Amber E. McConnell – Curriculum Vita 1
Amber E. McConnell
2804 Frost Lane • Norman, OK • 73071
CELL (918) 607-3065 • E-MAIL
Ph.D., 2012Educational Psychology, University of Oklahoma - Norman, OK
Dissertation Title: The Relationship Among Academics, GPA, and the Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) in Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities
M.S. Ed., 2007Collegiate Scholarship and Services, Northeastern State University -Tahlequah, OK
Thesis Title: Education Professionals’ Knowledge of Transfer of Rights for Students with Disabilities from the Secondary to Postsecondary Setting
University of Tulsa - Tulsa, OK
Master-level coursework in Psychology 2003-2005
B.S. Ed., 2001Special Education, Northeastern State University - Tahlequah, OK
University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond, Oklahoma
Undergraduate coursework in Special Education 2000
Oklahoma State University - Stillwater, Oklahoma
Undergraduate coursework in Speech Pathology 1998-2000
Personnel Development
Assessment Development
Online Course Development
Video Production for Learning Management Systems
Grant Writing
Instructional Strategies
Employability Skills
Teacher Preparation
Comprehensive Transition Services
Gender Issues
Professional Experience
7/2010-Present Assistant Director of Learning Enrichment and Research Associate,Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment - The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Conducted national and state professional development
Organized registration and evaluation procedures for professional development
Directed research and development teams for the Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) and the Transition Assessment and Goal Generator – Alternate (TAGG-A)
Coordinated logistical support, material distribution, and data collection for multimillion dollar grant projects
Developed annual reports for IES grants
Secured and maintained participation in research projects ofcooperating professionals, families, and students
Conducted research observations
Analyzed reliability and validity of assessment data
Wrote and published project reports and manuscripts
Marketed TAGG to consumers
Wrote multiple national grant proposals
Created transition materials and assessments
Supervised Zarrow Center graduate student staff
Taught undergraduate and graduate courses
Served on master and doctoral committees
8/2008-7/2010Graduate Sooner Scholar, Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment, The University of Oklahoma - Norman, OK
Conducted research-based studies
Participated in federal grant activities
Presented research at international, national, state, and regional conferences
Organized and conducted follow-up activities for Oklahoma Transition Institute
8/2007-5/2008Special Education Teacher, Oologah-Talala Public Schools - Oologah, OK
Taught Secondary English
Taught Algebra I
Developed IEPs
Developed Transition plans
Conducted IEP meetings
Continued professional development
1/2002-5/2007Special Education Teacher, Glenpool Public Schools - Glenpool, OK
Team Leader
Professional Development Committee Member
Taught Secondary English
Taught Algebra I
Developed IEPs
Developed Transition plans
Conducted IEP meetings
Teaching Certifications
Oklahoma (2001- present) Mild-Moderate Disabilities (Pre-K to Grade 12)
English (Grade 6-12)
Highly Qualified Intermediate Mathematics (Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry)
McConnell, A. E., Osmani, K. J.,Williams-Diehm, K. L., Pulos, J. M. (2017).iJobs summer work experience: A pilot transition program to enhance job-readiness skills using evidence-based practices.Manuscript submitted for publication.
McConnell, A. E., Martin, J. E., Cameto, R., & Sanford, C. (2017). Skills associated with employment, further education, and independent living for individuals with significant cognitive disabilities. Manuscript in preparation.
McConnell, A. E., Martin, J. E., & Herron, J. P. (2017). Measures of non-academic skills associated with post-school employment and education across disability categories. Manuscript in preparation.
Burnes, J. J., Martin, J. E., Terry, R., McConnell, A. E., & Hennessey, M. N. (2017). Predicting postsecondary education and employment outcomes using results from the transition assessment and goal generator.Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. In press. doi:10.1177/2165143417705353.
Hennessey, M. N., Terry, R., Martin, J. E., McConnell, A., & Willis, D. (2017).Factor structure and basic psychometric properties of the transition assessment and goal generator. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. doi:10.1177/2165143417691021
McConnell, A. E., Martin, J. E., Herron, J. P., & Hennessey, M. N. (2017). The influence of gender and non-academic skills associated with post-school employment and education. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals,40, 165-174. doi:10.1177/2165143416629629.
