June 2015
Dear Families and Friends of Pierce County 4-H,
Hello everyone and welcome to the summer of 2015! My name is Shelby Springman, and I have received the privilege of serving as your Pierce County 4-H Summer Intern once again. I am looking forward to seeing familiar faces and all the opportunities this summer will bring. Summer will be very exciting this year as there will be many events taking place. Camps, youth trips, meetings, training events, and of course the Fair are just a few things to mark down on your calendar. We will be sure to keep everyone informed about upcoming events and deadlines throughout the summer.
I grew up on a small farm near Wilmont, Minnesota, which is in the southwest corner of the state. My family has been raising registered Shorthorn cattle for the past four generations. I was in Nobles County 4-H for 12 years and during that time, I not only grew a passion for showing livestock but also for the animal agriculture industry. The learning opportunities that 4-H provided shaped me into an individual ready to positively influence the future of agriculture.
In the fall of 2015, I will be graduating from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls with a major in Animal Science and a minor in Chemistry. Throughout my time at UWRF, I have become an active member in Chancellor Student Ambassadors, Block n Bridle, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, and also performed undergraduate research. These organizations have given me the opportunity to continue growing as a leader and the skills necessary to impact the future of agriculture.
John Shedd once stated, “A ship is safe in a harbor, but that is not what ships are built for.” As you begin your busy summer, make the most of the numerous opportunities Pierce County 4-H offers. Reach out of your comfort zone, and take hold of new experiences. From being the Pierce County Summer Intern last year, I have witnessed how this program shapes youth into confident, goal driven leaders.Volunteering and actively participating in workshops are a great way to strengthen beneficial life skills. I am looking forward to creating another memorable summer and sharing the wonderful experiences 4-H has to offer.
Shelby Springman, UWEX-P.C. Frank Ginther
4-H Summer Program Assistant 4-H Youth Development Agent
The 4-H informant is a newsletter for Pierce County 4-H families to inform of program opportunities. Please advise at the time of registration if you have a disability and desire special accommodations. Requests are kept confidential. Discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, creed, or religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, veterans’ status, arrest or non-job program related conviction record or qualified disability, including AIDS is prohibited.Frank Ginther / 4-H Youth Development Agent
Greg Andrews / Agriculture Agent
Lori Zierl / Family Living Agent
Sarah Johnson / Nutrition Educator
Diana Alfuth / Horticulture Agent
Amy Vandebrake / Agriculture Educator
4-H Program Advisor
Shelby Springman / 4-H Summer Intern
4-H Family Calendar
8Wisconsin 4-H Foundation 6th Annual Northern Golf Classic, Kilkarney Hill Golf Club, River Falls
11Shotgun/.22 Pistol Practice 6pm
11Rabbit Agility Practice 7pm
13Western Gateway 4-H Shoot
10-12Camp Kinnissippewa, Marine on St. Croix
17-20Tractor Safety Course, Ellsworth High School
18Shotgun/.22 Pistol Practice 6pm
20Cat Workshop, 10:00 a.m. River Falls Library
25Clothing Revue, Ag Service & Education Center, Baldwin, 6:30 p.m.
25Shotgun/.22 Pistol Practice 6pm
25Sailer’s Meat Tour 6pm
27Cat Workshop, 10 am River Falls Library
27Interstate Livestock Show, Polk County Fairgrounds
27Junior Garden U, 9:00 am.-12:00 p.m., River Falls Grow to Share Garden
29Club Leader Meeting 6:30pm, Pierce County Office Building Downstairs Meeting Room
29-July 2 Ellsworth Tractor Safety Course, Ellsworth High School
30 Area Animal Science Days, Dunn County
8Older member trip to Valleyfair
9Archery/.22 Rifle practice 6pm
13-17Gateway Academy, River Falls High School 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
14Poultry Workshop, Poultry and Rabbit Barn, Pierce County Fair Grounds, 6:30 p.m.
16 Swine Showing & Fitting Clinic
16Archery/.22 Rifle practice 6pm
18Poultry Blood Testing, Pierce County Fair Grounds, 9:00 a.m.
