Baltic Studies Summer Institute 2003

University of Washington, Seattle;

All events are at 7:00pm in Thomson Hall 101, unless otherwise noted.

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
June 22 / 23 / 24

Baltic Requiem

Latvia, 1991

/ 25 / 26

Baltic States Today: Ian Lasas, Brad Woodworth, Guntis Smidchens / 27 / 28
29 / 30 / July 1

Is It Easy
to Be Young

Latvia, 1986

/ 2 / 3

Is It Easy
to Be (10yr documentary update)

Latvia, 1996

/ 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8

Good Hands

Estonia, 2001

/ 9 / 10

Subjects and Citizens: Empires and Imperialism in Baltic HistoryB. Woodworth

/ 11 / 12
13 / 14 / 15

Bear’s Heart

Estonia, 2001

/ 16 / 17

Medicine in the Baltic / 18 / 19
20 / 21 / 22
Leaving by the Way
Latvia, 2001 / 23 / 24
Lithuanian folk art exhibit opening
Suzallo Library 101 / 25

Lithuanian Plants, Folklore and Folk Art (Exhibit continues to Aug. 22)

/ 26
27 / 28 / 29

Child of Man

Latvia, 1991

/ 30 / 31
Wedding Latvia 2001
King for a Day

Estonia, 2002

/ Aug. 1 / 2
3 / 4 / 5
DevilsLatvia, 1999
Highway Crossing
Estonia, 1999 / 6 / 7

The Shoe
Latvia, 1998 / 8
Symposium “The Baltic in the 21st Century”
UW TV studio, Kane Hall, 7:00 pm / 9
Current Issues in Baltic Studies
Parrington Hall Forum, 9:00 am
10 / 11 / 12
Estonia, 2002
The Egg Lady
Latvia, 2000 / 13 / 14

There once was a town
USA/Lithuania, 2000 / 15 / 16

IļģiLatvian World Music Group7:00 pm, Latvian Community Center11710 3rd Ave NE

17 / 18 / 19
Life after
the End of the World
Estonia, 2001;
Frosty Flowers
Latvia, 2001 / 20 / 21
Tartu Academic Men’s ChoirMusicBuilding, Brechemin Auditorium 7:00 pm / 22

BALSSI Closing Celebration
Parrington Hall Commons, 10:30 am / 23

Medicine In the Baltic Panel, July 17:

P.Kuszler UW Law, T.Oviir UW Dentistry, Z. Phillips Pediatrics & Medical Aid to Latvia, Y. Vaters UW Anesthesiology

Lithuanian Folk Art, by Nomeda Lukoševičienė Exhibit July 25 to Aug. 22, Suzallo Library 101

Symposium on the Baltic in the 21st Century, August 8, and Current Issues in Baltic Studies, August 9:

Walter Clemens Boston U, Juris Dreifelds Brock U, Toivo Raun Indiana U, Saulius Sužiedelis Millersville U

For information about courses, calendar updates, etc. visit

Current as of 7/15/2003