/ Whole Numbers, Fractions, Coins, Computation / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1.Counts, orders, identifies,describes, represents wholenumbers (INCLUDES PLACE VALUE).
2. Reads, writes, represents fractions.
3. Addition through selection/application of effective strategy
Counting On Facts with Zero Making Ten Doubles Doubles + 1 Combinations of 10
[Concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations should be used with all of the above for scaffolded instruction & practice.] / + = Counts to 100 + [rote, skip by 10s, 1:1]
√ = Counts to 100 [rote, skip by 10s, 1:1]
- = Counts to 100 [rote, skip by 10s, 1:1] with prompting
+ = Strong recognition of equal halves of a whole
√ = Recognizes when concrete or pictorial parts of a whole are equal halves
- = Recognizes when concrete or pictorial parts of a whole are equal halves [with prompting]
+ = Independently adds 1-digit numerals, using concrete objects
√ = Adds 1-digit numerals by joining concrete objects
- = Adds 1-digit numerals by joining concrete objects [with continued scaffolding] / + = Represents [Concrete-Pictorial-Word] #s to 100+
√ = Represents [Concrete-Pictorial-Word] #s to 100
- = Represents [Concrete-Pictorial-Word] #s to 100 with prompting
+ = Strong recognition of equal fourths/quarters of a whole
√ = Recognizes when concrete or pictorial parts of a whole are equal fourths/quarters
- = Recognizes when concrete or pictorial parts of a whole are equal fourths/quarters [with prompting]
+ = Finds the sum of 1-digit numerals with effective strategy [including mental math]
√ = Selects a strategy to correctly find the sum of 1-digit numerals
- = Selects a strategy to correctly find the sum of 1-digit numerals
[with prompting & extra practice] / + = Recognizes, writes, compares/ orders #s, skip counts to 100+
√ = Recognizes, writes, compares/ orders #s, skip counts by2s, 5s, 25s to 100
- = Recognizes, writes, compares/ orders #s, skip counts to 100 with prompting or difficulty
+ = Strong recognition of equal thirds of a whole
√ = Recognizes when concrete or pictorial parts of a whole are equal thirds
- = Recognizes when concrete or pictorial parts of a whole are equal thirds [with prompting]
+ = Finds the sum of 3 single-digit addends, using effective strategy [including mental math]
√ = Selects a strategy to correctly find the sum of 3 single-digit addends
- = Selects a strategy to correctly find the sum of 3 single-digit addends
[with prompting & extrapractice] / + = Strong number sense with TENS & ONES up to 100+ and even &odd #s
√ = Recognizes [100s chart, base 10 blocks] and creates representations of TENS & ONES up to 100 and even & odd #s
- = Recognizes [100s chart, base 10 blocks] and creates TENS & ONES up to 100 and even & odd #s] with much prompting or difficulty
+ = Represents & writes fractions: ½, ¼, 1/3+ in multiple ways
√ = Represents & writes the fractions: ½, ¼, 1/3
- = Difficulty representing & writing fractions: ½, 1/4, 1/3
+ = Finds the sum of 2-digit numerals with effective strategy [including mental math]
√ = Selects a strategy to correctly find the sum of 2-digit numerals
- = Selects a strategy to correctly find the sum of 2-digit numerals
[with prompting & extra practice]
/ Whole Numbers, Fractions, Coins, Computation (cont’d.) / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1.Subtraction through selection/application of effective strategy:
Using 0 Counting Back Counting On Doubles Related Facts (inverse operation, fact family) Making Ten
[Concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations should be used with all of the above for scaffolded instruction & practice.]
2.Applies coin values to counting, comparing, making change / + = Independently subtracts 1-digit numerals, using concrete objects
√ = Subtracts 1-digit numerals by separating concrete objects
- = Subtracts 1-digit numerals by separating concrete objects [with continued scaffolding]
+ = Strong understanding of all coin values
√ = Knows value of penny, nickel, dime, quarter
- = Knows most values of penny, nickel, dime, quarter / + = Finds the difference of 1-digit numerals with effective strategies [including mental math]
√ = Selects a strategy to correctly find the difference of 1-digit numerals
- = Selects a strategy to correctly find the difference of 1-digit numerals
[with prompting & extra practice]
+ = Independently counts coins & finds total amount with accuracy √ = Counts coins correctly/accurately to arrive at total amount - = Counts coins with prompting to arrive at amount [not always accurate] / + = Finds the difference of 2-digit minus 1-digit numerals, using effective strategy [including mental math]
√ = Selects a strategy to correctly find the difference of 2-digit minus 1-digitnumerals
