BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administrative (SERGEANT NOTES) Page 1 of 17

(Updated through 12/15/04)


  • All personal leave must be submitted with a signed exception card as far in advance as possible.
  • Employees will not be charged time until the exception card is signed by the supervisor at which time they are considered approved.
  • Any absence must be entered in FIRLOG daily.
  • Time worked in addition to normal working hours will be reported on exception cards and recorded into FIRLOG.
  • Cut-off for time to be recorded on FIRLOG for the current pay period will be 10:00 am on Thursday the week before payday.
  • Original FLSA is held at the station until all signatures are filled in, then forwarded to Administrative Services. Turn in carbon if signatures are missing.
  • The station where an employee is station on the last day of the cycle is the station that reports FLSA for that employee. FLSA report is forwarded, when employee is transferred.
  • FLSA reports should list employees alphabetically.
  • FLSA reports apply ONLY to 24 hour shift personnel.
  • 1 exception card, for leave, should be filled out for each pay period.
  • If out of leave type requested:

Leave type requested / Leave substituted
Vacation / Holiday, then Due Day
Holiday / Vacation, then Due Day
Due Day / Holiday, then Vacation
Sick / Vacation
If no leave of any type is left, LWOP and notification of Deputy Chief.
  • Only 1 type of leave per exception card.
  • If employee is on leave and requests additional time off, supervisor may grant leave and initiate a new exception card.
  • Time on exception cards is for actual time missed. Admin will do conversions.
  • An employee time record covers 12 cycles and shows time off, type of leave, and exception cards (with signatures) submitted.
  • Prior to submitting FLSA, station officer must check against employee time record and obtain signatures.
  • The District Officer will check all employee time cards to see that all exception cards have been turned in.
  • The Station Officer is responsible for tracking leave time and signed employee cards being submitted to Administrative Services.
  • Employee leave is documented by District Officer or driver by running DTR1 after staffing is received.
  • DTR1 should be run again in the evening to verify changes in staffing.
  • The DTR1 for the cycle should balance with individual DTR1's received at the end of each shift.
  • The signatures received by employee, Station Officer, and District Officer actually authorize overtime to be paid.
  • Military leave and jury duty are not deducted from the employee's time (must be submitted on exception card). All other leave is deducted.
  • Time turned in may be corrected as needed with approval from Division's Chief.
  • Earned time is Due Time, Comp Time, or Paid Time and is turned in on exception cards with special approval signature.
  • Information concerning Fair Labors Standards Act (FLSA) for personnel covered by the IAFF Agreement may be gained from currentPersonnel Policies and Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Exception Cards
White (original) / Administrative Services / If signed by employee
Yellow / To employee after signing
Pink / Station Officer / Retained for 1 year
Goldenrod (carbon) / Administrative Services / If employee is unavailable to sign
White, pink, & yellow should be kept together until signature
is obtained if goldenrod (carbon) is sent in.
  • The origin date of an exception card is the date it is filled out.
  • For 1 shift off, put the date missed on exception card, not date left and date returned.
  • Requested leave can be changed prior to the effective date by submitting a new exception card.
  • Requested time can be cancelled/changed by calling Administrative Services payroll Data Technician by phone.
  • After the effective date of an exception card, time can be corrected if a mistake has been made.


  • Overtime other than FLSA, granted time, disaster overtime, and comp time must be approved by the Fire Chief of designee.
  • Exception cards for overtime must show time, date, and reason for accumulation as well as have a signature of employee, immediate supervisor, and District/Deputy Chief prior to forwarding to Administrative Services.
  • Companies relieving other companies on scene will log time of departure and company returning to station will log time of arrival in log book.
  • Overtime worked should be reported no later than the next scheduled shift.



  • Holiday leave may be used as long as it does not impede normal operations.
  • Greater increments of holiday time used has precedence over lesser time requests.
  • Once approved and scheduled in advance, an employee cannot be bumped.
  • Personnel taking a portion of a shift must return to the station by 2300 hours.


