Dr. Robbie Moore Eureka Devers Todd Campbell
Superintendent Middle & High School Principal Interim Elementary Principal
1015 Wheatland Rd Dallas, TX 75241 Tel: 214.375.1921 Fax 214.375.2730
Transportation Code of Conduct Agreement
Listed below are the rules to be followed by students riding school buses. These regulations are necessary for the safe and orderly operation of the school transportation system. Student cooperation is mandatory for the safety of our children.
Transportation is provided for students who live at least two miles from the student’s home campus. Students are not allowed to ride to or from school with a friend.
Students being transported in school-owned vehicles shall comply with the Student Code of Conduct. Any student who fails to comply with that code or established rules of conduct while waiting, riding or leaving on school transportation or while at the bus stop may be denied transportation services and shall be subject to disciplinary action. Students who are assigned to AEP will forfeit bus riding privileges.
The following rules shall apply to student conduct on school transportation in addition to the Student Code of Conduct:
1.Passengers shall follow the driver’s direction at all times. At no time will a student act toward, or address comments to a bus driver in a disrespectful manner, or refuse to cooperate with the driver.
2.Passengers shall board and leave the bus in an orderly manner at the designated bus stop nearest their home.
3.Passengers must stay in their seats at all times.
4.Passengers shall keep books, band instruments cases, feet, and other objects out of aisles of the bus.
5.Passengers shall not extend arms, hands or legs out of the window nor hold any object out of the window, nor throw objects within or out of the bus.
6.Do not be destructive to the bus. Do not mark, cut, or scratch any part of the bus. The person responsible for the damage will pay vandalism costs.
7.Passengers shall not smoke or use any form of tobacco on the bus.
8.Usual classroom conduct shall be observed. Unruly conduct, including the use of obscene language and name calling, will subject the passenger to disciplinary action.
9.Upon leaving the bus, the student will wait for the driver’s signal before crossing in front of the bus.
10.No drinks and other refreshments are allowed in the bus.
11.It is the responsibility of a parent to provide transportation to school if a child misses the bus.
12.The bus may be equipped with an audio/video observation system.
13.Students are to remain seated while the bus is moving.
14.Students are not to change seats.
15.A student shall not refuse to sit in an assigned seat or deny another student a place to sit.
16.Students are expected to remain seated for the duration of the trip, and remain seated until the bus stops.
17.Normal conversation is permitted; any loud noises may distract the driver and create an unsafe condition
18.Scuffling, fighting and the use of obscene, vulgar or profane language and gestures are forbidden.
19.Student must not throw objects inside or outside the bus.
20.The emergency door and exit controls should be used only during supervised drills or actual emergencies.
21.Students shall never attempt to operate the passenger door or other driver controls except in case of emergency.
22.Students shall face forward for the duration of the trip and shall keep their feet on the floor in front of them and out of the bus aisles.
The school bus is an extension of the classroom. The principal will administer discipline with assistance from the bus driver. All school board policies that apply to student conduct and other student related activities apply to the school bus.
The following procedure shall be followed when a discipline concerns arises on a bus serving a regular route or an extra-curricular activity:
1.A bus conduct report is written and forwarded to the building administrator. The report may be sent home for parent signature and returned to the principal.
2.A conduct report is written and forwarded to the building administrator. The bus student is denied bus privilege for 3 days. The parent is notified.
3.A conduct report is written and forwarded to the building administrator; the student is denied bus privileges for 10 days. The parent telephoned. A conference with the building principal, parent and student will be held before bus privileges may be resumed.
4.A conduct report is written and forwarded to the building administrator. The student is denied bus privileges for the remainder of the year. The parent notified. A parent conference may be called at any time by the building administrator or transportation director if serious misconduct occurs. The administrator has the authority to skip steps for serious violations. A person commits the offense of disruption of transportation if the person intentionally disrupts, prevents or interferes with the lawful transportation of children to or from school or an activity sponsored by a school on a vehicle owned and operated by the county or school district. An offense under this Section is a class C misdemeanor.
Disciplinary sanctions and changes in transportation for a handicapped student shall be made in accordance with provisions of the student’s IEP.
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent Signature ______Date ______