New Britain, Connecticut

September 8, 2003

The following people were in attendance:

Kathy Zolad, Andrea Duffy, Steve Kassoy, Marc Glass, Joe Conte, Tony Carvalho, Tim Brennan, Chafik Rebai, David Engel, Art Hennig, Tom Skarbek, Milan Keser, Ted Rozsa, Dick Nelson, Jesus Zornoza, Gerry Garlick and Bill Oehler. Also attending: Sue Schultz, Life Member Al McWhirter and Gerry Koppe filling in for Paulette Sousa.

The following people were absent:

Steve Woolbert, Paulette Sousa, Eric Voide, David Johns, and Jim Insinga.

Kathy Zolad, CJSA President, called meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Kathy welcomed our two new members, Gerry Garlick, Director of Recreational Services and Bill Oehler, State Registrar.

Kathy shared thank you notes that she received from the scholarship winners.


Minutes of July 14, 2003 were accepted with corrections as noted.


Dave Engel stated that the August report was being finalized. Dave was concerned about the district registrations that remain outstanding. He also reminded the districts that they need to send in their financial reports for the quarterly report by the end of the month. One district treasurer has stated that he will not conform to this request.

Dave requested the board’s approval to open two new accounts - Country Wide Bank (VA) and Net (DE).

Motion was made by T. Rozsa, seconded by M. Glass that CJSA will open new accounts at Country Wide Bank and Net not to exceed the FDA insured amount. Vote: Yes 12, No 0, Abstain 0. Motion passed.

Per our accountants recommendation, Dave discussed common banking policies for the entire organization; requiring district accounts to follow state procedures; having two (2) signatures for checks over a certain amount; monthly statements would come directly to the state office from the bank and within two (2) working days the office would send to the district treasurer; district accounts must be opened, with BOD approval, through a corporate resolution.

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Kathy stated that the Referees have become a part of our corporation. Their funds will be treated as we treat district funds. The referee accounts require a corporate resolution

to open. The three signatories will be, President (Kathy Zolad), Treasurer (David Engel) and SRA (Jesus Zornoza).

Motion was made to open up an account for the referees at Webster by M. Glass, seconded by A. Hennig. Motion passed.




Registration – attached report. Bill Oehler stated that he has been mandated to form a single data base for State Registration. His goal is to make a system that is user friendly and as easy as possible. He welcomes any input he can get from the BOD. He is hopeful for a June 2004 date.

State League – Kathy stated that the scheduling meeting went very well.

Connecticut Cup -Today was CT Cup deadline – we had 206 team entries on Friday and a total of 433 today. The draw will be September 16 at noon at the CJSA office. The draw will be an electronic random draw done by computer. The finals will be in Newington on November 8, 2003. Chevrolet is the title sponsor for the fall Connecticut Cup and Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield is an additional sponsor as well. We will charge $1.00 admission at the gate with all proceeds to be donated to the children’s hospitals.

Referees - Jesus submitted a report regarding Referee Reports for the ’03 spring season of the State League. Rescheduling of State League games continues to be an issue. Jesus attended the last BOG meeting and stated that the BOG is aware of the problem and is working on ways to correct the situation.

Tom Skarbek requested that we remind clubs that they can only use currently Certified Assignors.

Director of Coaching – Nominations have come in from the committee members, the top five (5) candidates included three out of state and two in state individuals. The next step will be the interview process followed by the candidates conducting a coaching module.

Recreational Services – Gerry Garlick has spoken to Fred Odell regarding training of coaches at the U7 and U8 levels. Gerry discussed the need for more TOPSOCER programs in our state.

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District Reports

NC – Marc Glass reported the NC/Central Scheduling meeting was held and 340 teams were present that night.

SW – Ted Rozsa stated that they have not met since June.

NW – Dave Johns discussed a coach’s feedback form designed for referees.

NE – Tim Brennan stated that the Fall scheduling meeting for the boys and girls was the same night as Registrars meeting led by Bill Oehler. They will be hosting a youth module for the coaches in the district and at the end of the season they are going to have a banquet.

Central – Tom Skarbek stated that their website will be up in the next couple of weeks.

SC – Joe Conte stated that 60 teams came to the scheduling meeting. They had an election as well.

SE – Milan Keser said that the leagues are going on schedule. The Soccer Hall of Fame are putting together their bylaws and having a meeting for their district to get some recognition.

Presidents Report - Kathy reported on her activities since the July meeting that included attending the ODP Camps in Rhode Island and New Jersey. She informed the BOD that our referees represented us well at the referee camp that was held in conjunction with the girls ODP camp at URI. She also attended the opening ceremonies for the State Games of America. Kathy met with the State League BOG; ODP senior staff; Recreational Services Director, Gerry Garlick.

USSF/AGM – Kathy and Tom Skarbek attended the USSF/AGM. (Dave Engel also attended as a guest.) Kathy said that only three laws passed, the remainder were either defeated or sent back to committee. The Parliamentarian never had control of the meeting. It appeared that if the Youth proposed it, the Pros and Athletes voted against it. She felt that nothing positive came out of the rules portion.

Kathy was privileged to nominate Janusz Michallik who was elected to the Soccer Foundation.

The US Youth Soccer members boycotted the Anniversary Dinner to demonstrate their displeasure over the meeting. The next US Soccer AGM will be held in March in New York City.

Relocation – lease. Dave, Steve and Ted met with the DiTommaso family. The new office space will be at least the same amount of space we currently have. They

negotiated a four-year lease with two three-year renewal options. Rent shall be $1600 for 48 months.

Motion was made by S. Kassoy, seconded by M. Keser that CJSA sign a lease

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for the facilities at 111 Executive Drive, Farmington, CT. The lease will be for a period of 48 months. Per the recommendation of our attorney, a floor plan detailing the space is to be included in the lease.

Vote: Yes 10, No 1, Abstain 3. Motion passed.


Youth Soccer Month - Kathy stated that September has been designated nationally as Youth Soccer Month. The BOD received T-shirts with the promotional logo.

2003-2004 District Authorization listing is due. Please notify the state office immediately with any changes.

Region I Meeting – October 17-19, 2003 in New York City. Marc Glass will be attending as the alternate BOD member.


Connecticut State Soccer Adults (CSSA) requested to become part of our organization. They are experiencing difficulty getting volunteers and are struggling with some of their programs, especially the group ages 18-30. Kathy suggested that we should carefully consider this request. Dave agreed that we should all think about this and come to a conclusion before our next AGM and present it (for purposes of discussion) at that time to both associations. Kathy will explore the pros and cons with other joint associations and Federation members.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 PM by T. Rozsa, seconded T. Carvalho. Motion passed.

Submitted by,

Gerry Koppe,

CJSA Office Staff