Temperament skits

Skit #1 Acitivity Level

Participant – One child with props; baseball cap mitt/ball, basketball

When I start to talk about activity level this person can be running around in the background. First going by with a skipping rope then a basketball, then a catcher’s mitt.

I ask you to sit down. When you do jiggle your legs drum on your knees and son on.

Skit #2 Distractiblity

One Parent One Child Props: baseball cap, mitt/ball

The parent requests that the child put on his coat so that they can go out. The parent starts to explain to the child where they are going and the child keeps interrupting with things like…

“Mom, did you have garlic for lunch. Oh, there goes that pesky fly again.” swat, swat

Parents tries to keep child’s attention “Honey, I’m trying to tell you where we are going here…..”

Kid says … “Did you dye your hair or something. You don’t have those little grey hairs on the side.”

Parent gets a little disgruntled and requests “Please put your coat on, we have to go.”

“Sure mom, no problem.” Kid spots the baseball mitt on the floor. “Hey mom, lets play catch!”

Skit #3 Approach/Withdrawal

One parent, one teacher, one child props: clothes needed to distinguish parent, teacher and child.

Child going to a new play school feeling very excited and when they get there, the child hides behind parent’s leg as the aprent introduces the child to the teacher.

Skit #4 Slow/Fast Approach

Participants: one teacher, one shy child, one fast child

Props needed: plastic play mouse, teddy bear

Teacher preparing class for show and tell “Class, who would like to stand up for show and tell?” Teacher looks at the shy child. “would you like to come up. Come on now.”

Shy child: tries to refuse but then goes up to the front of the class sheepishly (clutching teddy bear). “ummmmmnnnnmmmnn, this is my teddy”

And races back to seat.

Fast child: Has been bouncing with hand up from the beginning wanting to share his thing. “This is a dead mouse, we found the mouse in my dad’s shoe. He thought it was one of those insoles and it started to stink and stink, Anyway, pretty cool, huh, it’s all stiff now, hey look at the tail…..”

Teacher trying to cut the child off a little “ find dear you can sit down now.”

Skit #5 Intensity

One parent one child: ball or game

Child is totally involved in playing whatever sport or doing whatever. Intense children can be fairly loud so it might fit to be loud and happy.

The parent calls the child (in a good mood) “Time for dinner’

Child: “I don’t want to eat now I’m too busy.”

Parent: “I’ve made your favourite dinner. Spaghetti!”

Child: Yelling at parent - “I don’t want to eat my dinner!”

Parent: Yelling right back - “Fine then and quit yelling at me!”

Skit #6 Sensory Threshold

Two parents and one child Props needed: Flashlight, pair of socks

If anyone has a miner’s hat, great. Parents standing back with flashlight looking intensly into the socks.

The child is sobbing “I can’t take it anymore, I can’t, I can’t. “

Paren say to the other, “Honestly honey, I could swear these is no seam in these socks.”

Skits For Tell Me It’s a Stage

Skit #1 One Doctor One Burnt Out Parent Page 4

D: Tell me the problem Mr./Mrs Jones.

P: Spoken with distress : “He/she (opposite sex of parent) screams at me, he yells, he hits me and calls me names. It is so awful, I can’t stand it.”

D: This is clearly abuse, you have got to get this troubled person out of your life. How long did you say you have been married?

P: I’m not talking about my husband/wife! I’m talking about my two year old!

Skit #2 Some Brave soul acting as a child. One parent
Page 14

About a three year old insist on getting ready himself. Really struggling with a coat putting it on the wrong way. Trying all different ways of getting the coat on. Parent looking on sympathetically asking to help. “No way” says child. Ski jackets work well for this. At the end the kid could have the coat on backward and gum boots on the wrong feet.

“Okay, I’m ready.”


Skit #3 Page 20 Struggle for Independence One Parent One Teen

Teen: Dressed outrageously acting cool (chewing gum) talking to parent. “Listen Mom/Dad, I know you are driving me to school today. Could you drop me off a block from school?

Parent: “Sure are you meeting Susan on the corner today?”

