College of Humanities

Academic Programming Fund

Fall, 2014 Call for Proposals

Note: This year, the College of Humanities is announcing and accepting proposals for the COH Academic Programming Fund competition. However, awards will be announced only if funds are available.

The College of Humanities announces a Call for Proposals for Academic Programming Support. All full- and part-time faculty in the college are invited to submit proposals. Funding from this source will be supplemental only; projects will not be funded in full from this source.

All of the following conditions must be met, or the proposal will be ineligible for consideration:

1.  This fund provides supplementary support for academically related activities and events only (e.g., guest lecturers, workshops, performances). Funding from this source will not be allocated to support individual faculty stipends, curriculum development, travel, faculty research or creative projects, materials or resources for faculty or student training, and/or to hire student assistants.

2.  Please submit a proposal, no longer than one (1) page (including your budget summary – see item 3. below), describing how the proposed activity or event supports a course or other academic program. Collaborative, co-sponsored, interdepartmental or inter-college events or activities are encouraged. Provide a contact person, email address, and phone number.

3.  Include in your proposal a concise budget summary that identifies the principal source(s) of funds for the project and how much supplemental funding is needed. Again, this is a supplemental funding source only.

4.  The event or activity must take place during the Fall, 2014 semester.

5.  Submit the proposal to: Academic Programming Fund, College of Humanities, SH 461, mail code 8252.

6.  The deadline for the Fall, 2014 semester proposals is 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 24. Late requests will NOT be considered for funding. Academic Programming Funding Awards will be announced on or before October 1, 2014.