McConnell, A. E., Martin, J. E., & Hennessey, M. N. (2015). College and career indicators for youth with disabilities in relation to gpa and percent of time in general education. Remedial and Special Education, 36, 327-336. doi:10.1177/0741932515583497
Bartholomew, A., Papay, C., McConnell, A. E., & Cease-Cook, J. (2015). Embedding secondary transition in the common core state standards. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47, 329-335. doi:10.1177/0040059915580034.
McConnell, A. E., Little, K. S., & Martin, J. E. (2014). Transition planning and writing instruction: The effects of a brief intervention. British Journal of Special Education,42, 87-111. doi:10.1111/1467-8578.12071.
McConnell, A. E., Martin, J. E., Hennessey, M. N., Terry, R. & Willis, D. M. (2014). Student behaviors associated with post-school employment and education. DCDT fact sheet.
McConnell, A. E., Martin, J. E., Juan, C. Y., Hennessey, M. N., Terry, R., Kazimi, N., Pannells, T., & Willis, D. (2012).Identifying non-academic behaviors associated with post-school employment and education. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36, 174-187. doi:10.1177/2165143412468147
Oklahoma State Department of Education. (2011). Oklahoma’s transition education handbook. Retrieved from
Book Chapters
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E. (2017). Transition planning. In M. L. Wehmeyer & K. A. Shogren (Eds.), Handbook ofresearch-based practices for educating students with intellectual disability (Chapter 10). New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Hennessey, M. N., McConnell, A. E., & Martin, J. E. (2014). Developing an educational assessment: Recruiting teacher participants. In P. Brindle (Ed.), SAGE research methods cases.doi:10.4135/978144627305014535899.
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Materials
McConnell, A. E. & Deardorff, M. (2017). Tying the knot: Oklahoma academic college and career readiness standards and research-identified transition skills. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center.
McConnell, A & Martin, J. (2016). College and career readiness standards and research-identified transition skills.Commissioned by the Council of Chief State School Officers State Collaborative on Assessing Special Education Students, Washington, DC.
Martin, J. E. & McConnell, A. E. (2016). Transition Assessment and Goal Generator Overview. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center.
Martin, J. E., Hennessey, M, N., McConnell, A. E., Terry, R. A., & Willis, D. M., (2015). Transition assessment and goal generator. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center.
Grant Management
Project Developer. Pulos, J. M., McConnell, A. E., Osmani, K. J., & Schreffler, F. A. (2017).Advocating for change: Thedevelopment and dissemination of a state special education legislative summit toolkit.(Council forExceptional Children [CEC], Division on Career Development and Transition [DCDT]). September 20,2017 to September 30, 2018. Awarded to the Oklahoma-Division on Career Development andTransition (OK-DCDT) State Chapter. Award amount $3,000.
Principle Investigator. McConnell, A. E. & Martin, J. E. (2017). TAGG assessment training. (State of Oklahoma, Department of Education, Project #A18-0069) August 24, 2017 to June 30, 2018; $69,984 grant awarded to the University of Oklahoma.
Principle Investigator. Martin, J. E., Hennessey, M. N., McConnell, A. E., Terry, R., Cameto, C. & Sanford, C. (2016).TAGG-A: Developing, validating, and disseminating a new secondary transition assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities taught to alternate achievement standards.(Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Special Education Research, Award #R324A160160) July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2020; $1,599,940 grant awarded to the University of Oklahoma and SRI International.
Co-PI. Williams-Diehm, K. L., Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E., Miller, C. (2015). Secondary transition ABA scholar: Preparing master’s level graduate to serve secondary students with low-incidence disabilities. (U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Award #H325K150210) January 1, 2016 to December 30, 2020; $1,240,000 grant awarded to the University of Oklahoma.
Co-PI. Martin, J. E. & Williams-Diehm, K. L. (2015). ABA transition scholars: Preparing doctoral students to become higher education professors with a focus in applied behavior analysis and secondary transition education. (U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Award #H325D150083) January 1, 2016 to December 30, 2020; $2,400,000 grant awarded to the University of Oklahoma.
Project Coordinator. Martin, J. E., & Hennessey, M. N. (2010). Developing the transition success assessment. (U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Special Education Research, Award #R324A100246) July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2015; $2,100,000 grant awarded to the University of Oklahoma.