18Cat Workshop, 10am River Falls Library
21Cloverbud/Explorer Fun Day at Glen Park, River Falls
21Goat Informational Meeting 6:30pm, Drewiske Building
21MAQA 7pm Ellsworth
23Archery/.22 Rifle practice 6pm
23Cloverbud/Explorer Fun Day at Eau Galle Park, Spring Valley
25Cat Workshop 10:00 a.m. River Falls Library
30General Pre-Fair Workshop
30Archery/.22 Rifle practice 6pm
31Moto Cross 7pm
7Cat Show 2pm
13-16Pierce County Fair
4-H Club News
Recent 4-H minutes may be found on our website:
4-H Fiscal Year ends June 30
Attention 4-H Leaders and Treasurers! The end of the state’s fiscal year is also the end of our 4-H Fiscal Year. Having all your bank statements and your checkbook ledger up to date greatly helps you when completing your Charter Renewal Forms, Financial Records and Excess Funds Plans.
These forms will be sent out in June or can be requested electronically as fillable PDF forms. Completed Charter Renewal Packets must be turned into the UW-Extension Office by October 15. Financial Forms are due to the UW-Extension Office by July 31. If you have any questions, please let Heather know by stopping at the UW-Extension Office or calling 715-273-6781.
Tid-bits from the Fair Office
Tid-bits from the Fair Office
2015 – Fair Dates are August 13th – 16th
2015 – Pre-Fair Motocross is Friday, July31st at 7pm
2016 – Fair Dates are August 11th – 14th
Fair Sign Program
The fair sign program will be offered again this year paying your club $25 for putting up a new sign promoting the Pierce County Fair. We will pay you $10 for each previously used sign if the dates are changed. Open to 4-H and FFA.
Sign must be at least 4 feet by 8 feet and include “Pierce County Fair” “August 13-14-15-16”, “Ellsworth” and your club/chapter name. Please don’t include any other words as it detracts from the message. Signs need to be up by July 17 at and taken down within one week after the fair. Signs must be placed on private land and not in the road right of way. Ask permission from the landowner. Email a colored photo to PRIOR to the fair indicating locations and if new or reused. Signs MUST be down within one week!!
Thank you for all the people/clubs who have stopped by for the Adopt a Fair Planter program. This is our 14th year! Pierce County fairgoers will enjoy the beauty of flower planters at the Pierce County Fair again. Thank you to the people who have kept their pot year after year and just keep refilling them. Please call so we can list you on our appreciation list.
Matt Kelly - Pierce County Fair Groundskeeper
We are pleased to announce that Matt Kelly has been selected as the new Pierce County Fair Groundskeeper. He started on April 13 replacing Kenny Hines who passed away in early February. Matt Kelly has been an employee of Pierce County for over 15 years. He’s worked in the Solid Waste, Highway & Maintenance departments before coming to the Fair. Matt & the summer crew are already working to get things ready for this year’s Fair. Stop by to introduce yourself, otherwise, you will see him running around during the Fair. WELCOME MATT!
Welcome Back Rose
Rose Brunner will be returning on June 10th as the Summer Fair Assistant. Rose will work on hiring ticket takers, parking people, entering fair entry forms and seeking helpers.
New Information or Fairbook Changes
Some decisions were made after the Fairbook had already gone to press and inadvertent errors were not caught prior. If you are involved in any of the below projects, please make note of these corrections.
Jr. Beef (page 32) under “Judging-Friday 9:00 a.m.”
- REGULATIONS: A maximum offive beef animals may be shown per exhibitor in the Junior Show. Cow-calf entry counts as two IF the calf is shown in an individual class as well. Exhibitors must be in control of their animals. Wild animals will be evaluated by Superintendent and sent home. See Wisconsin Animal Health Rules & Regulations at front of book. See ATCP 160 Fair Rules in Front of book for description of group classes
Thank You Fair Supporters
The Fair is grateful for donations that they receive to better the Fairgrounds. Prior to the 2014 Fair, Country Partners 4-H Club donated additional wooden benches w/backs and 6 trees for the east parking lot. THANK YOU Country Partners 4-H
The Family of Stan & Milly Christiansen donated 3 picnic tables, 3 wooden benches w/backs and 8 large flower planters in memory of their parents. THANK YOU Christiansen Family.
