SRC Equipment Risk Assessment 2013
Hazard Identification / Risk Evaluation / Risk Controls
Equipment / Hazard / Risks / Severity / Likelihood / Risk
Level / Measures to reduce the risks posed by hazards
( Lab coat and gloves must be worn at all times when working in lab )
-80 Freezer / · Frostbite
· Laceration
· Fire / · Frost burns to skin and eyes
· Fire / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Dry cold protection gloves must be worn
· Do not put glassware in the freezer
· Do not store flammable liquids in the freezer
· The freezer is locked and is accessible only to authorized lab staff.
3D Printer / · Extruder and platform are hot
· Sharp tools and support material
· ABS plastic waste / · Burns
· Hand Injury
· Eye Injury / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Wear gloves when working around this area
· Wear gloves when using sharp tools to remove support materials
· Wear safety goggles to prevent flying plastic waste get into eyes
Ashing Furnace / · Hot surface or materials
· Explosion by overheating / · Burns
· Injuries / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Only to be operated by trained lab staff.
· Thermal gloves must be worn
· Tongs must be used when removing materials from the furnace
· Do not exceed the max heating limit
· No flammable materials are allowed for ashing
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer / · Hazardous radiation from flame/hollow cathode/D2 lamp
· Acetylene explode
· Heat from burner head / · Eye damage
· Burns
· Gas leak / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Students must be guided by trained lab staff
· Never directly view the flame/hollow cathode/D2 lamp.
· Acetylene gas pressure should not exceed 15psi
· Perform periodic gas leak test
· If removing burner head ,allow sufficient time for the burner head to cool
· Preventive maintenance should be done yearly
Atomic Force Microscope / · Laser Radiation / · Eye damage / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Do not stare into the beam or view directly with optical instruments (Magnifiers)
· Users must be guided by trained lab staff
Autoclave / · Heat/Steam
· Contamination with bio-hazardous substances
· Explosion / · Burns
· Infections
· Eye/body injuries / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Only to be operated by trained lab staff
· Thermal gloves must be worn
· The chamber lid must be properly closed before operation.
· Never use autoclave for explosive/combustible/oxidizing /flammable substances.
· Daily maintenance is essential.
· Preventive maintenance should be done annually
Biosafety Cabinet / · Exposure to UV light
· Exposure to Microorganisms / · Burns
· Infections / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Users must be trained and strictly follow safety laboratory practices
· Do not stand near when the UV is on.
· Turn off UV before use
· Do not use flammable/combustible/ explosive substances in the unit.
· Preventive maintenance should be done annually
Bunsen burner / · Heat/Flame
· Gas leak / · Burns
· Fire / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Wear thermal gloves if necessary
· If gas is smelt, turn off tap and report immediately
· Do not have or use flammable/volatile/explosive substances near the flame.
Centrifuge / · Samples leaks
· Samples imbalance / · Aerosols, chemicals and microorganisms contamination
· Machine malfunction / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Users must be trained
· Never fill the centrifuge tubes above the max limit
· Never exceed the max speed
· Centrifuge tubes must be balanced
Digital Force Gauge / · Flying test substance / · Eye/body injuries / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Use appropriate protective shield/mask ( depending on the test substance) to prevent injury caused by flying test substance.
· Users must be guided by trained lab staff
Drilling Machine / · Flying Chips / · Eye/body injuries / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Always secure the workpiece on the vice
· Wear goggles
· Student must be guided by trained lab staff
Electrophoresis System / · Electric shock
· Short-circuiting
· Toxic chemicals used / · Injuries
· Protein gel is toxic / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Polyacrylamide gel can only be casted by trained lab staff or to purchase commercially.
· Metal components should not be touched.
· Electrodes must be connected to their respective sockets.
· Student must be guided by trained lab staff
Fractional Distillation/Reflux System/Rotary Evaporator / · Release of evaporating content
· Flask falling off or cracking of glassware / · Inhalation of toxic fume.
· Injuries / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Student must be guided by trained lab staff
· Do not operate near flammable vapour or exposed flame.
· To be done in fume hood with the front door down
· Heating mantle is used instead of naked flame.
· The equipment should not be left unattended when the process is going on.
· Greater care should be exercised when handling ignitable or organic substances.
· Check setup before starting the process.