Teen: “No. (spoken with a bit of cheek) I would just be totally embarrassed If anyone saw me with you.”

Skit #4 Page 24 One Child Two Parents

One very brave actor. Wearing a diaper or drinking out of a baby bottle or both.

One parent comes home to be greeted by the child talking baby talk. The actor toddles off. Parent looks at other and says “Honey, it looks like Junior is still going through this regressive period.”

Other Parent: “Yeah, no kidding. I was hoping he would get through it before his big game basketball game tonight. We probably shouldn’t let him drive there.”

Skit #5 Empathy Training One Parent One Child
Page 31

Sitting watching television. Parent is explaining feelings of actors. “Boy, how do you think that kid feels in the movie. All his friends ganging against him like that.” Pulls out a sheet with feeling words on it. “He must feel, frustrated, overwhelmed, devastated, perturbed and somewhat anxious.” Kid sits folding arms and rolling eyes. “Yeah, and when I watch a movie with you I feel frustrated, overwhelmed, devastated, perturbed and very anxious, not to mention annoyed, irritated and frazzled!”

Skits For Tell Me It’s a Stage

Skit #1 One Doctor One Burnt Out Parent Page 4

D: Tell me the problem Mr./Mrs Jones.

P: Spoken with distress : “He/she (opposite sex of parent) screams at me, he yells, he hits me and calls me names. It is so awful, I can’t stand it.”

D: This is clearly abuse, you have got to get this troubled person out of your life. How long did you say you have been married?

P: I’m not talking about my husband/wife! I’m talking about my two year old!

Skit #2 Some Brave soul acting as a child. One parent
Page 14

About a three year old insist on getting ready himself. Really struggling with a coat putting it on the wrong way. Trying all different ways of getting the coat on. Parent looking on sympathetically asking to help. “No way” says child. Ski jackets work well for this. At the end the kid could have the coat on backward and gum boots on the wrong feet.

“Okay, I’m ready.”


Skit #3 Page 20 Struggle for Independence One Parent One Teen

Teen: Dressed outrageously acting cool (chewing gum) talking to parent. “Listen Mom/Dad, I know you are driving me to school today. Could you drop me off a block from school?

Parent: “Sure are you meeting Susan on the corner today?”

Teen: “No. (spoken with a bit of cheek) I would just be totally embarrassed If anyone saw me with you.”

Skit #4 Page 24 One Child Two Parents

One very brave actor. Wearing a diaper or drinking out of a baby bottle or both.

One parent comes home to be greeted by the child talking baby talk. The actor toddles off. Parent looks at other and says “Honey, it looks like Junior is still going through this regressive period.”

Other Parent: “Yeah, no kidding. I was hoping he would get through it before his big game basketball game tonight. We probably shouldn’t let him drive there.”

Skit #5 Empathy Training One Parent One ChildPage 31

Sitting watching television. Parent is explaining feelings of actors. “Boy, how do you think that kid feels in the movie. All his friends ganging against him like that.” Pulls out a sheet with feeling words on it. “He must feel, frustrated, overwhelmed, devastated, perturbed and somewhat anxious.” Kid sits folding arms and rolling eyes. “Yeah, and when I watch a movie with you I feel frustrated, overwhelmed, devastated, perturbed and very anxious, not to mention annoyed, irritated and frazzled!”


Skit #1

Page 2 Husband & Wife

H: Now get in there and stay there until you can come out and be nice!

W: Really, do you have to talk to the kids like that?

H: Well someone has to discipline them around here, they are getting

away with murder.

W: Yelling and shouting like some seargent Major in boot camp isn’t my

idea of discipline!

H: Yeah, your idea is letting them walk all over you. Not me, I like to

show them who is control. I was raised that way and look how well

I turned out.

Skit #2

The point to this skit is that the child has become the authoritarian parent.

Mom is afraid asserting herself will bring on rejection.

Page 5 one child, one parent (preferably female)

C: How may times do I have to tell you to get ready faster so that I won’t be late.

P: I’m sorry, I will get ready faster next time, I promise.

C: You know I don’t like being late, it irritates me and when I get irritated

I shouldn’t have to wait around for you.

