard (UBC Rep)
☐Teresa Burns (UUCC Rep)
☐Susan Hansen (ASC Rep)
I / Opening of the Meeting
/ Call the Meeting to Order
/ Approval of the Minutes of Wednesday, October 12, 2016
II / Reports and Announcements / Presenter
/ Student Senate Representative [Reece Paper]
III / Unfinished Business / Presenter
VI / New Business / Presenter
/ Departmental Name Change [Electrical Engineering to Electrical and Computer Engineering] / P. Sealy
/ Media Studies Major / W. Weber & S. Hansen
/ Proposed Approval Pathways for New Programs / P. Hagen
  1. D
/ Definition of Sub-Majors [Report from Sub-Committee] / T. Burns
  1. F
/ Form B Evaluation [Agribusiness & Technical Education]
V / Close Meeting
/ Next Meeting Wednesday, November 09, 2016
/ Adjourn

TheAcademic Planning Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdaysof the month at 4:00 p.m. for location, please see the Academic Planning Council(APC)website. The agenda is composed of items from many sources and come from many resources, if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, please submit it to a Senate officer. The meetings are open to the public university staff are invited to attend.