Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

DAY / : / (1) / CLASS / :
TIME / : / DATE / :
THEME / : / World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS / : / Listening and Speaking
OBJECTIVE / : / By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to;
1.  Talk about type of occupations with guidance.
ACTIVITY / : / 1. Teacher passes a box and asks pupils to sing a song.
2. Teacher will give a signal to stop.
3. The last pupils will answer a question.
4. Pupils will answer the question stated.
·  Question: What is your father? Where does he work?
Let’s Talk (page13)
1. Ask pupils to read the dialogue.
2. Discuss the conversation with pupils.
4. Proceed the passing box
3. Draw out paper and answer questions.
·  Refer to the conversation(page 13)
Group Activity
1.Pupils answer the questions using I –Think Map
·  What would you do with the money from your salary?
·  Give your reason.
·  How much would you save in a month?
·  Analyze your saving
2. Presentation.
Individual work
Write about....
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
TEACHING AIDS / : / Text book, whiteboard, dictionary
CCE/EE / : / Multiple Intelligences
MORAL VALUES / : / Ambitious
EMK / : / Creative and innovative
REFLECTION / : / Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson.
Teacher’s action:
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ______.

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

DAY / : / (2) / CLASS / :
TIME / : / DATE / :
THEME / : / World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS / : / Reading
LEARNING STANDARD / : / 2.2.2(a)
OBJECTIVE / : / By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to;
1.  Read and show satisfactory understanding of a text.
2.  To apply dictionary skills in locating words and find meaning of base word.
ACTIVITY / : / 1. Shows RM5 to pupils and asks them to list the things they are going to buy.
2. Asks pupils randomly to read the list.
3. Explain the topic.
Classroom Discussion
Building up vocabulary ( based on the text)
1. Teacher introduces two words NEED and WANT.
·  Ask the meaning of the two words.
·  Examples: saving for a rainy day, borrow, money, afford, save up.etc
3.Discuss the meaning of each words/idioms/phrases
·  Dictionary Skills
4. Pronunciation Drilling
Let’s Read and Answer
1. Ask pupils to read the useful tips on how to manage money.
2.Practice the reading;
·  as a class, in group and as individually
3.Discuss the content of the text
·  the main ideas
Individual work( page15)
1. Answering questions.
TEACHING AIDS / : / Text book, dictionary
CCE/EE / : / Contextualism
MORAL VALUES / : / Determined
EMK / : / TMK
REFLECTION / : / Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson.
Teacher’s action:
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ______.

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

DAY / : / (3) / CLASS / :
TIME / : / DATE / :
THEME / : / World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS / : / Writing – Let’s write
LEARNING STANDARD / : / 3.1.1(b)(c)
OBJECTIVE / : / By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to;
1.  Write about their choice using the information given.
ACTIVITY / : / 1. Teacher shows pictures of three different type of mobile phone.
2. Teacher asks pupils which are their choices.
3. Teacher asks briefly about their choices.
Let’s write
1. Refer to textbook(page18)
2. Pupils read the information.
3. Discuss about the information.
4. Teacher gives tips on how to answer the information transfer.
Group Activity
1. Make a choice.
2. Discuss
3. Refer to the example answer provided. ( page 17)
4. Present
Individual work
1.Rewrite a paragraph.( Page 7)
TEACHING AIDS / : / Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary
CCTS / : / 1. Collecting & classifying information
MORAL VALUES / : / Be prudent
EMK / : / Creative and innovative
REFLECTION / : / Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson.
Teacher’s action:
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ______.

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

DAY / : / (4) / CLASS / :
TIME / : / DATE / :
THEME / : / World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS / : / Grammar – Let’s learn, Let’s write
LEARNING STANDARD / : / 5.1.1 (d)(e)
OBJECTIVE / : / By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to;
1.  Know what countable nouns and uncountable nouns are.
2.  Use countable nouns and uncountable nouns in writing.
ACTIVITY / : / ‘Congak Techniques’
1.Teacher chooses pupils randomly
2.Teacher says the word: Ex: Bus( singular)
3.Pupils answer immediately: Ex: Buses
Let’s Learn and Practise
1. Refer to textbook –page 19
2. Teacher refreshes the topic; countable and uncountable nouns.
-The use of a, an, a few, several, many, some, plenty of, a lot of with Countable Nouns.
-The use of a little, much, some, plenty of, a lot of with uncountable Nouns.
3. Refer to the text (page 19)
- Choose the correct answers.
4. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils.
Group Activity
1.Refer to textbook(page 19)
2. Pupils group the words into countable and uncountable nouns.
3. Pupils complete phrases.
4 Teacher discusses the answers with pupils
Individual work
1. Write 5 sentences using phrases; Examples : two babies, several deer
TEACHING AIDS / : / Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary
CCTS / : / 1. Collecting & classifying information
MORAL VALUES / : / Co-operation
EMK / : / TMK
REFLECTION / : / Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson.
Teacher’s action:
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ______.

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

DAY / : / (5) / CLASS / :
TIME / : / DATE / :
THEME / : / World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS / : / Language Arts – Contemporary Literature
Alice’s Adventures in wonderland by Lewis Carroll
LEARNING STANDARD / : / 4.2.1(a)
OBJECTIVE / : / By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to;
1.  Talk about the characters in the story heard.
2.  Give personal responses to the story heard.
ACTIVITY / : / 1. Teacher shows picture of Alice and Rabbit and asks pupils if they ever heard a story about them.
2. Have short conversation with pupils.
Classroom Discussion
2. Pupil reads and acts the story.
3. Asks pupils to listen and identify the main characters and others characters in the story heard.
4. Teacher asks some oral questions related to the story.
·  Who is the author? What is the title?
4.Learn the meaning of some words/idioms/phrases
·  Refer to the story.
Group Work
1. Answering questions.
·  Teacher and pupils discuss the story by answering few questions.
Individual Work
1. Draw picture of Alice and The rabbit.
TEACHING AIDS / : / Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary
CCTS / : / 1. Collecting & classifying information
MORAL VALUES / : / Brave wise
EMK / : / Creative and inovative
REFLECTION / : / Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson.
Teacher’s action:
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ______.