Bleckley County Elementary
2008 – 2013
School Improvement Plan
*Revised for 2010-2011
August 4, 2010
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Achievement
Strategic Goal: All students at BCES will meet or exceed State and National academic standards.
School Objective 1: Curriculum and instructional methods will be continually reviewed and revised to meet the changing needs of the students at Bleckley County Elementary. *Title 1 Schoolwide Plan Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
7.5 / Faculty Study Groups will meet as Professional learning communities to engage in job-embedded professional learning and address concerns from the comprehensive needs assessment. / 2008-2013 / School Faculty and staff
Administration / Meeting Minutes and logs / Observable increase in practices discussed as a topic of the Study Group
7.5 / Content area teachers will collaborate to develop grade level pacing calendars. / 2010-2013 / Leadership Team, Faculty and staff / Pacing Calendar / Increased student achievement in all content areas.
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Achievement
Strategic Goal: BCES will foster a healthy school-community relationship in a cooperative effort to educate the whole person.
School Objective 2: All faculty and staff at BCES will be highly qualified. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
5.1 / Newly hired teachers and paraprofessionals at BCES will be highly qualified. / 2008-2013 / Principal. Personnel Director / PSC HiQ
Report / All newly hired faculty and staff will be highly qualified.
7.9 / Teachers will be provided learning opportunities to add needed fields to their certification to be HIQ per BCES needs. / 2008-2013 / Principal. Personnel Director / Certificate CPI report. Professional Learning Logs, Registration forms / 100 percent of professional staff of BCES will be HiQ
7.9 / BCES paraprofessionals will be provided necessary professional learning to maintain certification. / 2008-2013 / Release time for training. / Principal,
Associate Supt. / Professional Learning Logs, Certification, Registration / 100 percent of paraprofessional at BCES will be HiQ
5.1 / School web page will be updated to provide information about school awards and valuable documents. / 2009-2013 / Principal,
Technology Coach / Copy of web
Page / Attract high-quality highly qualified teachers
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Achievement
Strategic Goal: All students at BCES will meet or exceed State and National academic standards.
School Objective 3: Students with disabilities will be provided equal opportunity to the general curriculum as possible.
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
7.4 / Co-teaching will be used in the area of reading and math at each grade level to meet student needs / 2008-2013 / Principal
Special Ed.
Teachers Lead
Teacher / Class roster
Master Schedule / A decrease in the number of students assigned to self-contained special ed classrooms
7.5 / Provide professional learning opportunities for staff to increase their knowledge of inclusion practices / 2008-2013 / Substitutes for release time for training opportunities / Principal
Special Ed
Lead Teacher / Professional Learning Log
Registrations / Increased implementation of effective co-teaching strategies
7.1 / Closely monitor the quality of inclusion practices at BCES to highlight progress / 2008-2013 / Principal
Special Ed
Lead Teacher / Co-teaching
Observation notes / Increased student achievement in SWD subgroups
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Achievement
Strategic Goal: All students at BCES will meet or exceed State and National academic standards.
School Objective 4: Student achievement will be continually reviewed to maintain a steady increase in students meeting and exceeding state requirements. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
7.4 / Use of previous years CRCT and Writing Assessment results in planning instruction / 2008-2013 / Testing materials / Principal.
Teachers, Counselor / CRCT, State Writing results, Lesson Plans, EIP folders / All BCES students will meet or exceed state standards on state mandated tests.
7.4 / Review of benchmark results; chart data on student information sheets and data sheets / 2008-2013 / Testing materials / Principal.
Teachers / Benchmarks results, Mock writing results, lesson plans, and profile sheets / BCES will increase the percentage exceeding state standards on state mandated tests
7.4 / BCES will provide remediation/enrichments activities specifically related to identified student needs and challenges during Flexible Learning Assessment Groups (FLAG) time. / 2008-2013 / Student materials / Principal,
Teachers / Benchmark results, CRCT scores, State Writing results, Mock Writing results, Teacher observation notes, grades
Lesson Plans / Use of results to determine remedial or enrichment activities and materials for students; increase number of students who exceed Georgia Standards
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Curriculum and Delivery
Strategic Goal: BCES will explore and incorporate new and varied instructional methods and curricula which will meet the needs of our learning community.
Strategic Objective 1: BCES will implement Whole Faculty Study Groups. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
7.9 / BCES will implement Study Groups across grade levels and by content in order to provide ongoing professional learning. / 2008-2013 / Principal
Teachers and Paraprofessionals / Study Group Assignments
Meeting Notes
PLU Log / Shared goals, strategies and materials evidenced in teacher lesson plans and teaching practices; development of study group notebooks
7.9 / PLU proposal will be submitted to provide guidelines for professional study and learning in small groups or with a partner. / 2008-2013 / Principal,
Asst Supt for Instruction, Teachers / PLU Proposal
Assignments / Evidence of assignments seen in lesson plans and meetings.