One wooden bench w/back was received in Memory of Blake Flanigan from his family. THANK YOU Flanigan Family.
Three trees & a stone were donated to honor Kenny Hines from his former crew, Fair Office, Al Hines & Melgards Monument. The new trees are between the silver barn and horse arena. These should provide great shade in the future.
Additional Memorial donations have been received for Kenny Hines. We are looking at a project to improve the lighting in front of the Seyforth Bldg. and permanent benches. This proposed project is being taken before the Buildings/Grounds committee in early June. We are continuing to look for further donations for this project. If 4-H clubs or individuals are interested in contributing to this proposed project, please contact Ann Webb at the Fair Office.
Most Admired Senior Citizen
Do you have a very special friend or relative who is over 60 years old? He or she could be one of the Pierce County’s most admired senior citizens. No matter what your age, you can nominate your favorite Pierce County senior citizen. Selection is of the most admired senior citizen is based on their current volunteering efforts. Contact the Fair Office for an application and details.
Fair Helpers Needed
It is never too early to sign up to be a fair helper. The earlier you call the better chance you have at working in the project area that interest you. The Fair Office is looking for Fair helpers to help before and during the Fair. Superintendents need help at check-in, during judging and at check-out. There are helper spots available from Friday, August 7th starting at 8 a.m. through 6:30 on Sunday, August 16th. Basically every department at the Fair is looking for helpers. Helpers are needed in approximately 4 hour shifts. Please contact Rose Brunner, the Summer Fair Assistant at 715-273-3531 x6599 if you or a family member is interested in helping. Being a Fair helpers looks great in your record book, on a ME form or on a trip application.
Fair Website
Use the Fair web-site to look up anything about the Fair at: Give us a “jingle” if you have any questions related to the Fair at 273-6874.
Rabbit& Poultry
July 14th: Poultry Workshop 6:30 p.m. at the Poultry Barn
July 18th: Poultry blood testing at the fairgrounds
Anyone who is planning on selling poultry or meat rabbits in the livestock sale must attend a MAQA workshop! The next MAQA workshop is July 21st at the Ellsworth High School.
If you are interested in trying your hand at rabbit agility we will hold our 1st practice and general meeting on Thursday night June 11th at 7:00 pm by the rabbit barn at the fairgrounds.
Bring your rabbit – they must be at least 6 months old right now for you to participate in this activity. Doing agility with a younger rabbit could be hazardous to its health. Bring a harness along that will fit your animal cat harnesses that are H style, or a rabbit harness. Also bring a light weight cat leash 4-6 feet long, water bottle for the bunny, and treats that your bunny likes (carrots, parsley, dandelion greens, or whatever you can entice your rabbit with. Also wear regular shoes – tennis shoes, NO flip Flops or sandals they slap your feet when you walk and this may spook your rabbit.
We will go over how this project will be run, expectations for training your rabbit, organized practices, as well as the fair show.
If you want to be a part of this project but cannot make this meeting/practice please e-mail me so I can send you information about the practices-
Andrea Nthole
Club Leaders
Calling all Club Leaders! On Monday, June 29th at 6:30pm in the Pierce County Office Building Downstairs Meeting Room there will be a Club Leader meeting. These meetings will be held every three months. This gathering will give time for veteran club leaders to share their knowledge and allow newer leaders to learn and share new ideas. Contact April Daniels at 715-425-9040 for any questions. HOPE TO SEE ALL CLUB LEADERS THERE TO HELP MAKE OUR PIERCE COUNTY 4-H PROGRAM THE BEST WE CAN BE!
