Jan Baumeister, Editor

Official Publication of the

Western Dakota Gem & Mineral Society

PO Box 362

Rapid City, SD 57709-3620



(Photos by

The purpose of our club is to promote interest and education in geology, mineralogy, paleontology, archeology and lapidary, to sponsor and promote means of coordination of the work efforts of groups and individuals interested in these Science fields.


Newsletter of the Western Dakota Gem & Mineral Society – NOVEMBER 2012

2012-Officers and Chairpersons (area code- 605 )

President: Ellen Tilley, 21653 Piedmont Meadow Road, Piedmont, SD 787 4659

Vice President: Cliff Nelson, 4440 colt Lane, Rapid City, SD 57701 399-2753

Acting Secretary: Annette Rathert, 2701 Mystic Mountain Road, Rapid City, SD 348-8948

Acting Treasurer: Annette Rathert

RMFMSM SD State Director: Sony Hemsher, PO Box 376, Piedmont, SD 57769 431-2755

RMFMS PLAC SD Rep: Janice Baumeister, 3901 Hall St, Rapid City, SD 57702 342-5517

Multiple Use Coalition Rep: Ellen Tilley, 21653 Piedmont Meadow Road, Piedmont, SD 57769 787-4659

Blue Ribbon Coalition SD Rep: Martin Osterloh, 245 E. St. Charles, Rapid City, SD 57701 721-7770

1 year Board Member: Mickey Snook, 201 Patton St, Rapid City, SD 57702

2 yr. Board Member: Stan Hohn, 533 3445 Brooke, Rapid City, SD 57701 791-0442

3 yr. Board Member: Gene Williams, 3205 Crane Dr, Rapid City, SD 57703 431-5491

Historian Annette R., 2701 Mystic Mt. Rd., Rapid City, SD 57702 348-8948

Librarian: Calvin Luke, 714 Halley Ave- Apt.# 2, Rapid City, SD 57701 420-1772

Show Chairman:

Newsletter Editor: Jan Baumeister, 3901 Hall St, Rapid City, SD 57702 342-5517

Refreshment Host:

Western Dakota Gem & Mineral Society, PO Box 3620, Rapid City, SD 57709-3620

Meetings: Second Friday of each month, 6:30 pm, Canyon Lake Senior Citizens Center, 2900 Canyon Lake

*Dues: Family - $15, Single - $10, Payable by cash, check, or money order to Treasurer Annette Rathert.

Senior Citizens – free- (does not include a mailed bulletin).

REMINDER: THE MEMBERSHIP DUES NEED TO BE PAID THIS MONTH or you will not receive the bulletin..

* If you change your home address or e-mail address, please notify the Treasurer or Bulletin Editor. Thanks!

NOVEMBER MEETING: Refreshments: Jan Baumeister Door Prizes: Martin Osterloh

The club will be voting in new officers and chairmen. Volunteers for vacancies: are listed in the Secretary’s minutes. Vacancies; Field T trip and Show Chairman. Other Chairmen needed for the show: Dealer, Demonstrators, Flyers, Advertisement/Publicity,Show Programs/or Classes, Pot Luck Hostess, Signs, Information table, KOTA & Show Programs.

Christmas Party-We will talk about this at our meeting-Available is Elks Club, Dec.07th. Those who miss the meeting- call Annette Rathert if you’d like to join us- send payment to her by November 25th – Meals: $16.00 chicken cordon bleu, Steak-market price, and there’s an open menu.

PROGRAM; Al Albrecht has dug for “Dugway geodes” several times in western Utah. He will give talk about the area, digging geodes and display some of the “Dugways” he has in his possession.


Hi Rockhounds!

At our last meeting we did put together a slate of officers. It is important that our members attend our meeting at Canyon Lake Senior Citizens Center to vote. Since the last meeting, there have been several changes. Cliff Nelson has resigned so we need a field trip chairman, also need a show chairman and 2 year Board of Director member to join Stan Hohn and David Ramberg.

See you at the December 9th meeting. 1

. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 12TH MEETING by Annette Rathert, Acting Secretary

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM by President Ellen Tilley. There were 22 members and 2 guests. George and Nicky Nutt of Tribune, KS joined tonight.

  Minutes were approved by Deb Radomski and seconded by Rita Hanson

  Treasurers’ report, given by Annette Rathert was approved by Jan Baumeister and seconded by Mickey Snook. There has been an increase in membership as application forms from 2011 and 2012 were processed and added to the list. There are 34 families and 38 singles for 111 total members including honorary members.