- = Selects a strategy to correctly find the difference of 2-digit minus 1-digitnumerals[with prompting & extra practice]
+ = Independently compares coins to determine more or less √ = Compares combinations of coins to determine moreor less - = Compares coin combinations to determine more or less [with prompting] / + = Finds the difference between 2-digit numerals with effective strategy [including mental math]
√ = Selects a strategy to correctly find the difference between 2-digit numerals
- = Selects a strategy to correctly find the difference between 2-digit numerals
[with prompting & extra practice]
+ = Easily shows equal coin values, using many different combinations of coins √ = Shows equal value, using different combinations of coins - = Shows equal value, using different combinations of coins [with prompting]
MEASUREMENT / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
/ 1.Compares attributes of objects
(use of non-standard units) to estimate capacity & weight
2. Selects appropriate unit or tool
3. Uses standard unit to determine actual length
4. Determines elapsed time on a calendar
5. Identify time of day [half hour] / + = Easily compares objects’ attributes to estimate weight
√ = Compares objects’ attributes to estimate weight [more/less, heavier/lighter]
- = Prompted comparison of attributes to estimate weight
+ = Independently locates various dates on calendar& accurately reports month/day/year √ = Locates date(s) [current/before/after] on calendar & correctly reports month/day/year
- = Locates date(s) on calendar & reports month/day/year [with prompting] / + = = Easily compares objects’ attributes to estimate capacity
√ = Compares attributes of objects to estimate capacity [more/less]
- = Prompted comparison of attributes to estimate capacity
+ = Easily states sequential order of all months of year
√ = Names all months of year in order - = Names most months of year in order [with prompting] / + = Strong awareness
of various tools’ uses in measurement
√ = Selects ruler as appropriate tool to measure length
- = Selects ruler [with prompting] as appropriate tool for measuring length
+ = Easily determines lengths of time & making comparison, using both calendar and clock √ = Determines & compares length(s) of time, using calendar and clock - = Determines & compares length of time, using calendar and clock [with prompting] / + = Skillfully aligns ruler & object in order to estimate approximate length
√ = Aligns ruler & object to estimate approximate length
- = Scaffolding required in estimating length
+ = Demonstrates strength in identifying time to half-hour
√ = Identifies time accurately to nearest half-hour
- = Incorrectly identifies time to nearest half-hour
GEOMETRY / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
/ 1.Identify 2 & 3-dimensional shapes and combine/separate shapes
2. Identify symmetry in nature / + = Easily identifies 2-D shapes
√ = Identifies 2-D shapes
- = Identifies most 2-D shapes
+ = Easily recognizes equal halves in graphic representations
√ = Recognizes equal halves in graphic representations
- = Recognizes equal halves in graphic representations [with prompting] / + = Easily identifies 3-D shapes
√ = Identifies 3-D shapes
- = Identifies some/most 3-D shapes
+ = Easily compares equal halves of an object for sameness √ = Compares equal halves of an object for sameness - = Compares equal halves of an object for sameness[with prompting] / + = Locates all shapes in environment +
√ = Locates all shapes in environment
- = Locates some/most shapes in environment
+ = Confidently uses symmetry term
√ = Use symmetry term correctly
- = Misuses symmetry term / + = Independently combines & divides shapes to create new shapes
√ = Combines & divides shapes to create new shapes
- = Combines & divides shapes to create new shapes [with prompting]
+ = Locates many sources of symmetry in nature √ = Identifies symmetry in nature - = Identifies symmetry in nature [with prompting]
/ ALGEBRA / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1.Identify, describe, extend patterns
2.Complete an equation by finding missing addend or missing symbol
3. Match a number sentence to a story problem. / + = Easily identifies & describes many patterns of shape/size/color/sound
√ = Identifies & describes patterns of shape/size/color/sound
- = Identifies & describes some patterns of shape/size/color/sound
+ = Easily Identifies all parts of a number sentence with accurate vocab.
√ = Identifies parts of a number sentence
- = Identifies some parts of a number sentence / + = Repeats/extends many patterns of shape/size/color/sound
√ = Repeats/extends patterns of shape/size/color/sound
- = Repeats/extends some patterns of shape/size/color/sound
+ = Independently represents a number sentence with an appropriate model
