Course Outline CP-165 Computer Applications for Computer Technicians
Course Outline
A. Unit Code and SuggestedCourse Title: 0495/ CP165 - Computer Applications forComputer Technicians
B.Curriculum/Program: Computer Repair Technology (CRT)
C.Catalog Description: An introductory course in essential state-of-the-art serviceand repair-related computer program skills. For today’s computer technician the need for understanding of both hardware and software is of paramount importance. The use of computer programs to design circuits, compile reports, develop presentations, create and keep records is an everyday necessity. Lessons will include learning how to log on to the college network, use of E-Mail, use of the Internet to lookup reference material and making presentations to the class. Programs will include Multisim™ Circuit Design, word-processing, spreadsheets, and presentation programs. Projects and Presentations will be assigned to provide the student with hands-on experience.
D.Duration of Instructional Period: 150 minutes, 1 class meeting per week, 15 weeks
E.Academic Credit Hours: 2
Contact Hours: 3
Lecture Hours/Credit Hours/Lab Hours: 1-2 -2
F.Suggested Text/Course Materials:
Computer Concepts and Microsoft Office 2013, Publisher: Cengage
G.Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Navigate the ECC network and Blackboard platform
- Identify basic functions and features of Windows operating systems
- Demonstrate how to create and manage folders to store files
- Use circuit simulation software to analyze the behavior of DC circuits
- construct simple circuit designs;
- read and follow schematic drawings;
- simulate a circuit including instrumentation and test equipment;
- place and properly use oscilloscopes, Volt Meters, Amp Meters, Ohm Meters (DMM’s) and Function Generators; and
- Perform Research using online Internet and ECC Library resources
- Use Microsoft Word 2013 to:
- Write and format a research paper
- Set margins, tabs, indents, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and format per instructions
- insert clip art, photographs, symbols, charts, Excel spreadsheet data and other objects
- Use Microsoft Excel 2013 to:
- Create and format multi-page worksheets
- create and format charts and complex formulas
- insert basic functions
- Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 to
- Create, properly format and present a PowerPoint to an audience
- insert text, clipart, and photographs
- use builds, animations, slide transitions, backgrounds, and fills
- Modify a presentation
H. Program Competencies:Course
1. Demonstrate basic theory and architecture of computer operating
systems (1-8)
2. Interact with a computer system to access its performance (1-8)
3. Use system software to generate, operate and maintain program
logos to identify failed system components. (4)
I.SUNY General Education Knowledge and Skills Areas: N/A
J.ECC Learning Outcomes (LO)
3. Information Literacy (6-8)
5. Quantitative Reasoning (5,7)
6. Technological Competence (1-8)
K. Student Learning:
K1: Assessment of Student Learning:
Course will be assessed using tests, projects, and or rubrics described on the
program’s assessment plan as submitted to the College Assessment Committee.
1. Class Participation/performance 10%
2. Competition of Classwork/Lab 50%
3. Capstone Project Final 40%
Total Grade 100%
K2: Assessment of Student Learning:
Course will be assessed using tests, projects, and or rubrics described on the
program’s assessment plan as submitted to the College Assessment Committee.
L.Library Resources:
Provide description of library holdings/materials/electronic resources thatwould aid students in
acquiring a better understanding of the primary subject matter of this course. Students in this class
typically get library instruction in the library with a librarian for help with research paper and topics.
LibGuide developed for the CRT department will help direct faculty and students to library content,
and useful web based resources.
M:Topical Outline:
InstructionWeek / Instruction
Time Period / Topics
1 / 150 minutes /
- Course Introduction
- ECC Computer network
- Blackboard
2 / 150 minutes /
- Operating Systems (Concepts 60-63)
- Windows 8
- Files Management (Concepts 81-91)
3-4 / 150 minutes /
- Introduction to circuit simulation software
5-7 / 150 minutes /
- Perform Research using Internet and ECC Library
- Introduction to Microsoft Office
- Word
8-10 / 150 minutes /
- Introduction to Microsoft Office
- Excel
11-13 / 150 minutes /
- Introduction to Microsoft Office
- PowerPoint
14 / 150 minutes /
- Review for Final Examination
15 / 150 minutes /
- Final Project/Examination
N.Prepared by: Ralph Coviello
Date Prepared: 6/14/2015
Date Last Updated: 6/19/2015
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