  Field Trip: Saturday, October 13 at 8 AM to the Cheyenne River area. Meet at Cappacino area.

  BHRMUC: Ellen reported that the focus is on the pine beetle and public awareness. There are seminars for homeowners: Rimrock Community Church, 12270 W Hwy 44, Rapid City, SD, 57702 Oct. 24 at 6:30PM., Deadwood Gulch Convention Center, Hwy 85, Deadwood, SD 57732 Oct, 26 (6:30PM) and 27 (10.00AM), and Hill City High School Theater, 488 Main, Hill City, SD 57745 at October 25 (6:30 PM) & 27 (3:30 PM).

  Show: Ellen gave the preliminary costs as: Set up day, Friday July 12-$280.00, Saturday and Sunday July 13 and 14=$560 each day for a total of $1400. The Civic Center is unable to give the final costs now, it depending on what the club needs. The contract was approved by motion of Deb Radomski and seconded by Mickey Snook. No discussion. A down payment of $500 was made tonight.

  Rock and Gem magazines: Deb Radomski said that the magazine will send copies for our show. She will follow up on this.

  Business: Election of officers. Ellen called for nominations from the floor. President-Ellen Tilley, Vice President-Arlend Maul, Secretary-Paula Goddard, Treasurer-Annette Rathert, BHRMUC-Ellen Tilley, PLAC -Jan Baumeister, Field Trips-Cliff Nelson, Board 3 yr-Dave Ramberg, Board 2 yr-Gene Williams, Board 1 yr-Stan Hohn. Librarian-Calvin Luke, Historian-Annette Rathert, Newsletter Editor-Jan Baumeister, and Web Master-Jan Baumeister. Deb will help Jan as needed with the website. Dave Ramberg has volunteered to serve as show co-chairperson. Sony Hemsher will continue to serve as the SD/NE RMFMS State Director. Still needed is a show chairperson. Thank you members for your service to your club.

  Copies at UPS: Mickey Snook mentioned the good prices now for the cards. It was decided to buy two cards at a total of $84.80 for 2000 copies. Annette will buy Forever stamps before the price rise, Jan. 27,2013. (A Note from Treasurer: having the newsletter send via e-mail saves the club funds).

  PLAC: Jan reported on the recent grasslands closings in Railroad Butte area “for repair work”, which Jan told them a dam was washed out for years so cattle had no water. No reply. She requested maps of the area and they were out, they were to be in libraries in areas, but Jan found none in our library. She ordered 12 from the head office at Chadron. She will be putting information in the November Ammonite so members can call and get one for free. Forest Service needs to be watched. Ellen added that if you plan to go to

  Indian Creek, there will be bison in the area after November 1.

  Library copies: Jan will be sending a list of club library offerings in the newsletter.

  Member Conduct: Jan Baumeister expressed concern about some behavior at recent meetings/shows. Code of Conduct: 1. If a member has a disagreement with a member/officer, that member is to meet privately a

  after the meeting. Issues can be discussed at meetings as part of the democratic process, but not on a 1:1 personal argument during meetings. 2. At our shows, we will not tolerate rude, profane behavior toward any one. The dealers and public are our guests, and we will be respectful. Rudeness and profanity give our club a bad reputation. 3. Inappropriate behaviors (profanity, yelling, and refusal to discontinue such) are very disruptive and disrespectful. A reply to this concern was: that such actions may result in the member be

  removed from the meeting with the assistance of the Rapid City Police Dept. Continued inappropriate

  behavior can result in revocation of membership. We exist to share and enjoy our love of rocks.

·  Meeting Adjourned: David Philpot and seconded by Ellen Tilley.


A small group of club members enjoyed a field trip to the Cheyenne River bridge area on Highway 44. No Fairburn agates were found, but they had a good time helping the children find petrified wood, prairie agates and other collectibles. 2


Due to the hunting season, it is best that we rock hunt in a safer area so the Kern Beds was chosen. Mrs. Kern ranched in this area and

loved to gather these banded agates now called “Fairburns”. These Fairburn beds are located about 13 miles east of the old town of

Fairburn, SD where there is a former picnic area. Meet at Eastside Family Thrift Center at 8am. Ellen Tilley, field trip leader.