  • Bargaining Agreement between City of OKC and IAFF Local 157 covers donation of sick leave.
  • Maximum amount of sick leave donated to an 8-hour shift employee per fiscal year by any 1 employee is 24 hours.
  • Maximum amount of sick leave donated to a 24-hour shift employee per fiscal year by any 1 employee is 48 hours.
  • Sick leave can be donated to other City departments but employee donating must have a minimum of 240 hours for ASFCME employees and 130 hours for Management employees.
  • Donated leave is used in the order it was donated (log with order kept by Admin. Services).
  • Sick leave is donated to the individual by pay period on an as needed basis.
  • Requests by an employee for sick leave may be made at Staff Meetings, on teletype, or posted on bulletin boards.
  • Employees requesting sick leave will fill out a Request for Donated Sick Leave form which is time stamped at front desk and signed by Fire Chief or designee.
  • A Sick Leave Donation Authorization form must be provided to Department Head authorizing donated sick leave accrual to be placed into payroll.
  • District Officer or Deputy Chief will notify payroll of an employees return to work (doctor's release required).


  • Up to 2 hours of personal leave may be used by employee if staffing exists and approved by immediate officer in charge.


  • Employees suffering on/off-the-job injury or illness may, upon proper medical release, request light duty.
  • Light duty assignments are at the discretion of the Fire Chief.

Light Duty Documentation
Written request made by
employee must contain / Proper medical release/physician
letter must contain
Date of request / Date of Letter
Employee's full name / Employee's name
Current duty assignment / Current diagnosis
Date of injury / Prognosis
Type of injury / Statement that employee can perform light duty
Statement requesting light duty and start date / Work restrictions
Skills possessed (typing, computer, etc.) / Employee's next appointment
Employee's signature / Physician's printed name, phone, address
Physician's signature
  • Division Chief/Acting Officer will fax doctor's release to City Doctor for medical evaluation of employee and review & initial (upper right corner) the release.
  • Division Chief/Acting Officer will send a letter (to Admin 1st for time stamp) along with doctor's release, and employee letter to the Fire Chief describing light duty assignment and recommendations.
  • Division Chief/Acting Officer prior to injury will notify employee of approval/denial of request, the light duty assignment, when to report to duty, and supervisor's name.
  • The Temporary Light-Duty Assignment form will be given to employee by Division Chief/Acting Officer and discussed as to duty assignment and physical limitations.
  • Progress of light duty assignment will be evaluated every 30 days by Division Chief/Acting Officer.
  • A separate Temporary Light-Duty Assignment form is created for each 30 day period.
  • Forms for employees returning to full duty will be sent to Human Resource office for review and further processing.
  • If employee needs to go to physical therapy (OJI-related) while on light duty, an exception card will be completed for time away (check Job Injury on card).
  • Light duty is entered under 650LD in FIRELOG.


  • Time off for service on STATE or FEDERAL juries of Oklahoma City Fire Department related court proceedings shall be granted with pay ONLY for period of service actually required.
  • Pay granted for jury service is subject to jury fees and court service pay being turned in to City Treasurer.
  • Employees will be reimbursed parking fees from check or employee may retain all fees paid but shall not receive regular pay in such event.
  • Personnel Director or Department Head may require verification of jury service provided.
  • In all other court service required, employee may take leave for time away from worksite.


  • Employees on extended sick leave or OJI for a period of 3 shifts or more, or when employee has surgery while on OJI or sick leave, may be required to go to City Physician for release to return to work.
  • Employees should anticipate contacting Division Chief to set appointment with City Physician in the event of extended sick leave or OJI.


  • On the job injuries require immediate reporting to supervisor and must include complete documentation within 24 hours.
  • Presumptive illness/injury, such as heart disease, respiratory injury, cancer, or infectious disease, will be presumed to have occurred during employment if pre-employment physical shows no findings of the same (job-related).
  • Infectious disease is defined as Hepatitis, HIV, Meningitis, and Tuberculosis.
  • Physician diagnosed presumptive illness/injury is processed by City workers compensation health care program after report has been made to Human Resources (qualifies as report to supervisor).
  • Injuries that occur on duty are reported at station level.
  • For any injury/exposure, the employee's work section supervisor/District Officer will fax an OCFD OJI Risk - Quick Fax form, top page of Official Job Injury Report, and top page of Supervisor's Investigation Report to Risk Management.

