Gender M / F SSN:______Phone:______
Please update any information that has changed since your last time here.
Best contact phone:______Other phone:______
Marital Status: M / S / D / W Name of Current insurance:______
Are you receiving or have you received home health care recently? Y / N
Have you received OUTPATIENT physical therapy during this calendar year? Y / N
INJURY INFORMATION: Date of Injury______Location______Surgery date______
Cause: Auto accident / Work / Sports / Other:______Referred by:______
HEALTH HISTORY: Please circle all that apply to you.
Irregular Heart Beat Osteoporosis Smoker Kidney Disorder Other:______
Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema Cancer Liver Disorder ______
Heart valve problem Pacemaker Arthritis High Blood Pressure ______
Heart surgery Blood disorder Angina Diabetes: Insulin / Glucose ______
Heart attack GI disorder Stroke Seizures Allergies:______
Please call our office with at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or change your appointment. You will be responsible for a $75 Cancellation Fee after the first offenseUNLESS you reschedule for the SAME or NEXT day. I am aware and agreeable to Active Physical Therapy’s cancellation policy:
I assign all medical benefits and authorize my insurance carrier(s) to issue payment directly to Active Physical Therapy, PLLC and/or my Therapist. I understand that Active will bill my insurance carrier(s) directly for services rendered. However, if the insurance carrier(s) should deny responsibility for these claims, I understand I will be held responsible. Failure to pay bills in a timely manner will result in a 40% account increase to compensate Active for collection agency fees. I further authorize the release of my physical therapy records to insurance companies in order to process claims.
This acknowledgement reflects the privacy standards set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services. A copy of
Active Physical Therapy's privacy practices is located at the front desk. You may also request a copy for yourself.