Name / Representing / Present / Absent
Carol Kimbrough, President / Steering Committee / x
Chris Moss, 1st Vice-President / Steering Committee / x
Ann Wright, 2nd Vice-President / Steering Committee / x
Nancy Schur-Beymer, Secretary/Treasurer / Steering Committee / x
Liz Estrella, Senator At-Large / Steering Committee / x
Tony Anderson, Past-President / Steering Committee
Fernando Cabrera / Adjunct Faculty / x
Melissa Hornstein * (on leave) / Math/Science/Engineering / (on leave)
Jason Hough / Language/Fine Arts / x
Salina Lopez / Adjunct Faculty / x
Peggy Mayfield / Library / x
Melissa Stave / Kinesiology/Athletics, Health Ed. / x
Lisa Storm / Social and Behavioral Science / x
Steve Triano / Advanced Technology & Applied Sci. / x
( ) / Language /Fine Arts
( ) / Nursing & Allied Health
( ) / Counseling & Categorical Programs

Guests:Augustine Nevarez, Mary Dominguez, Brian Lofman, LaVerne Cook

  1. Call to Order: 3:00 PM, A-116
  2. Adopt Agenda: MSP (vote: unanimous)
  3. Approval of Minutes, 11/11/2014 & 11/25/2015: MSP (vote: unanimous)
  4. Public Comments: None
  5. Reports:
  6. Facilities Master Plan: discussion and Q/A by Dr. Lewallen - deferred
  7. Student discipline and grievance processes, Augustine Nevarez

Mr. Nevarez discussed BP/AP 5500, Standards of Student Conduct, BP 5505, Student Complaints and Grievances and AP 5520, Student Discipline. AP 5520 outlines procedures by which a student may be removed from class, suspended or expelled for violations of the Standards of Student Conduct. Faculty/counselors may remove a disruptive student from class for two class periods (the day of removal and the following class meeting). Further disciplinary action is based upon written notice of the specific violation(s) and notification of the student by the Director of Student Affairs. The student may meet with the Director of Student Affairs who, with the Vice President for Student Affairs, may then recommend further action to the Superintendent/President. Further action may include written or verbal reprimands, short-term suspension, long-term suspension and recommendation to the Board of Trustees for expulsion for one or more terms. Students have the right to file complaints and grievances against Hartnell College personnel and/or procedures in accordance with the provisions of BP 5505.

The Senate body discussed several scenarios of disruptive student behavior and the impact on other students within a classroom setting. Further discussion and training on responding to disruptive students, violations of student code of conduct, and protecting the integrity of the classroom may be beneficial to all faculty. The Senate thanked Augustine for his presentation and discussion.

  1. Online attendance program in lieu of printed rosters, Mary Dominguez

Mary is looking for faculty to serve on a task force to develop a new computerized attendance program.

  1. Report from Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee, Ann Wright

Dr. Ann Wright presented a final report on this committee’s activities and recommendations. The committee received recommendations from the PPA reports that had been vetted by Deans, ranked and forwarded through the office of academic affairs. These rankings were considered, but the committee did its own independent ranking based on program trends, FTES/FTEF, productivity, and percentage of courses taught by full-time faculty; degree programs showing evidence of further growth or those areas where there are no full-time faculty were also among the considerations. This committee was newly configured this year and the processes for determining the prioritization of full-time faculty hires will be examined as part of the continuous improvement process required for all standing committees.

  1. Institution-Set Standards (second reading), Brian Lofman

Dr. Lofman presented the final recommendations of the task force for institution-set standards.

  1. Action Items
  2. Accept and support final draft, Facilities Master Plan(MSF)

Questions still remained regarding some aspects of the Facilities Master Plan including proposed use of the auxiliary gym and the accuracy of the use report for that area; space standards for the library was questioned. Several faculty members were able to meet with Dr. Lewallen to express their concerns and receive answers to their questions that underscored the intent to keep class rooms and student learning as a primary focus.

Motion/Second: Moss/Hough. Vote: motion Failed (AYE votes: Hough, Moss, Wright, Lopez)

  1. Accept and support report from Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee (MSP)

Motion/Second: Anderson/Hough. Vote: Pass, No: Hough, Anderson

  1. Accept and support report on institution-set standards (MSP)

Motion/Second: Hough/Anderson. Vote: Pass, unanimous

  1. Faculty Committee Appointments
  2. College Planning Council: Salina Lopez

MSP (vote: unanimous)

  1. Selection committees:
  2. FT Temporary CSS Instructor: Pam Wiese, Joe Welch, ParvizEntekhabi

MSP (vote: unanimous)

  1. Director of Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Initiatives: nominations

Two faculty members indicated interest in receiving Academic Senate support for this position; the Senate listened to the statements of each interested candidate and voted to elect Kelly Locke to the position by majority vote. (MSP. Vote: Pass; No: Anderson)

  1. Resolutions in support of faculty
  2. Resolution in support of Melissa Stave (Wright/ author) approved by acclamation.
  3. Resolution in support of Ken Rand (Moss/author) approved by acclamation.
  4. Discussion and Support of application for bachelor’s degree program: food safety (MSP)

The application for a proposed bachelor’s degree in food safety has involved extensive effort and may be the only program of this type in the nation. Community support has been highly favorable for this proposal. Only 15 community college proposals will be accepted and results should be known by January 21,2015; deadline for the application is December 19, 2014. M/S: Anderson/Moss. Vote: unanimous.

  1. Discussion and Support of an online attendance program (task force) as an alternative to printed rosters

Salina Lopez, Jason Hough, Chris Moss, and Steve Triano volunteered to assist.

  1. Senate authority transferred to Steering Committee for semester break (MSP)

Motion/Second: Anderson/Moss. Vote: unanimous.

  1. Discussion Items
  2. New Catalog Template for AA/AS Degrees and GE Patterns

LaVerne Cook provided examples and discussion. This will be discussed further within the counseling department and catalog committee.

  1. Update/comments on ACCJC Accreditation Follow-up Report

Senators were encouraged to read the draft copy and forward concerns or comments to Dr. Kildal, or members of the Accreditation Council (Ann Wright and Carol Kimbrough both serve on this council). It should be noted that all recommendations of the ACCJC are addressed in this follow-up report as well as planning agenda items. This will return to the next meeting as an action item.

  1. Announcements (Senators): updates on standing committee/shared governance activities
  2. Carol Kimbrough recognized Stephanie Low for her service to Hartnell and her support and expertise in the area of curriculum; Ms. Low thanked the Senate for their support during her tenure at Hartnell.
  3. Peggy Mayfield reported on library hours during final exam week
  4. Carol Kimbrough thanked the Senators for their support and involvement during the semester and wished all a happy holiday break.
  5. Adjournment : 5:05 PM

"In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the HC Academic Senate record the votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to havevoted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other members are presumed to have voted in the majority."

1 | Academic Senate Minutes, 12/9/2014