Constitution of the
Western Maryland Lacrosse Officials Association, Inc.
Article I - Name
Section 1. This organization shall be known as Western Maryland Lacrosse Officials Association, Inc. (WMLOA).
Section 2. This organization will seek and maintain ffiliations with state, regional and national lacrosse and officials' organizations as the Board of Directors or membership as a body deem appropriate.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of this Corporation is to promote the sports of mens’ and womens’ lacrosse and the growth of professional lacrosse officiating by:
1. Furthering the interests of lacrosse officials;
2. Maintaining the highest standards of lacrosse officiating;
3. Promoting the welfare of amateur and professional sports, its players, administrators, fans, the press, and sports officials;
4. Encouraging the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship;
5. Working with organizations and associations connected with the sports of mens’ and womens’ lacrosse to further the sports and all persons involved;
6. Providing educational programs to advance the skills of lacrosse sports officials;
7. Working with sports administrators to provide qualified officials for lacrosse games;
8. Conducting programs to encourage public appreciation for the skill and professional competence of the Association's member officials.
Section 2. The Corporation shall have the power to assess fees, dues, and fines, as provided for in the By-Laws.
Article III - Membership
Section 1. Classes of membership shall be as defined in the Corporation's By-Laws.
Section 2. All classes of members may attend meetings of the Corporation and participate in all discussions. Only members in good standing may hold office and vote.
Article IV – Board of Directors and Officers
Section 1. The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed under the direction of its Board of Directors. All powers of the Corporation shall be managed by or under the authority of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The Corporation shall have at least three (3) Directors at all times. The Directors shall consist of those individuals provided in the Articles of Incorporation until changed as herein provided. A majority of the entire Board of Directors may alter the number of Directors set by the Articles of Incorporation to not more than seven (7) or fewer than three (3) Directors, but such action may not affect the tenure of any current Director.
Section 3. The Executive Officers of the Corporation shall serve as members of the Board of Directors following their election. Executive Officers shall be a President, who shall be the senior executive of WMLOA and who shall preside over the Board of Directors, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Registrar. In the absence of the President, the next officer as defined in the By-Laws shall serve in his place. Executive Officers shall perform their duties as prescribed in the By-Laws and such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Directors. Officers may hold more than one office concurrently.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall include two (2) Youth Representatives as non-voting advisors.
Section 5. Election of Executive Officers and Directors shall occur bi-annually. Only adult members in good standing may serve in these positions, which shall be elected by majority vote of those adult members present and voting.
Section 6. Election of Youth Representatives shall occur at the same meeting as election of Executive Officers and Directors. Only non-adult members in good standing may serve in these positions. One shall be an active non-adult Mens’ Lacrosse official, who shall be elected by majority vote of non-adult Mens’ Lacrosse officials present and voting. One shall be an active non-adult Womens’ Lacrosse official, who shall be elected by majority vote of non-adult Womens’ Lacrosse officials present and voting.
Section 7. Terms of elected officials shall commence immediately upon election, and shall end following election of a successor or upon acceptance of resignation or removal by the Board of Directors. Elected officials may succeed themselves, however, no individual may serve as President for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Section 8. In the event of a vacancy, the Board of Directors shall elect a replacement, who shall serve until the next regular election.
Article V - Committees and Appointments
Section 1. The President shall appoint promptly after his/her election standing committees as required by the Corporation’s By-Laws.
Section 2 The President shall appoint one or more Official Rule Interpreters promptly after the election.
Section 3 The President shall have the power to make additional appointments from time to time as appear necessary or desirable. He/she shall also have the power to appoint such other committees as he/she or the Board of Directors may deem necessary.
Article VI - Meetings
Section 1. At least one General Membership meeting shall be held each calendar year.
Section 2. Other meetings shall be called by the President as provided for in the By-Laws.
Article VII - Quorum
Section 1. For the purpose of meetings of the Board of Directors, the presence of a simple majority current Directors constitutes a quorum. A majority vote of such members where a quorum is present is necessary to make a decision, except where some other number is required by law or these By-Laws. Neither proxy voting nor mail voting is permitted.
Section 2. For the purpose of general membership ,eetings, the presence of twenty percent of the Active membership as defined in the Corporation’s By-Laws constitutes a quorum. A majority vote of such members where a quorum is present is necessary to make a decision, except where some other number is required by law or these By-Laws. Neither proxy voting nor mail voting is permitted.
Article VIII - Amendments
Section 1. The Constitution may be amended as follows:
9. A proposed amendment may be moved at any general meeting of the membership. It must be seconded and may be discussed or amended. However, no vote may be taken on any proposed amendment in the meeting in which it was first moved. Upon passage of a motion to table the amendment, the Secretary shall provide a copy of the amendment along with notice of the next scheduled general meeting to all members in good standing. Said notice may be by written correspondence or electronic mail.
10. In a subsequent meeting, a motion to call the question on the proposed amendment may be made and shall be seconded and passed by a majority of members present and voting. To be enacted, the proposed amendment must be passed by vote of 2/3 majority of members in good standing who are present and voting.
Section 2. The By-Laws may be amended as follows:
1. The Board of Directors shall adopt and/or amend By-Laws to implement the purposes set forth in this Constitution. A proposed amendment may be moved at meeting of the Board of Directors. It must be seconded and may be discussed or amended. The proposed amendment must be passed by vote of 2/3 majority of Directors in good standing who are present and voting.
11. General members may offer a proposed amendment moved at any general meeting of the membership.
1. Once moved, a proposed amendment must be seconded and may be discussed or amended. However, no vote may be taken on any proposed amendment in the meeting in which it was first moved. Upon passage of a motion to table the amendment, the Secretary shall provide a copy of the amendment along with notice of the next scheduled general meeting to all members in good standing. Said notice may be by written correspondence or electronic mail.
2. In a subsequent meeting, a motion to call the question on the proposed amendment may be made and shall be seconded and passed by a majority of members present and voting. To be enacted, the proposed amendment must be passed by vote of 2/3 majority of members in good standing who are present and voting.
Article IX - Enactment
Section 1. This Constitution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage by a majority vote of those present who have declared an intention to form this organization.
Section 2. Upon enactment officers shall be elected and the Corporation governed from that point by this document.
Section 3. By-Laws shall be enacted upon a 2/3 majority vote of eligible members present and voting.
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