Conference Planning
Conference Organizer. 1st Annual Oklahoma Special Education Legislative Summit. February 7 & 8, 2017. Oklahoma State Capitol. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
University Teaching
Courses Taught
EDSP 5093Transition and Self-Determination
(Distance Education Fall 2016 & 2017; Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Fall 2013)
EDSP 4093Transition and Self-Determination
(Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Fall 2013)
EDSP 5940Theories of Exceptional Children
(Graduate course taught in Germany, Fall 2015)
EDSP 4112Special Education Advanced Practicum
(Undergraduate and graduate course, Spring 2011)
EDSP 4072Introductory Practicum in Special Education
(Undergraduate course, Spring 2011)
EDSP 4093Transition and Self-Determination
(Undergraduate course, Fall 2010, Fall 2009)
EDSP 5093Transition and Self-Determination
(Graduate course, Fall 2010, Fall 2009)
Guest Lecturer
EDSP 5413Education of Exceptional Children
(Graduate course, Summer 2016)
EDSP 3054Understanding and Accommodating Students with Exceptionalities (Undergraduate course, Fall 2014, Spring 2009)
EDSP 5093Self-Determination and Transition
(Graduate course, Fall 2012)
EDSP 4093Self-Determination and Transition
(Undergraduate course, Fall 2012)
EDSP 4013Fundamental Academic Instructional Strategies
(Undergraduate course, Spring 2012)
Conference Presentations
Invited Webinars
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E. Using transition assessment results to write indicator 13 compliant transition plans. December 10, 2015. CEC National Professional Development Webinar.
National Conferences
Wehmeyer, M. L., Thompson, J. R., McConnell, A. E., Kurth, J. Root, JR., & Grigal, M. Improving research-based practices for educating students with intellectual disability. Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities. January 28, 2018. Clearwater Beach, Fl.
McConnell, A. E., Osmani, K., & Fearing, J. Finding and using your voice: Advocating at your state capitol.Division of Career Development and Transition. October 14, 2017. Milwaukee, WI.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E., & Sinclair, T. Using the TAGG and Zarrow Center lesson packages to assess and teach critical non-academic skills. Division of Career Development and Transition. October 14, 2017. Milwaukee, WI.
Hirano, K., Poppen, M., Lombardi, A., McConnell, A. E., Ju, S. Developing a research agenda: Strategies for early career scholars. Division of Career Development and Transition. October 13, 2017. Milwaukee, WI.
McConnell, A. E. & Martin, J. E. Skills students with significant cognitive disabilities need: Developing a new transition assessment. Division of Career Development and Transition. October 12, 2017. Milwaukee, WI.
McConnell, A. E., & Martin. J. E. Assessing and teaching nonacademic skills needed for employment and postsecondaryeducation. Council for Exceptional Children.April 21, 2017. Boston, MA.
Martin, J. E. & McConnell, A. E. The TAGG project: Developing and validating the results of a new secondary transition assessment. IES Principal Investigators Meeting. December 15, 2016. Washington, D.C.
McConnell, A. E., & Martin, J. E. Developing a new transition assessment: Seeking input to develop student version. TASH. December 2, 2016. St. Louis, MO.
Martin, J. E. & McConnell, A. E. Assessing and teaching nonacademic skillsneeded for employment and postsecondaryeducation. Division of Career Development and Transition. October 20, 2016. Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Williams-Diehm, K., & McConnell, A. E. Transition and ABA scholars. OSEP Project Director’s Meeting. August 2, 2016. Washington, D.C.
McConnell, A. E. Zarrow Center resources, applied behavior analysis, and transition doctoral programs. National Capacity Building Institute. May 4, 2016. Charlotte, NC.
Annarino, P., McConnell, A. E., & Reynolds, M. Seeking external funding. Deaf and Hard of Hearing State Capacity Building Institute. February 9, 2016. Atlanta, GA.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E. TAGG: A new online assessment. January 22, 2016. Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Waikiki Beach, HI.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E., & Burnes, J. J. A new transition assessment: Transition assessment and goal generator. April 10, 2015. CEC, San Diego, CA.