Fume Hood / · flammable liquids
· hazardous fumes/substances / · Fire/Explosion
· Exposure to hazardous substances / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Ignition sources to be kept out of fume hood
· Containers of flammable liquids to be kept sealed except during decanting.
· Preventive maintenance should be done annually
Gas Cylinder
(Flammable) / · Gas leak
· Falling Gas cylinder / · Fire
· Body injuries / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Store outside the laboratory and well ventilated place
· Must always be firmly secured with clamp and never left unsupported.
· No chemicals are allowed to store together with the gas cylinders
· Proper pressure limits for the compressed gas system must be observed to prevent leaks and explosions
· Correct pressure regulator to be used
· Check gas leak regularly
· Always use smaller cylinder if possible
Heating Mantle / · High temperature / · Risk of burns due to touching hot surface
· Low risk of electrocution due to spillage of water or solvents on heating mantle / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Do not leave heating mantle switch on when unattended.
· Do not place near flammable/volatile/explosive substances.
· Ensured the apparatus is electrically checked on regularly.
High Voltage DC Power Supply for Electro-spinning / · High voltage / · Electric Shock / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Student must be guided by trained lab staff
· Do not touch metal parts of the setup when the equipment is turned on
· Always discharge the load after each operation
Homogenizer / · Contact with rotating shaft, homogenizer head
· Irritating noise
· High power / · Cuts/Injuries
· Elevated noise affect hearing
· Exposure to hazardous materials / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Training in safe operation and guided by trained lab staff
· Protected goggles must be worn.
· Chamber must be fully closed when in use.
· Switch off when cleaning.
· Hearing protection is required for longer time or higher speed.
· Reduce operation time and speed if possible.
Hot Bead Sterilizers / · Heat / · Burns / 2 / 2 / 4 / · Metal ware must not be left too long in the hot bead sterilizer.
Hot plate / · High temperature / · Risk of burns due to touching of hot plate
· Low risk of fire due to ignition of oil or chemicals being heated
· Low risk of electrocution due to spillage of water or solvents on hot plate. / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Thermal gloves must be worn if necessary
· Do not leave hot plate switch on when unattended.
· Do not place the hot plate near flammable/volatile/explosive substances.
· Avoid heating oil bath or chemicals to too high temp
· Ensured the apparatus is electrically checked on regularly.
HPLC / · Hazardous substances including flammable, irritant solvents used and testing materials / · Exposure to hazardous substances
· Fire can occur in the present of ignition sources / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Student must be guided by trained staff
· Awareness of possible exposure to hazardous substances
· No ignition sources or hot plate near the equipment.
· Routine maintenance should be done
· Preventive maintenance should be done annually
Incubator / · Heat
· Danger of fire with low flash points chemicals / · Burns
· Fire / 2 / 2 / 4 / · Do not place incubator near volatile/flammable/explosive substances
· Thermal gloves should be worn if the temperature setting is above 45 deg C
Infrared Lamp / · Heat
· Explosive if it contacts with water as the lamp tends to be very hot when in use. / · Burns
· Injuries / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Do not allow contact with water and place away from the water sources.
· Switches should turn off after use.
Laminar Flow / · Exposure to UV light
· Microorganisms / · Burns
· Infections / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Users must be trained and strictly follow safety laboratory practices.
· Do not stand near the hood when UV light is on
· Turn off UV light before removing the front covers
· Do not use flammable/volatile/explosive substances in the unit
· Daily maintenance by lab staff is essential.
· Preventive maintenance should be done annually
Laser / · Laser Radiation / · Eye Damage / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Wear laser safety Eye goggles.
· Class 3b laser users to be guided by licensed lab staff
· The laser apparatus when not in use should be locked and is accessible only to authorized lab staff.
Microscopes / · Exposure to microorganisms
· Broken slides / · Infection
· Cuts / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Users must be trained
· When focusing at high power, only use fine adjustment. Do not use coarse adjustment, it may break the coverslips, slides and lens and cause contaminations and injuries
Microwave Oven / · Burns
· Leakage of Microwave radiation / · Burns
· Pose hazard to health / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Thermal gloves must be worn.
· Bottles/containers should not be closed tightly.
· Seals to be checked regularly
· Stay at least an arm’s length away from the front of an operating microwave oven
Milling Machine / · Hazardous voltages
· Cutters / · Electric Shock
· Injuries / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Student must be guided by trained lab staff
· Materials to be milled must be held securely.