7.9 / Emphasize vertical alignment of the curriculum through content area study group meetings. Third meet with 2nd grade teachers and 5th meet with 6th grade teachers. / 2008-2013 / Release time for teachers to meet across grade levels and schools / Principals
Teachers / Study Group minutes / Decrease in curriculum gaps between grade levels and schools.
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Curriculum and Delivery
Strategic Goal: BCES will explore and incorporate new and varied instructional methods and curricula which will meet the needs of our learning community.
Strategic Objective 2: BCES will train all certified personnel to become proficient in the use of differentiated instruction. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
3.8 / BCES will train employees in the concepts of Differentiated Instruction and Research-Based Best Practices. / 2008-2013 / Release time, substitute teacher pay / Principal / Agendas
PLU Logs
Scheduled meetings / Increased student achievement at each school
3.8 / Provide teachers with opportunities to visit other classroom and other schools to learn new instructional techniques. / 2008-2013 / Substitutes
Travel Expenses / Principal,
Asst Supt Teachers / PLU Log
Release time form / Increased number of professional visiting other professionals and redelivering to their peers.
3.8 / Study Groups will explore research strategies to implement in the classroom in the area of differentiated instruction and best practices. / 2008-2013 / Articles and Research / Study Group Leaders and Principal / Study Group log and lesson plans / Increase use of differentiated instructional strategies incorporated in the classroom
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Curriculum and Delivery
Strategic Goal: BCES will explore and incorporate new and varied instructional methods and curricula which will meet the needs of our learning community.
Strategic Objective 3: BCES will train all certified personnel to become proficient in using balanced assessment and grading. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
7.5 / BCES faculty will be trained in methods of implementing balanced assessment techniques. / 2008-2013 / Release time, substitute teacher pay / Principal, Assoc Supt for instruction / Agendas
PLU Logs
Scheduled meetings
PLU Proposal / Increased student achievement.
Evidence of varied assessments in lesson plans.
7.5 / Train the faculty on the process of grading for learning and the revision of grading practices and decision making of assessments. / 2008-2013 / Substitutes
Travel Expenses
Materials / Asst Supt for Instruction, Leadership Team, / PLU Log
Release time form
PLU Proposal / Revised grading practices that reflect grading for learning. Increased student achievement.
Increased use of rubrics.
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Facilities
Strategic Goal: BCES will insure a functional, safe and orderly school environment.
School Objective 1: BCES will maintain a safe environment conducive to safety and educational progress. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
5.11 / The school counselor and teachers will implement a program at each grade level designed to enable students to manage conflict and anger such as Too Good for Drugs and Violence and Second Step. / 2008-2013 / Counselor / Schedule / Decrease in number of behavior problems.
5.11 / Teachers will be more proactive in communicating with parents of students with behavior problems. / 2008-2013 / Teachers / Parent Log / Increased communication with parents before student behavior problems escalate.
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: Personnel
Strategic Goal: BCES will strengthen the quality of personnel and demonstrate a greater commitment to human resources.
School Objective 1: BCES professional staff will participate in professional learning activities. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
6.3 / BCES will gather feedback from faculty, parents, community and students along with needs identified from teacher evaluations and use the results to assist in developing a school improvement plan. / 2008-2013 / Principal. Leadership Team, Teachers,
Parents, students and community / Meeting notes, Sign-in sheet
Surveys / Evidence of results used with Leadership Team in developing School Improvement Plan.
5.3 / A minimum of one Professional Development Plan is submitted for approval which is directly related to identified needs. / 2008-2013 / Leadership Team / PLU Proposal
PLU Logs / Completion of professional learning goal.
7.8 / All professional staff will participate in 12 hours of professional learning activities each year. / 2008-2013 / Assoc, Supt for Instruction / PLU logs
sheets / Completion of professional learning activities.
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: School and Community Relationships
Strategic Goal: BCES will foster a healthy school-community relationship in a cooperative effort to educate the whole person.
School Objective 1: BCES will contact, through parent teacher conferences, 80% of the parents on a yearly basis. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
6.4 / Teachers will use school agendas to communicate with parents daily. / 2009-2013 / $4,000
Local school funds and school store / Principal,
Teachers / Agenda notes / Increase parental involvement
Bleckley County School System
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Bleckley County Elementary
Strategic Direction: School and Community Relationships
Strategic Goal: BCES will foster a healthy school-community relationship in a cooperative effort to educate the whole person.
School Objective 2: BCES will hold a yearly Open House/Informational night. *Title 1 Schoolwide Indicator
SACSStandard / Actions, Strategies, and Interventions / Timeline / Estimated Costs, Funding Sources, and Resources / Person(s) Responsible / Evaluation of Implementation of Strategies and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
7.6 / BCES will schedule a night for an Open House Informational Meeting. / 2008-2013 / Principal
Teachers / School Calendar
Agenda / Increased attendance by parents and continue to develop cooperative relationships
Bleckley County School System