P: No, your right I’m going to work on this really hard, I don’t like

irritating you.

C: Oh and Mom …. Child crossing arms looking annoyed …. You

know I like my fruit juice boxes frozen before you put them in my


P: Yes honey, mommy loves you, I’ll work on that too.

Skit 3 Refer to Page 13

We need a parent and a child. Child playing nintendo…..

Use dialogue from book.

You go into the recreation room in the basement. Your child was supposed to be doing his homework but instead, he is playing video games. The room is a mess and you see red. In anger you blurt out:

How dare you play that stupid game when you are supposed to be doing your homework! Look at this room, what a mess! You’ve got chips all over the floor and you drank all that pop! What a lazy slob. Get this mess cleaned up now! Get those books open and be prepared to go without video games or any friends over to this house for a week! DO YOU HEAR ME?”


Skit #4 Page 15

Mom or dad is nagging their child to take out the garbage. Because nagging is a constant behavior from parent, child has become parent deaf. He doesn’t respond until parent gets angry.

P: Brent take out the garbage please it smelling up the kitchen.

C: Ignoring parent -

P: Brent, take out the garbage, how many times do I have to tell you.

C: Yeah, I will.

P: Brent! I’m not going to ask you again, now take out the garbage.

After a few more of these, mom blows up.

P: Fine, I’ll take it out myself, why do I always have to do everything

around here. You are a lazy slouch!

C: What did you say you wanted me to do? (half heartedly)

Skit 5 Parent sits down with book and asks questions out loud. From page 24.

Skits for “Love, Limits & Consequences”

Skit #1 Page 6

Son: Hey Dad, you wanted to talk to me?

Dad: Yes I did. Your teacher called and told me you aren’t getting your work done. I must admit – I was pretty disappointed but I know I can’t make you do anything. You are fifteen years old.

Son: Oh sure you can dad, you could use that great reward system again. I made $1000.00 off that one last time!

Dad: Yeah, and as soon as the reward stopped so did your work. There was the weekly calls from the teacher, the chart. I tried gounding you, lecturing you, doing your homework with you. I have been doing this for years!! It just isn’t working. From now on son, you are on your own. No more calls from the teacher, no more rewards or punishments. You are old enough to make the right decision for you.

Son: Well, you know I might fail or something?

Dad: Perhaps.

Son: The teacher is going to think you are a bad parent Dad.

Dad: Perhaps.

Son: You know, I could really use another $100.00.

Dad: I’m sure. As he starts to walk away. Let me know how things work out. I’m routing for you.

Kid is left in shock.

Page 21 – Taking Action/Probably So

Skit #2

Young example:

Parent: I see you made a choice Junior – you decided to ride without a helmet and now your bike gets put away for three days. We talked about that last week.

Junior: That sucks, I won’t be able to do any trail riding.

Parent: Yeah, that is sad.

Junior: But if I can’t ride for three days then I will miss out on tons of stuff.

Parent: Probably so.

Junior: I might be by myself for three days cause everyone else will be riding

Parent: Hope not.

Skit #3 Older example:

Parent smells alcohol on his daughters breath when she comes home Friday night. He waits until the next morning to deal with the issue.

Parent: You know, I felt kind of sad for you last night. I smelled alcohol on your breath. I am worrying a bit about you and drinking. What do you think that means about using the family car?

Kid: I guess that means I can’t use it.

Parent: Good thinking, you are right.

Kid: I think you are just uptight about drinking, other kids drink and they can still use the family car.

Parent: Maybe so.

Kid: I’m going to look like a real dork.

Parent: Hope not

Kid: How will I get to work, I could get fired!

Parent: That would be a drag

Kid: Walks away, “This sucks.

Skit #4 Consistency Matters – but Pick your Battles Page 16

Parent sitting down reading and relaxing after a long day.

Child: Mom/Dad – Jason is playing in the dogs dish again. He is splashing some water on the floor!

Parent: Hmmn If I deal with this one and make it a rule then I have to bug him every time he plays in that darn dish. Does it really matter? He is only two and it isn’t deep enough to drown in.