FOUR STATE AREA SHOWS: There aren’t any shows in the five state area this month, however, this big AFMS & Midwest Federation show and convention will be held on April 6-7th, 2013 at Lincoln, Nebraska, and it is well worth

planning ahead to see it.


I had an email from Karla Arthur, one of our newer members, who notified me about seeing signs stating closure of certain area of Rail-- -road Buttes in September. She was back in this area the first part of October and reported that all the signs were taken down on the west side of the road, just before the motorcycle play area and a road to the southwest! The only trail left that may be closed the one going along the east side of the Railroad Buttes-it is closed according to the map. Free maps are available by calling the Nebraska National Forest head office at Chadron, NE–phone: 308-432-0300. Thank you, Karla! SOS rockhounds, can you find 10 minutes for computer time to help stop closure of Horse Canyon, Kern Co, CA? It’s under review-anyone can comment! We may be future visitors someday and want to hunt the only green tubercular agate in North America. We may need to help others!.

Email addres: –find the email address to comment. From John Martin, AFMSConservation/ Legislation Chair, AFMS November 2012 Newsletter

RMFM President DeLane Cox’s Message

I’m so happy to welcome another new club into the Rocky Mountain Federation family. This one is the Friends of the Colorado School of

Mines Geology Museum, located in Golden. Colorado. I look forward to greeting them personally at the next RMFMS convention. They

join our three other new clubs for this year: the R.O.C.K in Stansbury Park, Utah; Cache Rock and Gem Club in Brigham, Utah; and

Coconino Lapidary Club in Flagstaff, Arizona.

All of the RMFMS Contest Chairs have been notified to start work for next year’s competitions. If your club has not been sending in

entries to the various contests the RMF offers, …Why Not? I KNOW we have many clubs that are doing great jobs with their programs,

field trips, Junior Clubs, getting publicity out, having wonderful Shows, and supporting their communities. So, all of that information

to be kept in a scrapbook, then entered into the All American Club contest. Also, most every club has a newsletter. They need to be entered in the Editors Contest. Does you club have a web site? Did you know we have a contest for Webmasters? Every club, yes, every club should be nominating someone, or more than one someone, for the ACROY and Jr. ACROY awards. Lest I forget, here

is the Programs Contest where you may enter a presentation made to your club to share with your RMFMS sister clubs. Oh, my, we have lots of ways your club may participate. I have been hearing from some of the leadership in a couple of clubs this summer. I would

love to hear from your club, too. Ask your editor put me on the emailing list, and send me your newsletter. That way, I will have a better

idea of what all our clubs are doing.

( Printed in part from RMFMS NEWS, October 2012)



For those of you who are interested in learning basic lapidary, cutting and polishing gemstones, LapidaryJournal - Jewelry Artist

Magazine offers a free download of an E-book called "The Complete Lapidary Experience: Hunt, Cut, and Set Gems". This collection

of articles takes you on a field trip to collect rough moonstone then through the cutting and polishing phases and finally to setting the

stone in a piece of jewelry. To be able to cut or modify your lapidary work gives greater depth to the feeling you get when you

can say, “Yes, I made it myself”.

Get your free E-Book at: http://


A quick and easy way to suspend a Foredom over your jewelry bench is to use some steel pipe components from your local hardware

store. It attaches with a couple screws and costs a little over $10 I use 1/2 inch galvanized pipe and fittings. To build a stand that

attaches to the top of your bench, all you'll need is a flange and a thirty inch length of the pipe. If you prefer a stand that attaches to the

side of your bench, you'll need a little longer pipe, three foot, a flange, and a 90 degree "street elle". Finally, make a hook that goes

into the top of the pipe to hang the motor from. You can use heavy coat hanger wire or better yet, a 1/8 steel rod from the hardware

store. (from Beehive Buzzer via Segams-June 2011)

TWISTING WIRE for Jewelry Making

Twisting wires together can be done with an old hand drill but goes much faster with power tool. My preference is to use a screw gun, although a Dremel or Foredom should do well.Just make a little hook out of coat hanger wire (or use a screw-in cup hook) and chuck it

up in your screw gun. Fasten the ends of the wires in a vice and slip the other ends on your hook. Keep a little tension on the wires as you twist. Note that a power drill is too fast a tool for this unless you have one with a variable speed control.

(From Segams-St Petersburg, FL bulletin, June 2011)