Kindergarten/First Grade

“Clip Chart” Behavior

Our Class Rules:

1. Listen when your teacher is talking.

2. Follow directions quickly.

3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

4. Raise your hand to speak and stand.

5. Be safe, be kind, be honest.

-Each rule has a gesture that goes along with it to help us learn and remember it. I’m sure you will be hearing and seeing these soon! 

This year we will be using a colored “clip chart” to monitor our behavior and classroom choices. Your child will have a clip that they will physically move up or down the chart, depending on their choices. Please keep in mind that your child may not move every single day! In order to move up, students must go above and beyond in their behavior choices. The chart on the back page explains how the clip chart works.

Eagle Bucks

We will also be using Eagle Bucks schoolwide at Austin Tracy. Your child will begin each day with 5 “pre-paid” Eagle Bucks; one for each of the following: arriving on-time to school, appropriate behavior during morning meeting, hallway, cafeteria, and specials (art, music, p.e., library). Students may also have opportunities to earn additional Eagle Bucks throughout the day for demonstrating extra-ordinary behavior. They may also lose any or all of these Eagle Bucks when they have inappropriate behavior during that school day. Eagle Bucks accumulate each day and on Fridays, they will have the opportunity to spend their earned bucks in the AT Eagle Outlet. The Eagle Outlet has various toys, trinkets, etc. for varying prices. Students will have the option of spending or banking their bucks each week.

Each day, your child’s conduct will be marked in his or her Behavior Calendar that is found inside their blue daily folder. We will simply mark the color that your child has ended the day on in the correct date on the calendar. I will put a behavior code (1, 2, 3, etc.) next to the color on the calendar (if needed) so you will know what exactly happened that day and so you will be able to talk with your child about their day. Using these codes is a quick and efficient way to record daily behavior and keep you as informed as possible. There is also a key for the behavior codes in the blue daily folder for your reference. We ask that you check your child’s Behavior Calendar each day and initial it.

Clip Chart

Outstanding! / Students who reach the Red level will be rewarded for their positive choices by getting 3 extra Eagle Bucks!
Great Job! / Students who continue to make positive choices move up to the orange level. They are one step closer to having outstanding classroom behavior and will get 2 extra Eagle Bucks!
Good Day! / Students who make positive choices will receive 1 extra Eagle Buck!
Ready to Learn! / Everyone starts the day “Ready to Learn!” Students can “clip up” or “clip down” throughout the day depending on their behavior choices.
Think About It! / Students who receive a warning will move to blue. This serves as a reminder to students to think about the choices they make. They will also lose 1 Eagle Buck.
Teacher’s Choice / Students who continue to make poor choices will move to purple. This will result in a consequence appropriate for the choice that was made. Different choices require different consequences. (Time out, loss of privilege, loss of playtime, loss of snack, loss of Eagle Bucks, etc.)
Parent Contact / Students who move to pink will require parental contact by me. Parents will be contacted via telephone, email or note depending on the severity of the behavior choice. Additionally, students will lose all Eagle Bucks for that day.

We look forward to establishing the best possible learning environment for your child. With teamwork and cooperation among parents, teachers, and students, we will have a terrific year!  We will be in close contact with you regarding your child’s progress in our classroom this year and appreciate your support. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

Thanks so much for your help and support,

Mrs. Harlow

Mrs. Hall