Martin, J. E., Burnes, J. J., & McConnell, A. E. Prioritizing non-academic skills associated with post-school employment and education. April 9, 2015. CEC, San Diego, CA.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E., & Burnes, J. J. Transition assessment and IEP goals for students with significant & multiple disabilities. November 8, 2014. DCDT, Cleveland, OH.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E., & Burnes, J. J. Transition assessment and goal generator. November 6, 2014. DCDT, Cleveland, OH.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. The transition assessment and goal generator (TAGG). May 14, 2014. NSTTAC State Planning Institute, Charlotte, NC.
Martin, J. E., Hennessey, M., McConnell, A., & Burnes, J. A new on-line transition assessment: The transition assessment and goal generator (TAGG). April 10, 2014. CEC, Philadelphia, PA.
Martin, J. E., Hennessey, M., McConnell, A., Terry, R., & Martin, J. D. a new on-line transition assessment: The transition assessment and goal generator (TAGG). November 16, 2013. DCDT, Williamsburg, VA.
McConnell, A. E., Martin, J. E. & Hennessey, M. N. College and career success indicators in relation to gpa and percent of time in general education. April 30, 2013. AERA, San Francisco, CA.
Martin, J. E., Hennessey, M., & McConnell, A. A new on-line transition assessment: The transition assessment and goal generator (TAGG). April 4, 2013. CEC, San Antonio, TX.
Martin, J. E., Terry, R., & McConnell, A. A new on-line transition assessment: The transition assessment and goal generator (TAGG). October 25, 2012. DCDT, Denver, CO.
McConnell, A. E. Indicators of college and career success and the transition assessment and goal generator (TAGG). CCSSO’sASES Spring Meeting,May 22-24, 2012. Washington, DC.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A., & Kazimi, N. Identification of transition success behaviors. CEC, April 12, 2012. Denver, CO.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. A three-part transition assessment framework to enable students to build their postsecondary and annual transition goals. DCDT, October 15, 2011. Kansas City, MO.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. National profile of state mandated age requirements for transition planning. DCDT, October 14, 2011. Kansas City, MO.
Martin, J. E., Hennessey, M. N., McConnell, A., & Kazimi, N. Identification of transition success behaviors. DCDT, October 14, 2011. Kansas City, MO.
Martin, J. E., Cantley, P., Little, K., McConnell, A., & Dempsey, M. IEP team member’s perception of disability awareness and self-advocacy. CEC, April 23, 2010. Nashville, TN.
McConnell, A. A three-part transition assessment process: Enabling students to build their own postsecondary and annual transition goals.DCDT Conference, October 29, 2009.Savannah, GA.
State Conferences
McConnell, A. E. & Deardorff, M. Tying the knot: Marrying English language arts and transition skills. Oklahoma Transition Council. October 3, 2017. Norman, OK.
McConnell, A. E., Deardorff, M. & Chesnut, L. Writing transition plans in EdPlan preconference. Oklahoma Transition Council. October 3, 2017. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E., & Deardorff, M. Transition assessments pre-conference. Oklahoma Transition Council. October 3, 2017. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E., & Suk, A. TAGG: A new on-line assessment. Metrocare IDD Conference, November 4, 2016. Richardson, TX.
McConnell, A. E. & Martin, J. E. ADA vs. IDEA: What we need to teach students with disabilities to expect at a university. 11th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, October 5, 2016. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E. How to teach and assess critical self-determination skills. 11th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, October 5, 2016. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E. TAGG: A new online transition assessment. Texas State Transition Conference, February 18, 2016. Dallas, TX.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E. Using transition assessment to write compliant transition IEPs. Nebraska Transition Conference, October 27, 2015. Kearney, NE.
McConnell A. E. Transition assessment for students with mild to moderate disabilities. 10th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, October 12, 2015. Norman, OK.
Otto, C., & McConnell. A. E. employability skills and working with individuals with disabilities. 10th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, October 13, 2015. Norman, OK.
McConnell, A. E. Including employability skills in curriculum. Oklahoma Career Technology Student Services Summer Conference, August 4, 2015. Oklahoma City, OK.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E., & Burnes, J. J. Transition assessment and goal generator. 9th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, October 29, 2014. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A.E., & Nash, C. Student involvement in IEP meetings and transition planning. 9th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, October 28, 2014. Norman, OK.
