Managing Employer Accounts

About this Guide

This guide explains the facilities that are available for system administrators to manage their organisation’s account on NHS Jobs.

The features described in this guide are only available to system administrators.

The facilities are covered in the following order:

  • The ‘Employer Details’ page
  • Secondary Employers
  • KPI Management
  • Reporting groups.

Employer Details

If you make any changes to the information on the page, don’t forget to click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page, otherwise your changes won’t take effect.

At the top of the page (see below) are some fixed details about your organisation that are provided for reference only- you cannot change them. If the details need to be changed you should contact the NHS Jobs Team via the help-desk.

The remaining sections of the page are:

Organisation Description: Here you can enter a description of your organisation to provide job-seekers with information about your organisation (Welsh equivalent text may also be provided)and upload an organisation logo which can appear within each of your job adverts (maximum file size 100kb). The information you enter here will appear on your employer details page on the job-seeker side of the website.

Contact for Applicant Queries: Here you can provide contact details for applicant queries, which will be included with the organisation’s details on the employer details page, if required.

Address for Postal Application: Provide an address for postal applications to be sent to, if applicable.

Job Advert: Here you can set-up a header and footer which will appear on all vacancy adverts. Welsh equivalents may also be set up. The header and footer can be blank if not required. The header and footer can provide useful information that is common to all adverts or is about the organisation. Care should be taken that the header and footer information does not dominate the job advert by becoming larger than the job details in the advert.

Defaults:This section of the page is illustrated below. You can:

  • Specify the job-pack and score card template that are to be selected by default when a user creates a new vacancy. You don’t have to specify any default values, but it can save time for your users if you do.
  • Likewise you can enter some text that will appear automatically in the instructions that are sent to referees. Setting up some default text can save you users from having to enter it every time.

Options: The options section is shown below. Most of the options are self-explanatory, to do with selecting logos that are to appear on your job adverts.

The two options at the start of the list need some more explanation, as follows:

The first option means that when you setup new accounts for your users, those accounts will be in an ‘inactive’ state, which means that the users will not be able to login until you ‘activate’ the accounts as a separate step. This option can be useful in cases where you want to enter the details of lots of new accounts all at the same time, but where the users are not available to start accessing the system immediately.

The send option controls the way in which NHS Jobs handles the flow of new applications. If you tick the option to say that you carry out a separate long-listing process, then applications will not be sent to recruiting managers for review until a recruitment officer has checked them and long-listed them. If you don’t tick the box, then all applications will be sent straight to the recruiting manager.

Secondary Employers

If required, your organisation can extend the service to include other smaller external organisations being supported or to a ‘devolved recruitment’ model, in which the recruitment work of an employer is split into units. A user working in one secondary organisation can only see the jobs and applications relating to that organisation.

The smaller external organisations or units are referred to as ‘Secondary Employers’.

The secondary employer accounts will be created and managed through the ‘Secondary Employer List’, which is illustrated below.

Note that the ability to set-up Secondary Employers is not available by default. If you need to do it then you must contact the NHS Jobs Team via the help-desk to have the facility set-up for your organisation.

KPI Management

The first part of the KPI Management page is illustrated below. You can find the page by clicking the ‘KPI Management’ link under the ‘Admin’ option on the main left-hand menu.

On NHS Jobs you can define Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for vacancy tasks, application management tasks and the completion of pre-employment checks. KPI’s are set:

  • As a value indicating the number of working days in which a task should be completed and before it becomes overdue. Please note that this does not take into account bank holidays.
  • Separatelyfor standard and medical vacancies.

Icons will be visible on a user’s tasks list as shown below to indicate whether an activity is within KPI, is due, or is overdue, as shown below:

- Within KPI for that check to be completed

- Task is due and must be completed

- The KPI deadline has passed for the check to be completed

The activities for which KPIs can be set are listed below. If you want to change any of the KPI time periods, then simply edit the values on the KPI management page and click the ‘Save’ button.

Activity / Sub-activity
Vacancy / Pending Approval Level 1
Pending Approval Level 2
Pending Approval Level 3
Pending Approval Level 4
Pending Decision on Declined Approvals
Pending ESR
Pending Advertisement
Pending Recruitment Completion
Pending Decision for On Hold
Application / Pending Longlist Decision
Pending Shortlist Decision
Pending Addition to Shortlist or Rejection
Pending Interview or Assessment Invite
Pending Interview or Assessment Outcome
Pending Offer Outcome
Pending Pre-employment Checks
Pre-employment Checks / Identity Checks
Individual Reference (request to decision)
Individual Reference (receipt to decision)
Right to work check
Professional Registration
CRB Check
Occupational Health
Alerts Notices
Final Preparations

Reporting Groups

On NHS Jobs you can define ‘Reporting Groups’, which are a way of categorising vacancies to reflect your organisation structure for reporting purposes. You can do this via the ‘Reporting Groups’ page, which is illustrated below. The page can be found by clicking the ‘Div/Dept for Reporting’ link under the ‘Admin’ part of the main left hand menu.

The page lists any reporting groups you have set-up, and allows you to add a new group, or to edit (i.e. rename) or delete individual groups.

The names can be whatever categories you use for reporting purposes. For example, they could be the names of divisions or departments within your organisation.

You can define up to 100 groups, and the name of each group can be up to 50 characters.

5 April 20131© NHS Jobs 2013