DigiTools Digital WorkbookChapter 6 Name:

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Review Questions

Instructions: Write or key your answers to the questions below.

þ Peer Check Check your answers by comparing them with those of a classmate.

1. Give three examples of workers who could benefit from using a mobile computer.

2. How does a mobile computer differ from a traditional desktop computer?

3. How does a Tablet PC differ from a typical laptop computer?

4. Give three examples of tasks a PDA can help users perform.

5. Name a program that allows users to use handwriting recognition on desktop and laptop computers.

6. If you turn Automatic Recognition off in your handwriting software, when does the system insert text you have written into your document?

7. Give two examples of styles of handwriting that Office XP or the Tablet PC can recognize.

8. What option in your handwriting software allows you to insert text into a document in handwritten form?

9. Give two examples of data that you may want to enter using the on-screen keyboard rather than handwriting.

10. Explain how to copy text in a Word document using the on-screen keyboard and keyboard shortcut commands.

Vocabulary Reinforcement

Instructions: Enter the letter of each term at the left beside its definition at the right.

þ Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the last page of this document.

A. / Automatic Recognition / _____ / 1. / Button used to erase poorly written words in Writing Pad
B. / Clear or Del / _____ / 2. / Button used to move text from the Writing Pad to a Word document
C. / cursive / _____ / 3. / Computer that is small enough to carry with you easily
D. / electronic writing tablet / _____ / 4. / Detachable piece of hardware that allows users to input data with a digital pen
E. / Ink / _____ / 5. / Handheld mobile computing device
F. / Language bar / _____ / 6. / In Office XP, a toolbar that contains speech and handwriting recognition commands and options
G. / loyal / _____ / 7. / Legislation that protects the rights of employees who report the wrongdoing or illegal acts of their employers
H. / mobile computer / _____ / 8. / Mobile computer with the power and capabilities of many desktop computers
I. / personal digital assistant / _____ / 9. / Option that allows you to automatically insert handwritten text into an application after a short pause
J. / Recognize Now or Send / _____ / 10. / Option that allows you to insert text into a document in handwritten form
K. / Tablet PC / _____ / 11. / Showing commitment or support for the efforts of others
L. / whistle-blower laws / _____ / 12. / Style of writing in which the letters in each word are joined

Math Practice: Calculating Sales Trends

Instructions: Calculate answers to the following questions.

þ Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the last page of this document.

One of the main goals of a business is to make a profit. To see whether profit goals are being met, businesses analyze their sales on a regular basis.

Assume that you are working for a technology development company. The director has given you sales figures related to a new style of wireless communications. You have actual figures for four years and projections for three. Analyze the sales as follows:

1. Calculate the total yearly sales by adding the U.S. and international sales.

2. Calculate the percent U.S. sales are of the total yearly sales. Show no decimal places for all percents.

3. Calculate the percent international sales are of the total yearly sales.

4. For U.S. sales for each year, calculate the percent increase over 1999 sales.

5. For international sales for each year, calculate the percent increase over 1999 sales.

6. For total sales for each year, calculate the percent increase over 1999 sales.

($ In Millions)
Year / U.S. Sales / International Sales
1999 / 70 / 30
2000 / 100 / 40
2001 / 150 / 50
2002 / 200 / 50
2003 / 240 / 80
2004 / 300 / 100
2005 / 350 / 170

From the Editor’s Desk: Run-on Sentences


1. Open your browser software. Use the bookmark on your Favorites list to access the From the Editor’s Desk page on the Corporate View intranet. (If you do not have a bookmark, access the Corporate View intranet. Choose Corporate Communications, From the Editor’s Desk.)

2. Choose the Sentence Structure link. Under Sentence Structure, choose the Run-on Sentences link. Read the information provided and follow the directions for completing the practice exercise.

þ Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the intranet page.

Keyboarding Practice: Reinforce Key Locations

Instructions: Print this page. Key each line once at a comfortable, constant rate. Determine lines that need more practice. Repeat those lines.

a / We saw that Alan had an alabaster vase in Alabama.
b / My rubber boat bobbed about in the bubbling brook.
c / Ceci gave cups of cold cocoa to Rebecca and Rocco.
d / Don’s dad added a second deck to his old building.
e / Even as Ellen edited her document, she ate dinner.
f / Our firm in Buffalo has a staff of forty or fifty.
g / Ginger is giving Greg the eggs she got from Helga.
h / Hugh has eighty high, harsh lights he might flash.
i / Irik’s lack of initiative is irritating his coach.
j / Judge J. J. Jore rejected Jeane and Jack’s jargon.
k / As a lark, Kirk kicked back a rock at Kim’s kayak.
l / Lucille is silly; she still likes lemon lollipops.
m / Milt Mumm hammered a homer in the Miami home game.
n / Ken Linn has gone hunting; Stan can begin canning.
o / Jon Soto rode off to Otsego in an old Morgan auto.
p / Philip helped pay the prize as my puppy hopped up.
q / Quiet Raquel quit quoting at an exquisite marquee.
r / As Mrs. Kerr’s motor roared, her red horse reared.
s / Sissie lives in Mississippi; Lissa lives in Tulsa.
t / Nat told Betty not to tattle on her little sister.
u / Ula has a unique but prudish idea on unused units.
v / Eva visited every vivid event for twelve evenings.
w / We watched as wayworn wasps swarmed by the willow.
x / Tex Cox waxed the next box for Xenia and Rex Knox.
y / Ty says you may stay with Fay for only sixty days.
z / Hazel is puzzled about the azure haze; Zack dozes.
all / Jacky and Max quickly fought over a sizable prawn.

Keyboarding Practice: Speed Building

Instructions: Print this page. Key 1' timings on each paragraph. Key a 3' timing on the entire writing. Try to maintain the speed and accuracy you achieve on the 1' timings on the 3' timing.



/ 1' / 3'
Any of us whose target is to achieve success in our professional
lives will understand that we must learn how to work in harmony
with others whose paths may cross ours daily.
We will, unquestionably, work for, with, and beside people, just
as they will work for, with, and beside us. We will judge them,
as most certainly they are going to be judging us.
A lot of people realize the need for solid working relations and
have a rule that treats others as they, themselves, expect to be
treated. This seems to be a sound, practical idea for them. / 13
40 / 4

Answers to Vocabulary Reinforcement

1. / B
2. / J
3. / H
4. / D
5. / I
6. / F
7. / L
8. / K
9. / A
10. / E
11. / G
12. / C

Answers to Math Practice

($ In Millions)
1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6.
Year / U.S. Sales / International Sales / Total Yearly
Sales / U.S. Sales % of Total Sales / International Sales % of Total Sales / U.S. Sales % Increase over 1999 / International Sales % Increase over 1999 / Total Sales % Increase over 1999
1999 / 70 / 30 / 100 / 70% / 30%
2000 / 100 / 40 / 140 / 71% / 29% / 43% / 33% / 40%
2001 / 150 / 50 / 200 / 75% / 25% / 114% / 67% / 100%
2002 / 200 / 50 / 250 / 80% / 20% / 186% / 67% / 150%
2003 / 240 / 80 / 320 / 75% / 25% / 243% / 167% / 220%
2004 / 300 / 100 / 400 / 75% / 25% / 329% / 233% / 300%
2005 / 350 / 170 / 520 / 67% / 33% / 400% / 467% / 420%

DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 6 6