2015 County Fair Show Info
The 2015Pierce County Fair Cat Show is Friday, August 7 at 9 am in the Round Barn. Check-in is from 8:00-8:45 am
Cat Workshop Dates:
- June 20th
- June27th
- July 18th
All dates are at 10:00 a.m. at the River Falls Public Library
WI 4-H Foundation
North Golf Classic & Silent Auction
The Northwest 4-H Golf Classicwas held on Monday, June 8th, 2015 at Kilkarney Hills Golf Club in River Falls, WI. It was a great day and another successful fundraiser! Thank you to all who helped to make this a great day! Thank you to all who sponsored this outing, and to those that donated items for the silent auction and to all the golfers for taking time to support 4-H! If you would like to help next year please call Sharon Seibel, (612)309-1794 or by email:
A special Thank Youto:Peter Stern, Dean Henderson, Jim Harsdorf, Sharon Seibel, Frank Ginther, Stephanie Larsen, Karissa Seibel, Eileen Sikora, and Heather Vierling for their commitment to 4-H and for their leadership in planning and organizing this event!
Also thanks to: 4-H Ambassadors from Pierce, Polk, St Croix & Chippewa Counties,
to 4-H Adult Volunteers and the Pierce County UWEX staff.
Tractor Safety
A Tractor Safety Corse will be offered this spring for youth 14-15 years of age at the Ellsworth High School. Call 715-273-3911 to sign up. You will need to send in class fee of $20 and registration to the Community Ed office. The dates for the class are June 29,30 and July 1 and 2. Registration deadline is Friday, June 12th. There will also be Tractor Safety classoffered at the Spring Valley High School June 22nd – 26th. For info. call Carter Turner at 715-778-5554
Junior Garden U
From the depths of soil and the extravagant plant uses to the mystery of beneficial insects come learn and grow with the St. Croix Valley Master Gardeners and Pierce County Extension. On Saturday June 27th 2015 youth ages 6-12 are invited to the River Falls Grow to Share Garden, located East of Hoffman Park, River Falls, WI. This interactive day camp will be from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. With high energy and passion for youth development, this program will be full of engaging activities related plant and soil science. The Cost of this summer opportunity is $5.00. There is a registration form at the end of this newsletter. Fill it out and send the registration form back in to us by June 19th, 2015.
Shooting Sports
Western Gateway 4-H shoot- River Falls
Pierce County 4-H shooting sports will be hosting their4th Annual Pierce County Western Gateway Statewide Shoot that will take place June 13th 2015 at the River Falls Sportsmen’s Club. Check-in will start at 7:30am and the ranges open at 8am. To enter please check out our web page or the state 4-H shooting sports page at
There will be Archery Practice at 6:00 at the River Falls Sportsman’s Club Thursday’s on: July 9, 16, 23, and 30
Muzzleloader Practice will take place at 6pm on Tuesdays throughout June and July.
Shotgun/ .22 Pistolpractice will take place at 6:00 at the River Falls Sportsman’s Club on: June 11, 18, and 25
.22 Riflepractice will take place at 6:00 at the River Falls Sportsman’s Club on:
July 9, 16, 23, and 30
Reminder that all disciplines will require 1-2 practices to be eligible for the Fair competition. This year’s dates are August 8-9.
Dairy Breakfast
Don’t forget to sign up for a shift at the Dairy Breakfast on June 20th, 2015! This year’s host for the breakfast is Peterson Family Dairy, located two miles southwest of River Falls on State Highway 29. The breakfast will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Your club will get a $100 donation from the Pierce County Dairy Promotion Committee this fall for helping out. There are only a few spots left to fill thanks to the many clubs that have already signed up workers. If interested, contact Sandy Radkey at the Pierce County Extension Office!
Attention Goat project members: An informational meeting to be held on Tuesday July 21 at the Drewiske building, 6:30pm. Topics include new fair book changes, judging schedules, questions and answers on bringing and showing your goat. Members and parents are strongly encouraged to attend.
MAQA Training
All Pierce County 4-H Meat Animal project members must attend a MAQA workshop. Our last MAQA training in Pierce County is on July 21 at7:00 pmat Ellsworth High School.
All meat animal project exhibitors MUST attend an MAQA workshop to be eligible to sell at the 2015 Pierce County Fair, unless their MAQA certification hasn’t expired.
Upcoming Dates and Events
June 25- Sailer’s Meat Tour 6pm
June 27-Interstate Livestock Show, Polk County Fairgrounds
June 30- Area Animal Science Days, Dunn County
July 16- Swine Showing & Fitting Clinic
July 30- General Pre-Fair Workshop
Older Member Valleyfair Trip