HHS Recommended Testing Process for Development Teams

  1. Check the page using the WAVE Evaluation tool in Chrome.
  2. Correct all failed items marked using red icons - consult with CRO accessibility team if you feel that the tool is in error.
  3. Evaluate all manual checks which are marked using yellow icons and correct any problems that are found.
  4. Review the other flagged items to ensure that ARIA and structural elements are used correctly.
  5. Look at the contrast tab and make sure that there are not any contrast errors.
  6. Use the tab that turns off CSS and make sure that you have not missed anything.
  7. Check all of the structural elements, aria, and accessibility features – green, purple and blue icons and confirm that they are implemented correctly.
  8. If the interface has multiple states repeat the process in each state.
  9. Check magnification using a browser
  10. Increase magnification to 200% and verify that content is not hidden or broken.
  11. Increase text-size to 200% and verify that content is not hidden or broken.
  12. Manually test for keyboard accessibility. Correct all keyboard problems.
  13. All links, form inputs/controls, and other interactive features should be included in the tab ring in a logical order. (Usually this is left to right, top to bottom).
  14. Skip links must either always be visible or become visible when they receive focus.
  15. The location of keyboard focus must be visibly obvious as you tab through the controls.
  16. All controls must work using keyboard commands and you must be able to reach all of the content without using a mouse. (iFrames can make this difficult if there are not any interactive elements inside).
  17. Keyboard interactions for scripted controls must match the W3Cs WAI-ARIA Best Practices
  18. Pay attention to the applicable design patterns for any widget that you choose to add.
  19. Modals are particularly tricky - focus must move from the control that opens the modal directly to a logical place in the modal window. Keyboard focus must remain in the modal until the modal is closed.
  20. Make sure to test error messages.
  21. Turn off CSS
  22. Check reading order
  23. Check for new content that was not previously discovered (This may be visible to a screen reader)
  24. Perform functional tests with screen reader
  25. Reading order is correct.
  26. Table headers are properly reported in data tables.
  27. Image alternative text makes sense in context.Link text make sense in context (preferred that it also makes sense out of context i.e. in a links list.
  28. The labels for all form fields and controls make sense
  29. The status of toggles is properly reported - for example when an accordion or tree control is expanded or closed.
  30. Landmarks make sense.
  31. Error messages are announced appropriately - when the error is displayed and without hunting for it.

Other items to seriously consider. (Best practices)

●Performing user testing with people with disabilities.

●Performing user testing with people without disabilities

●Ensuring that you follow the recommended rules for aria use

●Document the results of all of the testing that you performed and provide that to the client. This will expedite the UAT process for validating accessibility.

●If you have questions call an accessibility specialist.