· Eye protection must be worn
· After switching off the machine, always wait at least 5 minutes before removing the rear cover to access the electrical panel
Optical fibres / · Broken fibres pieces are sharp and could penetrate the skin / · Injuries / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Handle optical fibres as glass.
· Fibres should be disposed carefully and not left lying on the bench.
Optical Tweezers / · Laser Radiation / · Eye Damage / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Wear laser safety Eye goggles.
· Student must be guided by trained lab staff
Oven –Dry Heat / · High temp / · Burns
· Fire / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Wear thermal gloves when removing hot items from the oven
· Never use oven to evaporate flammable or combustible chemicals
· Do not place the oven near volatile/flammable/explosive substances.
Pump / · Electric shock / · Injuries / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Strictly follow the instructions.
· Lab staff guided is essential
Scalpels/Blades/Syringe needles / · Sharp objects / · Cuts
· Puncture / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Lab staff supervision is essential
· To emphasize the danger of sharp objects to students.
· Used sharps should not be bent or broken, and must be disposed into sharp waste container
· Syringe with needle is only allowed to use when necessary and lab staff supervision is required
· Issue to students only when necessary
· Only lab staff are accessible to the storage box.
Scroll Saw / · Flying object
eg. sharp chip
Chuck key,
wrenches &
workpiece / · Eye/body injuries
· Inhale dust / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Student must be guided by trained lab staff
· Ensure the chuck keys and wrenches are removed before operating the machine
· Use clamps or vices to secure workpiece
· Goggles and mask must be worn
Shaking Incubator / · Spilling of Chemicals or Microorganisms
· Broken glass / · Chemicals or microorganism contamination
· Cuts / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Flasks or bottles should not be over-filled or over-tighten.
· Ensure the flasks or bottles are secured
· Place objects on the platform in a stable condition
· Do not overload the shaker or exceed the equipment’s specification.
Soldering irons / · Electric shock
· Heat from melted component. / · Burns
· Injuries / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Lab staff should ensure the equipment and cables are maintained in good conditions
· Suitable eye protection should be worn
· Students are not allowed to operate this process
Sonicator / · Vibration / · Hearing impairment / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Student must be guided by trained lab staff
· Minimize sample sonication time
· Perform in fume hood if necessary
· Ear protection if needed
Thermometer / · Mercury vaporized from broken thermometer.
· Broken pieces / · Toxic vapor inhalation from broken thermometer
· Cuts / 3 / 3 / 9 / · All breakage, accidents and spillage must be reported immediately to teachers or lab staff.
· Follow mercury spillage SOP
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer / · Exposure to microorganisms
· Exposure to chemicals
· Exposure to UV / · Infection
· May be hazard to skin or eyes
· Burns / 3 / 2 / 6 / · Users must be trained
· The lid must not be open during operation
UV transilluminator / · UV radiation / · Harmful to eyes
· Skin burns / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Lab staff supervision is essential.
· Full face shield should be worn
· UV lamp must be off after use
Vacuum Concentrator / · Toxic or flammable vapours / · Inhalation of toxic vapours
· Fire if presence of ignition sources. / 3 / 2 / 6 / · The equipment must not be used to evaporate low flash points substances.
· When evaporating flammable liquids,volatile liquids or explosive liquids , a cooling trap should be used to ensure condensation and separation of the vapour
· Student must be guided by trained lab staff
Vacuum Oven / · Heat
· Broken glass
· Toxic volatile substance
· Implosion / · Burns
· Cut
· Hazardous fume evolved
· Intoxication
· Explosion / 3 / 3 / 9 / · Lab staff supervision is essential
· Thermal gloves must be worn
· Do not place or dry explosive, flammable, corrosive and combustible materials around or in the oven.
· Do not seal the glassware
· Door gasket will degrade at high temp after some time, check frequently.
· Check Vacuum pump frequently
Vortex mixer / · Samples leak / · Exposure to hazardous substances / 2 / 2 / 4 / · Users are to ensured tubes sealed properly
Water-Bath / · Electric shock
· Heat / · Injuries
· “HIGH TEMP, DO NOT TOUCH” sign should be displayed if the temperature setting is higher than 60 deg C.
· Off the water-bath if not in use.

· Emergency procedures and first aid kit must be in place.