Public LibrariesDivision Executive Board Meeting Minutes

TLA Annual Assembly, Austin, Texas

Saturday, July 8 2017 at 2:00 PM


Jennifer Schwartz – PLD Chair

Jennifer Freeman – PLD Secretary

Colleen Cunningham – PLD Treasurer & PLD Legislative Liaison

Jessica Russell – PLD Councilor

Allen Westrick - Webmaster

Carmen Abrego – PLD Programming Committee

Linda Stevens – TLA Liaison

Meeting called to order at 2:31p by Chair Jennifer Schwartz

General Introductions

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from April 21, 2017 PLD Executive Board Meeting at the TLA Annual Conference were discussed. One chance needed to be made to the minutes: The section for the Programming Committee Report is mistitled as “Planning Committee”. With this change, minutes were approved.

Introduction of New Officers

  1. Chair-elect – Diana Slavinsky
  2. Secretary – Jenn Freeman
  3. Councilor– Jessica Russell

Discussion on terms of Councilor position since Jessica is replacing Jane Darling mid term. Jessica will not be starting a new term for three (3) years and will only continue out Jane’s term as Councilor. Linda Stevens is checking to see if Alternate Councilor position can be left open until regular elections occur.

Nominating Committee Update: Sally Miculek will head up a nominating committee for the next cycle of elections, which will include: Treasurer, Alternate Councilor, Councilor, Secretary, Chair-Elect.

Treasurer’s Report: No report. Budget Discussion byJennifer Schwartz: Furtherdiscussion from the July 7, 2017 PLD Membership Meeting on changing the amount of money kept in reserve in the operating budget from the past guideline of no more than 75% of membership allotment to a specific amount, such as $6000. All changes to operating procedures will need an official vote from the PLD membership online. Jennifer restructured the budget. Extra money will be used to double the Tall Texans Stipend, increase the Conference Stipends, & created a line item for Co-Sponsorships.

There will be no pre-conferences for Dallas, so PLD will not be receiving additional money from those. Potentially looking into having Public Library pre-conference program(s) in 2019.

Councilor’s Report: Some interest groups are changing to discussion groups. These Interest Groups were having issues getting their officer positions filled and really just wanted a forum to exchange ideas, network, bond. These Discussion Groups will have no dues, no officers. Reading List Coordination Task Force and Texas Topazhave transitioned to standing committees. Scholarship and Research Committee has changed to the Scholarship Committee. Texas Media Awards has changed to Texas Youth Creators Awards.

Membership Committee Report: Jennifer Schwartz on behalf of Dianna Landes – Diane has been focusing on connecting libraries with other local libraries. She has conducted a research project on where we have gaps in membership and will be working closely with the Social Media Committee.

Social Media Committee Report: Jennifer Schwartz on behalf of Travis Walvoord- Travis is working on designing a PLD logo. He will soon sending on invites to FB page (a closed group). If FB page goes well, will work on adding Twitter.

Scholarships Committee Report: Jennifer Schwartz on behalf of Jennifer Coffey–Jennifer submitted a timeline yesterday at the PLD Membership meeting. As of yesterday’s meeting, the Scholarship Committee was in a position to only give PLD member a $400 stipend to TALL Texas and then $400 contribution from PLD to Tall Texans; however, these amounts increased with the new budget restructuring.

Legislative Committee Report: Pushing inviting legislatures to your library, getting them more involved and prepared for the next session. Discussion about ALA midwinterpossibly being scheduled for San Antonio in 2022. Quilt Raffle received $3,000 at conference.

Programming Committee Report: Carmen Abrego on behalf of Kevin Marsh - Jennifer, Kevin, Vicky, Carmen met with Janet (ProColiaison). Received positive feedback on 2018 programming. Tweaked a few names & content/focus for PLD Dallas programs. Currently have 9 – 10 potential programs.

Webmaster Report: Allen Westrick - Completed webmaster training yesterday; having issues with passwords, but tracking down login information.

TLA Executive Board Report: Linda Stevens - No new report. When new operating procedures are written up and shared with PLD membership, PLD will need to vote. Linda is checking on voting mechanism for online voting.

Other Business:

Proposed changes for Operating Procedures: Jennifer Schwartz –Would like to recommend the Treasurer have a 3 year term instead of 1 year. Changing budget reserve to a specific amount instead of a percentage. Moving to make a Quorum (4) instead of (7). Legislative Liaison – Making this position a 4 year term and in the 4th year, have incoming liaison overlap with outgoing liaison.

Membership Party: Jennifer Schwartz – Dianna is looking at ALOFT as a location for the 2018 Membership Party at TLA Annual Conference in Dallas. Sponsorships for 2018:Ingram & Biblionixagain as well as possiblyadding McMillan Publishers. Discussed at membership meeting more ways for interaction during party.

Meeting Adjourned at3:22p by Jennifer Schwartz.