
The following guidelines have been approved the Board of Directors as guidelines for the conduct of the2012 general election.

This document contains all the elements necessary for the Board of Directors to deliver to the membership an approved schedule, rules and regulations regarding the election process.

B.Candidate Application

Any member of Crooked River Ranch Club & Maintenance Association “in good standing” is eligible to apply for an open position on its’ Board of Directors or Architectural Committee as long as a complete and signed application packet is submitted no later than the approved deadline. “In good standing” is defined as having all dues current according to Board policy and having no outstanding County Code or CC&R violations at the time of application.Applicants need not be a member of the Association, or be CRR residents.

All applications shall be in accordance with the application process and material as submitted by the Nominating Committee for the 2012 Election.

All completed applications willbe delivered to the Admin Office in a sealed envelope without identifying markings, where the sealed envelope will be date/time stamped and delivered expeditiously to the Nominating Committeefor confidentialreview to develop a slate of candidates for boththe Board and Architectural Committee positions.

C.Candidate Signage

Campaign signs for the annual election of Board members shall be erected by candidates no sooner than 1 July and shall be removed no later than 3 September, or three (3) days after the last ballot submission deadline. In the event of a special election, signs shall be removed no later than three (3) days following said election.

Special issue signage may not be erected more than two (2) months prior to the vote and must be removed no later than three (3) days following said vote.

Signs may be placed only on private property with the expressed permission of the owner of said property.They must also meetall the requirements specified in Sign Guidelines for Election 2012.

D.Nominating Committee

The activities of the Nominating Committee will be triggered by the startof a new election cycle. Nominations from the Nominating Committeemust be presented to the Board at its monthly meeting onJune 18, 2012.


The election ballot, it’s format and contents, shall be reviewed and approved at the June 18, 2012 Board meeting. Candidates for a Board orArchitectural Committee position shall be placed in random orderunder the appropriate category.

Any measure to be included in theballot must come properly worded and previously reviewed andrecommended by a committee of the Board and Board approved.

Ballots will be mailed with the “Notice of the Annual Meeting of theMembers” no later than August 1, 2012. This mailing will consist of “Notice of the Annual Meeting”, “Voter Pamphlet”, the ballot, a secrecy envelope and a return mail envelope.

Return mailed ballots are to be mailed directly to the firm that is in charge of validation and tabulation. The validating firm must receive ballots no later than 5:00 P.M. onFriday, August 31, 2012.Hand-delivered ballots may be deposited in the ballot box located in the Admin Office throughout the election period up to 4:30 P.M. on August 31. Ballots delivered by hand to the ballot box in the Admin Office will be delivered to the accounting firm no later than September 4, 2012.

F.Voters’ Pamphlet

The Voter’s Pamphlet shall include a SAMPLE BALLOT, VOTER INSTRUCTIONS/VOTING INFORMATION, CANDIDATES’ CAMPAIGN STATEMENTS(BIOGRAPHY AND STATEMENT OF WHY THEY ARE RUNNING),PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE CANDIDATES (if provided), full text of BALLOT TITLES, etc. The August Newsletter will contain voting information on the candidates and any ballot measures.

G.Candidates’ Forum

The Association will promote one (1) candidates’ forum in connection with the election 2012. This forum will take place at MacPherson Park (Juniper Room if inclement weather) on Wednesday, 18 July, between 6:30 and 8:00 P.M.

The candidates’ forum is to provide a meeting betweenthe candidates for the Board of Directors and the membership. Architectural Committee candidates are encouraged to attend to be introduced. The meeting format will be:

a)An introduction of the candidates by the host.

b)Brief introductory remarks by each of the BOD candidates followed by responses to questions randomly selected from a set prepared by the Secretary.

c)Questions to BOD candidates from the audience moderated by the host.

The President of the Association will host the candidates’ forum. In the event that the Presidentis unable to host the forum, the next in line for the task will be Vice-President of the Association, followed the Secretary of the Association.

H.Validating of the vote

The CPA firm designated by the Association Board of Directors will receive and validate all voted ballots, and it will tabulate and certify the election results.

The results of Election 2012 will be posted at the Admin Office and on the website no later than Friday, September 7, 2012.

CRR Election 2012Rules and Procedures for Conduct of Election-Approved by BOD 2/26/2012 1