
Quick Start for Students

This quick start guide to Comment will help you create your Comment account and learn the most basic features of Comment. For more help with any function, click the help button in the upper right corner of any Comment page.

Important: In order for the Comment Web site and Comment application to function, you will need to allow popups from the Comment site.

Setting up your Comment account

You will need your Comment Access Code from your Comment card. You’ll need the Access Code just once, to register and create your account. Afterwards, you will log in with the username and password that you create.

1.  Go to the Comment page at the URL printed on your Comment card. You can also go to and select the version of Comment you are using.

2.  Click the Go button in the registration box at the top of the screen. You’ll go to the New account setup page.

3.  Enter your Access Code in the box provided.

4.  Click Continue and you’ll go to the New account setup page.

5.  Fill in the New account setup form. [Be sure to choose a username that is appropriate for your class setting, as your teacher and classmates will see your username throughout Comment. All fields are required except the MI (middle initial) field. You will later be able to change any of your account information except your username and password.]

6.  Click Continue, and you’ll go to the My Comment page. If your instructor has already given you your class code, you can click Join a class now to enroll in your class; see the instructions below. If you do not have your class code, you can log in later, using the username and password you just created, and you will come straight to this page, where you can join your class.

Logging into Comment after you have set up your account

1.  Go to the Comment page for the version of Comment you are using.

2.  Enter your username and password in the members box at the top of the screen.

3.  Click Go, and you’ll be taken to your class. If you belong to more than one Comment class, you’ll see a list of your classes, and you can choose the one you wish to work in.

Joining your first Comment class

1.  Log into Comment and you’ll go to the My Comment page. (If you just set up your account and you are at the My Comment page, you are already logged in, and you’re in the right place.

2.  Click the Join a class button. The Join a class popup will open.

3.  Enter your Class Code (given to you by your instructor) in the box provided.

4.  Click Continue to enroll in your class and go to your class’s page. (You will not need your class code again, because you are now enrolled in your class.)

Uploading a document to Comment

Notes: You must upload one document at a time. Documents uploaded to Comment must be in HTML, RTF, or Microsoft Word format.

1.  Select Upload a new document, located just above the list of documents on the documents & comments tab of your class’s Comment page.

2.  Click Browse and select the file you wish to upload.

3.  Enter a description of your document in the Description field. This could be the paper’s title or subject, or some information your instructor asks you to put here.

4.  Enter a note for your reviewers in the Note to readers field. You can use this note to tell your peer reviewers or teacher what aspects of your paper you’d like their comments to focus on.

5.  If you need to upload your document to a particular Peer Group or Assignment, make the appropriate selections from the drop-down menus.

6.  Click Upload.

7.  Click Continue and your paper will be uploaded.

Writing comments on a document

1.  Select the paper you want to comment on from the list on the documents & comments tab by clicking its name in the FILE NAME column.

2.  Click on any word or paragraph marker in the document in order to insert a comment at that point in the document. The compose comment window will open.

3.  Type your comment in the box.

4.  Click Save comment, and your comment will be added to the document.

Viewing comments received on your document

1.  Select your document from the list on the documents & comments tab by clicking its name in the FILE NAME column. You will see your document and the comments you’ve received displayed side by side.

2.  If you wish to print your document and comments, click See print view near the top of the document.

3.  In the print view, click Print to open your printer dialog and print your document.

