This is our thirteenth Round Norfolk Relay (otherwise known as RNR). This 197 mile relay race is run over 17 stages including through the night. We will be competing against potentially 59 other teams from around thecountry.
I hope that you are up for it again this year or have heard somuch about it that you want to be a part of it.We welcome new club memberswho wish to get involvedand enjoy this team event.
Whether you wish to run, cycle and/or support,this short questionnaire will assist theBAC RNR Committee in team selection and logistics planning.
If you wish to run (You must be a fully paid member of Biggleswade AC to run in the RNR).
The entry fee to run is £13.24, however you will only need to pay this once the team has been confirmed at the end of June 2017. You will then have 14 days to pay the entry fee or a reserve runner may be called up to replace you in the team.
Please note if you are selected to run in the team, you must reccie your stage by mid August, if this a new stage for you or amendment to a stage you have done before and confirm this to the RNR committee or a reserve runner may be called up to replace you in the team.
The support crew is asimportant, if not moreimportant in making this racehappen. We need your help as well!
FullName: / Ageonraceday:MobileNo: / Email:
(pleasetick therelevantdaysthatapply) / Sat 16th / Sun17th
am / pm / am / pm
If cycling ,areyoubringingyourownbike?
IfIamnotselectedasoneof thelucky17runners:
IwillstillbecomingtoNorfolkto support
Ifyes,pleaseindicateallor specificdrivers
The table to the right contains a very brief description of each stage (please see the RNR website for more detail on each stage, as some stages include running on sand or shingle -
Please indicate which stage you would prefer to run by placing your1st,2ndand 3rdchoice in the Wish List column.
Please also place an X in those stages that you specifically don’t want to do.
If you have no preference, please circle NO PREFERENCE below.
The Biggleswade AC RNR Committee has been setup to ensure all aspects and factors are considered leading up to race weekend. These committee members are: Damien,Debs, Mark & Rob.We will do our best totake your views into consideration but as you can probably understand this sometime is avery tricky task when picking themost appropriate team.
If you haveany comments or questions regarding this year’s RNR, please give me a call or speak to anyone on the BAC RNR Committee.
Thank you
07786 707258