McConnell, A. E., & Martin, J. E. Oklahoma transition pages of the IEP. 9th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, October 27, 2014. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell A. E. Using the ME! lesson package to teach disability awareness and self-advocacy. 11th Annual Nebraska Department of Education Transition Conference, October 14, 2014. Kearny, NE.
McConnell A. E. Using transition assessment results to write postsecondary and annual transition goals. 11th Annual Nebraska Department of Education Transition Conference, October 14, 2014. Kearny NE.
McConnell, A. E., & Stickney. OKDCDT fast facts for transition and self-determination. Oklahoma State Department of Education’s Vision 20/20, July 17, 2014. Oklahoma City, OK.
McConnell, A. E., & Spence, T. Oklahoma transition pages of the IEP. 8th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, November 5, 2013. Norman, OK.
Stickney, M., McConnell, A. E., & Carter, B. OKDCDT fast facts. 8th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, November 5, 2013. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E. A new on-line transition assessment: The transition assessment and goal generator (TAGG). 8th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, November 4, 2013. Norman, OK.
McConnell, A. E., & Stickney, M. Self-advocacy and self-determination skills for student athletes. Regional National Association of Academic Advisors for Student Athletes, October 2013. Oklahoma City, OK.
McConnell, A. E. Parent involvement in the transition process. Oklahoma Native American Disability Conference, November 16, 2012. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E., A new on-line transition assessment: The transition assessment and goal generator (TAGG). 7th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, November 9, 2012. Norman, OK.
McConnell, A. E. Oklahoma transition pages of the IEP. 7th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, November 7, 2012. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. E., How to implement college and career readiness concepts of the common core curriculum for students with IEPs. Vision 2020 Summer Conference, June 15, 2012. Oklahoma City, OK.
McConnell, A. Integrating transition into core curriculum. 6th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, November 13, 2011. Oklahoma City, OK.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. Self-determination assessments and supported employment. Association for Persons in Supported Employment Conference, October 12, 2011. Oklahoma City, OK.
Martin, J. E., & McConnell, A. Transition 101. State Superintendent’s Special Education Conference, December 2, 2010. Oklahoma City, OK.
Cantley, P., McConnell, A., & Little, K. Tools for developing self-determined students. 5th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, September 15, 2010. Norman, OK.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A., & Cantley, P. Self-advocacy for students with disabilities. Oklahoma Pathways to Adulthood, May 13, 2010. Norman, OK.
McConnell, A. Team leader booster. 4th Annual Oklahoma Transition Institute, September 9, 2009. Oklahoma City, OK.
McConnell, A. Self-advocacy and self-determination skills for transition aged youth. Moore Transition Conference, July 30, 2009. Moore, OK.
McConnell, A. Self-determination strategies for working with parents. 2008 Oklahoma Federation of Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, February 2, 2009. Midwest City, OK.
Workshop Training Presentations
Martin, J. E., McConnell A. E., Deardroff, M., & Suk, A. Transition assessment, writing transition goals, and EdPlan, March 24, 2017. Sapulpa, OK.
Martin, J. E., McConnell A. E., Deardroff, M., & Suk, A. Transition assessment, writing transition goals, and EdPlan, February 27, 2017. Lawton, OK.
Martin, J. E., McConnell A. E., & Deardroff, M. Transition Assessment, Writing Transition Goals, and EdPlan, January 27, 2017. Mid-Del, OK.
McConnell, A. E. Employability skills for the classroom. Pontotoc Technology Center, August 5, 2016. Ada, OK.
McConnell, A. E. Transition resources for individuals with disabilities. Oklahoma Career Technology Student Services Endorsement, March 31, 2016. Owasso, OK.
McConnell, A. E. College and career tips. Edmond High School Professional Internship Class, January 7, 2016. Edmond, OK.
McConnell, A. E. College tips for students with disabilities. Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy Transition Fair, December 15, 2015. Oklahoma webinar.
Martin, J. E., McConnell, A. E. & Burnes, J. J. Transition from a hospital setting back to school setting. Bethany Children’s Hospital, September 12, 2014. Bethany, OK.
McConnell, A. E., & Dewey, I. Getting involved in your IEP. Youth Leadership Forum, June 14, 2014. Mid-Del, OK.