Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Higher Compton Barton Ltd

Held at Marldon Village Hall on Saturday 12th June 2010 at 2.00pm

Present: Steve (Chairman) and Caroline Kocur No.4; Helen Tucker (Secretary) No.7; John Irish (Treasurer) No.12; Richard (Estates) and Rose-Marie Duffield No. 13; Jilly Sheen No.2; Duncan Whitehead No.5; Chris Lester No.10; Stephen Heaver No.11.

Apologies: Cathy and Stewart Oetegenn No1; Adrian Sheen No.2; James and Jeanette Phillips No.3; Emma Whitehead No.5; Paul and Rebecca Proctor No.9.

Minutes of Previous AGM:

A correction was made to those present at the meeting. Angela Chapman was changed to Chris Lester.

Otherwise, the minutes of the meeting were accepted and signed by the chairman.

Matters Arising:

No matters were raised.


The accounts were reviewed and approved. Copy put in file.

It was agreed that we maintain the current level of management charges to be paid on the 1stJune and December.

John Irish predicted that our spending this year is likely to be more than the predicted income but our savings will cover this.

Expected expenditure will be on painting fascia boards, dealing with drains in No.13’s garden and ongoing expenditure for the central courtyard.

John Irish reported that this is the first year we have been liable to pay tax.

John Irish and Steve Kocur will remain signatories for cheques.


Annual Return was completed. Any necessary changes were made at the time.

Estate Matters:

A big thank you to Richard and Graham for taking over estate matters at such short notice.

It was agreed that residents will continue to help out when able to whenever work needs to be done.

Steve reported that Stewart would be willing to continue to do the strimming in upper Farmyard Lane and keeping clear the lower Farmyard Lane.

C&M resprayed the moss in the courtyard during the week. Caroline asked if Richard would mind emailing everyone when weedkiller was going to be used because of the children and animals.

Stephen Heaver reported that as long as the drains in No.10’s garden and in the field are kept clear, no further problems should arise.

Richard and Rose-Marie reported that the drains at the bottom of their garden overflow violently on a regular basis. It was agreed that work will need to be done on them and Richard will obtain the necessary quotes and refer back to the committee.

There was a discussion about the size of the two Silver Birch trees in the courtyard outside No.5, 6 and 7. The trees block the view from these properties and due to the shallow root system of the trees, they could be at risk of falling down in a strong wind. Duncan and Helen expressed no objection to them being removed if that was felt to be the best option. There will be further discussion at the next quarterly meeting.

Jilly asked if it would be possible to have a concreted area around the bins on the East Side because when the ground is softened by rain and the depth of the gravel, it is very difficult to move the bins. No objections were raised and Stephen Heaver kindly offered us the use of a concrete mixer.

Social Events:

Thank you to everybody who has organised and/or hosted any events over the past year.

Steve and Caroline reported that they are happy to organise Christmas drinks this year.

Plans for New Year’s Eve will be discussed at one of the quarterly meetings.

Jilly and Adrian very generously paid for the Bouncy Castle for the May Bank Holiday BBQ. It was agreed that due to the popularity of the Bouncy Castle, it is likely to be wanted as a yearly event and that in future, we would need to look at how the day is funded so that one party was not totally responsible for the expenses.


Steve reported that Stewart would be happy to continue to maintain the website. James (No.7) has offered to help with this and is going to arrange to meet Stewart to discuss how he can help.

Steve reminded residents that they can add the names of any contractors they have found reliable.

Election of Officers:

Steve Kocur offered to carry on as chairman for another year. Everyone was in agreement.

John Irish offered to continue as treasurer for another year. Everyone was in agreement.

Position / Elected Officer / Proposed By / Seconded By
Secretary / Emma Whitehead / Helen Tucker / Caroline Kocur
Estates / Richard Duffield / Helen Tucker / Steve Kocur


Jilly raised concerns about our dependence on oil as a source of fuel. It was agreed that looking for alternative sources of fuel may be beneficial and Jilly agreed to organise a free assessment to be done.

Richard agreed to ask Edward Foales if he could cut the foliage back at the T junction at the top of the lane to improve visibility.

It was agreed that all residents should observe the speed restriction on the lane and to be very wary at blind spots to prevent accidents. Steve will write to Edward about the speed of farm vehicles coming up to the T junction.

Richard suggested that the edges of the triangle should be trimmed to discourage fly tipping.

Concern was raised about the risks of young children playing unsupervised around the grounds of HCB.

Parents are being reminded that there should be no football in the courtyard and that residents’ and visitors’ children are not to climb the apple trees or other structures in the courtyard.

Date of Next AGM Meeting:

Saturday 11th June 2011 at 11:00am

Date of Next Committee Meeting:

To be decided

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