Official Injury Report System forms
1) OJI Risk - Quick Fax form
2) OJI Risk - Quick Fax Activity Report
3) Official Job Injury Report / Single-page with 3 carbon copies
4) Supervisor's Investigation Report
5) PhysicianAuthorizationFormCity of Oklahoma City CompChoice Permission to Treat form
6) FMIS Incident Run Report / Computer Printout
7) State Communicable Disease Exposure form - 207
(Bloodborne/Airborne Exposures)
8) Exposure Information Worksheet
  • If injury is of enough concern or severity to make a log book entry, an injury report and supervisor's investigation form must be completed.
  • Report system forms will be completed by the Support Division Supervisors/District Officers if employee is unable.
  • Supervisor will write reason for employee not signing (if not present) in the signature block.
  • Bloodborne/airborne pathogen exposures require supervisor to contact EMS QA officer to meet at station
  • If Station Officer must work overtime to complete forms, arrangements will be made with Station Officer coming on duty to complete forms or by contacting District Officer for overtime approval.
  • A Physician Authorization Form must be completed any time an employee must be medically treated.
  • Incident number must be generated by Fire Dispatch, if unassigned, for all incidents involving injuries to employees.
  • Employee information should NOT be entered into FMIS if injury involves a communicable disease or bloodborne pathogen (per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030).
  • Incident report numbers are generated for OJI due to Bloodborne/Airborne pathogen exposure on a dispatched emergency, NOT for Physician diagnosed presumptive OJIs.
  • An Injury Report, Supervisor's Investigation Report, Physician Authorization Form, and Run Report, must accompany a State Communicable Disease Exposure form #207 (DISEASE EXPOSURE) for employees exposed or with suspected exposure must be faxed to Risk Management. (forms sent to Fire Admin.)
  • Positive TB tests do not require OSDH form 207, but do require job injury report, a supervisor's investigation report, and physician's authorization form.
  • An exposure or suspected exposure to bloodborne or airborne pathogens requires an Exposure Information Worksheet to be complete with injury documentation.
  • An exposure to a communicable disease follows OSHS requirements (outlined in Exposure Control manual).
  • Exposure control officer is the QA Officer or EMS Chief.
  • Employees exposed to hazardous materials will use the same forms as injury with the exception of OSDH form 207 and will have additional info about the chemical/exposure details.
  • Section Supervisors/District Officers will ensure all forms are complete and forward to Division Chief. (approval by both with initial in upper right corner of forms)
  • On the job injury documentation should be placed in a sealed envelope and treated as confidential.
  • The fax machine at risk management is on 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  • A "business day" is considered 8am-5pm Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.
  • Division Chiefs review/sign documentation where required and initial in upper right corner before forwarding to Administration for final review (hand delivered).
  • The Human Resources work section is responsible for monitoring OJI leave.
  • Supervisors are responsible for informing HR of updates/changes in OJI employee's health.
  • An actual Incident Report is NOT required for OJIs, simply enter the run number in the space provided on the OCFD OJI Risk - Quick Fax form under section called Required Documentation.
  • DO NOT enter employee info in Section 2 of FMIS Incident Report per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030.

Official Job Injury Report (single page with 3 carbon copies)
Original / White / Risk Management Copy
1st Copy / Yellow / Risk Management Copy
2nd Copy / Pink / Risk Management Copy
3rd Copy / Gold / Department Copy
  • Hourly pay rate is the employee's base pay plus longevity.
  • For hazardous chemical exposures, list the chemical name and length of exposure.

