Informational Text in 4th Grade with Science and Social Studies
Content TEKS and Process Skills / ELARInformational Text / Social Studies & Science Resources / Strategies
- 4.11 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.
- 4.11A Summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning; (READINESS)
- 4.11C Describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts organized by cause-and-effect, sequence, or comparison; (READINESS)
- 4.11D Use multiple text features (e.g., guide words, topic and concluding sentences) to gain an overview of the contents of text and to locate information (READINESS)
- 4.12 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Persuasive Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about persuasive text and provide evidence from text to support their analysis.
- 4.12A Explain how an author uses language to present information to influence what the reader thinks or does.
- 4.13 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts. Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to:
- 4.13A Determine the sequence of activities needed to carry out a procedure (e.g., following a recipe); (Supporting)
- 4.13B Explain factual information presented graphically (e.g., charts, diagrams, graphs, illustrations). (Supporting)
- Scott Foresman Textbook
- TCM Primary Source Readers (1 kit per every two teachers on your campus)
- LRE Biography Cards
- Delta Science Readers: Simple Machines, Color and Light, Electromagnetism, Erosion, Flight and Rocketry, Oceans, Pollution, Rocks and Minerals, Weather Forecasting, Your and Your Body (your kit has 8 copies of each title and 10 copies of corresponding Skillbuilders)
- AIMS: booklets
- STEMscopedia*
- Reading Science **
- Science Rocks! Lyrics**
- P-B-L Science**
**found in both STEMScopes 1.0 (currently available) and STEMScopes 2.0 /
- Graphic Organizers
- Foldables
- Headlines/Reverse Headlines
- I Used to Think…Now I Think
- Sketch-to-Stretch
- The Explanation Game
- What Makes You Say That?
- Think-Puzzle-Explore
- Text Coding
- This Needs a Caption
April 2014