Getting Ready for Baby

It’s time to start stocking up for baby. You will need to decorate the entire nursery, as well as purchase other necessities for your little one.

The Task

As a new parent, you will need to decide on a layout and color scheme and/or theme for the nursery. You will then furnish and accessorize the room. The following elements must be included:

*paint and/or wallpaper for the walls and ceiling

*furniture and accessories for decorating the room

*window treatments

*safety accessories

You will also have to purchase other necessities for the baby, including:

*infant car seat


*high chair

*toys and books


*enough diapers and wipes to last 2 weeks

You have received $3,000 in gift cards for the baby, and this is all the money you have to spend on everything you need. Be sure to keep in mind convenience, cost, and safety when making your selections.

The Process

The Nursery

1. Measure the perimeter of your room. Mark all permanent fixtures/ structures (windows, doors, radiators, etc.). Draw a rough draft of the room. Use this layout as a basis for your baby’s nursery.

2. Draw the room to scale. Consider using the following website to help you:

3. Shop and compare prices of all needed furnishings and accessories, keeping in mind the dimensions of the room and what will realistically fit in the space. Include all your selections in your itemized budget (see below).

4. After you have made your choices, create furniture templates and arrange them on the floor plan. The above website will help you with this as well.

Baby’s Other Needs

Shop and compare prices of all other items needed. Consider talking to someone who has a baby in order to determine what a newborn’s needs are (i.e. How many diapers and packs of wipes they go through, what clothes are necessary, what additional items may come in handy, etc.). Include your selections in your itemized budget (see below).

Create Your Itemized Budget

For each item you decide to purchase, you must provide the following information:

*a picture of the item

*a brief item description

*manufacturer of the item

*store or website where the item can be purchased


Be sure to total all items and stay within your budget!

Websites That May Help You