Supervisor's Investigation Report
1) What happened? / Describe what took place, circumstances
2) Why did it happen? / Who, what, when, where, why, how of the incident
3) What should be done? / Suggested corrections to prevent re-occurrence
4) What have you done so far? / Steps taken to prevent further injuries
5) How will actions taken so far improve operations? / How steps taken will reduce severity of job injuries
6) Do you agree with employee's statements on Accident, Injury, & Incident forms? / Yes/No
7) Supervisor's Signature and Bottom Section / Print and Sign
  • On OSDH Form 207, Part 1, Items 1-13 of are completed by employee and supervisor, Items 14-19 by QA or Exposure Control Officer, 20-22 by hospital personnel, and Part 2, items 23-28 by the Health Care Provider responsible for testing the source patient.
  • Required documentation for OJI due to Chemical Exposure includes: OJI Risk Quick Fax, Quick Fax Activity Report, Official Job Injury Report, Supervisor's Investigation Report, and Physician's Authorization Report (yellow & pink copies).
  • Sections of the Exposure Information Worksheet include: employee info, paperwork needed, PPE, exposure source, follow-up, needlestick/sharp object injury log, prevention, and notification.

(UPDATED 12/15/04)

  • ACCIDENT: circumstance that involves OCFD vehicle (including attached equipment/cargo), that results in damage to vehicles, equipment, or property.
  • Examples of Accidents include: vehicle/equipment contacting another object, motorized vehicle contacts OCFD vehicle/equipment, or cargo/equipment that separates from OCFD vehicle while in motion and contacts another vehicle.
  • INCIDENT: property damage NOT classified as an accident (ie-vandalism, unknown circumstances).
  • Fire Chief or designee have the authority to make determination of accident -vs- incident.

Apparatus/Vehicle ACCIDENT reporting steps
STEPS / Who Completes Step
Stop immediately and render 1st aid. Do not move vehicle/apparatus. / Driver and/or Officer
Notify dispatch (if on call, notify to send another company), give location, injuries, extent of damage / Driver and/or Officer
Notify District Officer/Section Supervisor / Dispatch
PD having jurisdiction investigates if involving people outside fire department / PD
Present ONLY identification and/or driver's license, make no statement except to PD / Driver and/or Officer
Do not encourage submission of claims/commitments incurring responsibility by city government / Driver and/or Officer
Fill out City of Oklahoma City Vehicle Accident Report, get other driver's name, insurance, injuries, witnesses, statements. / Driver and/or Officer
Take pictures of accident scene / District Officer or Section Supervisor
Report findings in letter form, with pictures to driver's District Chief/Section Supervisor, and ensure supervisor completes the Supervisor's Investigation report. / District Officer or Section Supervisor
Notify Dispatch to contact shop if vehicle needs towing
Ensure completion of OKC Property Damage/Incident Report, Supervisor's Investigation Report, OKC Vehicle Accident Report, OCFD Work Order (for cost estimate), OR for equipment damage a work order for repair/replacement and estimate, OR for facility damage contact Facilities Manager for repair/replacement and estimate. / Officer/Section Supervisor and/or Driver
Letters written to District Officer/Section Supervisor no later than day of incident with what was witnessed leading to the accident and actions taken after. / Driver, Officer, and/or crew members
Initials (upper right corner) and delivery of reports to Division Chief. / District Officer/Section Supervisor
Sign/date Supervisor's Investigation & OKC Vehicle Accident reports, and initial (upper right corner) and review documentation, and forward to Fire Admin. / Division Chief
Police Accident Report obtained. / Safety Work Section
Apparatus/vehicle examined within 48 hours for estimate of repairs, forwarding of estimate to Municipal Counselor's Office and Fire Department Safety Officer within 48 hours of accident. / Maintenance Chief
Post-accident drug testing by Drug Policy if loss of human life occurred.
  • If an accident involved loss of human life, operator will be tested for alcohol and controlled substances.
  • If drug testing cannot be completed within 2 hours of accident, Officer/Supervisor will maintain a written record of reasons, and after 8 hours, written record will cease and be sent to City's Occupational Health Manager through Chief/designee.

Vehicle Accident Report Form is a 2 page document with 3 carbon copies
Original / White / Risk Management
1st Copy / Yellow / Fire Maintenance
2nd Copy / Pink / Municipal Counselor's Office (legal)
3rd Copy / Gold / Department Files
  • A city owned vehicle on the diagram is labeled V1.
  • The signature block on an Vehicle Accident Report form includes City Operator, Supervisor of Operator, District/Deputy Chief, and Department/Division Head.