√ = Uses concrete objects/pictures to represent a number sentence
- = Uses concrete objects/pictures to represent a number sentence [with prompting] / + = Easily identifies & describes many patterns of numbers
√ = Identifies & describes patterns of numbers
- = Identifies & describes some patterns of numbers
+ = Strength in completing numerous number sentences with correct symbol& addend
√ = Completes number sentence by choosing correct symbol & addend
- = Completes some/most number sentenceby choosing correct symbol & addend / + =Repeats/extends many patterns ofnumbers
√ =Repeats/extends patterns of numbers
- =Repeats/extends some patterns of numbers
+ = Ease in choosing correct equation to solve story problems
√ = Chooses correct equation to solve story problem
- = Chooses correct equation to solve story problem
[with prompting]
/ DATA ANALYSIS / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1.Gather, organize, display data into charts or graphs
2. Draw conclusions based on data represented in charts & graphs / + = Easily recognizes numerous data related to display [chart, graph] subject
√ = Recognizes data that relates to display subject
- = Requires prompting in order to recognize data related to subject
+ = Easily recognizes information which data provides
√ = Recognizes information which data provides
- = Recognizes [with prompting] information which data provides / + = Strong awareness of various sources of data in real-life settings
√ = Able to name places where data can be found
- = Can name a place to locate data [with prompting]
+ = Capably explainsrelevance of the data to the graph or chart
√ = Able to explain why data is related to graph or chart
- = States why [with prompting] data is related to graph or chart / + = Very capably collects numerous pieces of data for display
√ = Collects appropriate data for display
- = Some collection [with assistance] of appropriate data for display
+ = Reads data and identifies many facts and comparisons
√ = Answers questions: “How many more?” “How do you know?”
- = Able to answer a question [with prompting] about the data on display / + = Strong participation in organizing and displaying data
√ = Able to participate in organizing and displaying data in a chart or graph
- = Can participate [with prompting] in organizing and displaying data
+ = Draws numerous conclusions, makes predictions based on data
√ = Draws conclusions based on data in a chart or graph
- = Draws some conclusions [with prompting] in data
PROBLEM SOLVING / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
/ 1.Solves problems correctly & able to explain how solution was found / + = Easily identifies important components of a problem
√ = Recognizes problem and able to state what it is
- = Uncertain of problem & difficulty explaining it / + = Identifies several appropriate strategies to solve problem
√ = Chooses appropriate strategy/operation to solve problem
- = Requires prompting to select a strategy to solve problem / + = Easily explains all steps used to solve problem
√ =Clearly/correctly explains steps to follow in order to solve problem
- = Explains some steps used to solve problem / + = Independently solves many problems correctly and able to explain “why” answer is correct
√ = Solves problem correctly and able to show/tell “why” answer is correct
- = Solves some problems correctly and able to show/tell [with prompting] “why” answer is correct
MATH FACT MASTERY / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1.Recall basic math facts quickly & accurately
[The above is achieved by learning effective strategies for addition and applying those strategies through practice in the classroom & home.] / NA: Student is learning/practicing effective strategies for addition. / NYI: Student continues to practice effective + strategies and will begin MFFby end of MP. / + = Demonstrates fluency in >50% of + sets [>M]
√ = Demonstrates fluency in 25-50% of + sets[through G – M]
- = Demonstrates fluency in <25% of + sets [ G] / + = Demonstrates fluency in >75% of + sets[>S]
√ = Demonstrates fluency in 51-75% of + sets [through N – S]
- = Demonstrates fluency in <51% of + sets [N]

Please note: The rubric is not requiring that each MP’s content must be covered during that MP. It is also not to be interpreted as a required sequence. However, it does reflect the skill expectations for Grade 1 math.

SCORING GUIDE:+** = 3 points√ = 2 points- = 1 point

** Student receiving + uses math vocabulary accurately & consistently.

Add total points earned from all concepts and divide that total by the # of concepts covered.

Example: 37 points ÷ 15 concepts covered = 2.5 [average]

Refer to Performance Level ranges below to determine final performance level.


3.0 - 2.7 2.69 – 2.0 < 2.0