MARCH 2010

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter.

In our first edition we will be providing you with information regarding our team and information that you will hopefully find useful.

We would appreciate your comments and ideas for future newsletters.



Dr. Karine Newlands Dr. Ruth Pole

Dr. Suzanne Wood Dr. David Herron

Dr. Duncan WilsonDr. Amit Verma

Dr. Steven Anderson

Jo Conway - Practice Nurse

Ellie Kenny – Practice Nurse

Lisa Scott – Health Care Assistant

Jill Pate – Practice Manager

Mags Brown – Assistant Manager

Jane Cowan – Secretary

Reception and Admin staff

Angie, Eleanor, Gina, Heather, Kat and Michelle

We hope that you have found our first newsletter informative and interesting.

A copy of this newsletter can be found on our website

If you require a copy in larger text please contact reception and one can be arranged.


Dr Pole is now off on maternity leave, she has been replaced temporarily by Dr Anderson. Dr Pole should be returning in July if all goes well. Our current registrar GP is Dr Verma, he will be with us until August 2011.

We are now settled in to our upgraded premises and have also changed our computer system to keep up to date with advances.


We are a training practice

For over 2 years we have been approved as a training practice. This means we help train qualified doctors to become General Practitioners (GP’s).

For us to continue to train these students we have to take part in yearly assessments and at present have successfully passed every one. This hopefully shows that we are continually trying to improve our care for our patients and also train GP’s of the future to high standards.


The Appointment System

Appointments can be made either by telephone or in person. The Practice offers 10 minute appointment slots for routine matters. Each slot is for one person only and you are encouraged to see the same doctor for the same problem if possible. Our aim is to offer you an appointment with the doctor of your choice within one week, except when that doctor is on annual leave. You can also book an appointment up to 2 weeks in advance.

If you cannot keep an appointment please inform the practice as soon as possible, ideally giving 24 hours notice.

Please tell reception staff if you need to be seen urgently as the practice operates a triage system. The on-call doctor will contact you and assess whether you need to be seen the same day.

Home visits are reserved for those who are house bound or too ill to attend the surgery and will be made at the doctor’s discretion. Patients are asked to make their request, where possible, before 10.00am. Facilities for examination and treatment are superior at the Health Centre and as it is located centrally you will generally be seen earlier if you can attend.

If you feel that your condition is an emergency dial 999.

If you are unwell out with Practice opening times of 8am – 6pm

you can contact NHS 24 on;

08454 24 24 24


Routine appointment

A condition/complaint that you feel can wait until the next available appointment. This could be something that you have had for some time, a follow-up from a previous consultation or something that does not require immediate action.

Emergency appointment

This is a complaint that needs immediate attention. An emergency is something that has just occurred and needs medical attention ASAP.


This is the service that accommodates patients that have stated they are emergency cases. The reception staff will ask for details on the illness, this is so the doctor can assess the severity of each patient and priorities the patients who need treatment first. The doctor will then contact the patient and either arrange for them to come into the surgery that day, if deemed as non-urgent, an appointment given in the next free slot or advice given over the phone.

House calls

These are reserved for patient’s that are house bound or too ill to attend the surgery. These will be made at the doctor’s discretion and if they feel that the patient will be better assessed at the surgery they will ask them to come in.


Well Man Clinic

This is run on a Tuesday evening

6pm to 9pm and consists ofa50min appointment.

Appointments can be made by phoning Meadowbank Health Centre on 01324 717920 between 8.30am – 5.00pm.


Tuesday 23rd March

The surgery will be closed from 12.30pm for staff training.

Friday 2ndApril and Monday 5th April

The surgery will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday


Monday 3rd May

The surgery will be closed as this is a Public Holiday.


Now that we have moved into our new and improved area we feel that we should give a permanent name to the practice. We asked the patients for suggestions and had several options. In the end we opted for Polmont Park Medical Group.


If you are interested in stopping smoking on this day or before, you can make an appointment with one of our nurses or a doctor for advice and help. Alternatively there is a smoking clinic in Meadowbank Health Centre on a Monday evening

5.15pm – 6.30pm, no appointment is needed.

There is also a website that can provide information and support if you wish to stop


The Breast Screening Unit will be in our area soon. Women who are due to have the screening will be lettered by the unit and not the practice. We have been advised that the letters will be going out around the beginning of April. The Breast Screening Unit is going to be sending us posters with information, so look out for them in the Practice.


We hope that you have found our first newsletter informative and interesting.

A copy of this newsletter can be found on our website

If you require a copy in larger text please contact reception and one can be arranged.


NHS 24 -08454 24 24 24

website: www/nhsdirect.nhs.uk

Stirling Royall-01786 434000

Falkirk Royal-01324 624000

Strathcarron Hospice-01324 826222

Maddison Police -01324 712822

Social Work Dept -01324 503883

Citizens Advice -01324 628406


Stirling-01786 451669

Spire Murray field,

Edinburgh-0131 334 0363

NHS Practitioner

Services-0845 300 1661

Health Visitor-01324 717920

District Nurse-01324 717920

ForthValley Health

Board Reception-01324 717920

Chiropodist-01324 711410

Our Contact Details

House call and Emergency–01324 722435

Appointment and Enquiry – 01324 715753

Prescription request should be made via the website
