Writing Cram Jam

Extension for Revision of CRC 2 or 3

All students submitting the revision still must turn in a paper copy with the graded original and revision assignment worksheet on the in-class due date.


If you want to continue to tinker with that new draft that was final enough to turn in at the class due date, and you want to try and make it even better, you can have an extended electronic due date of 9 pm, Friday, June 3 to make it possible for you to attend one of the two Writing Cram Jam sessions.

*There is no grace period and no late submission is allowed.*

You also cannot turn in the paper electronically

if you didn’t turn a paper version in on the original revision due date.

Ok, so think it through: what does this really mean?

é You are required to submit the graded original with your revision in class; this means you will no longer have my notes to make this paper better, so it really does need to be better enough to stand on its own, and you need to have made all the revisions I asked for specifically long before the Cram Jam.

é You must submit the Cram Jam version of your essay via email and/or turnitin.com by 9pm on Friday, June 3. If you turn it in at all late, that extra work is lost because I won’t be grading it, but you will still have a revised paper for me to grade – the paper class version.

é That version you submit in class CANNOT be a “fake” or weak revision – a fully revised essay according to everything on the assignment guidelines is still due in class. The Cram Jam session is to try and lift your essay from a B to an A! Even if you send me a Cram Jam revision, I will still look at the class revision – if the first one is clearly a weak effort, that’s the one I will grade.

é This is a chance to put in some extra work above and beyond what is required – not to make up for work you never did.


All of this is dependent on you actually making use of the Writing Cram Jam; How will I know you did that? A signature from the tutor or Professor you worked with is absolutely 100% totally required – no exceptions:


Signature of WRC awesome person date

Please submit an electronic copy of this form and signature with (or right after) you send your essay by 9pm, Friday, June 3. If you are like me and have no access to a scanner, just take a photo of this form (or a selfie from within the WRC holding your signed sheet) and send it.

(If you don’t have a camera phone, let me know that ahead of time, and we will make a plan.)