Ohio University Emeriti Association Board

November 19, 2009

Present: Ed Baum, Chuck Carlson, Dru Riley Evarts, Richard Nostrant, Edie Russ, Margaret Thomas, Joe Tucker.

University Liaison: Jan Miller-Fox

The meeting came to order 9:47 a.m. in Room 150 of Ohio University’s Human Resources and Training Center.

Minutes: Baum mentioned that Jan Miller-Fox, who had been listed as “visitor” in the September and October minutes, should be labeled “university liaison.” Carlson moved to accept the October minutes with that correction, Thomas seconded, and the motion passed.

Preliminary Discussion: Baum also led a discussion of places to meet in view of the unsatisfactory luncheon that had been served at the Ohio University Inn in October. He outlined the corrections and the slight price reduction per person that the Inn had promised since that time, as well as the insufficient facilities of other places. This discussion resulted in the group’s deciding that the Inn is still the most logical place, and we should continue to meet there.

Treasurer’s Report: Nostrant reported that, as of November 19, dual lifetime memberships numbered 136, single lifetime memberships 117, dual annual memberships 41, and single annual memberships 62, for a total memberships of 356. (Evarts was instructed to report only membership numbers in the minutes rather the number of individuals those numbers represent when dual memberships are doubled to reflect total individuals in those categories, because one cannot ascertain that the dual memberships still represent two individuals each.) This change makes the current total number of members considerably less than the numbers of individuals reported in September and October, whereas the total number of memberships is up.)

He reported total assets of the group as $19,954.01, not including the endowment. (See below for that report. A copy of complete treasurer’s report: is attached to the file copy of these minutes.). Baum said he would go over the second (itemized) page of the treasurer’s report with Nostrant later in the week. Nostrant also said that he is checking on CDs that will yield higher interest so he could change to them when ours come due. Tucker moved for acceptance of the report, Thomas seconded, and the motion was passed.

Vice President’s Report: Thomas reported that the luncheon programs, as outlined in her earlier listing (see September minutes for that) were coming along well as scheduled. She reported that the December music program in memory of Vera Smith is developing as planned. Thomas will introduce the January program on Islam. Carlson said his February program on Lincoln will be titled “Flubdubs.” Thomas said she will finalize the end-of –the-year programs and make the list available in January.

OCHER::Carlson reported that three representatives from Athens (including himself, Baum, and Art Woolley) went to the OCHER meeting in Columbus and found a sense of gloom about retirement programs. The issue was whether to combine all five of the state retirement programs into one or keep them separate with more distinct descriptions. Carlson added that he thought he had heard an announcement to this effect, but it needs to be checked out for accuracy.Another important issue was how to raise money. STRS has been dealing with the Legislature on this and other issues.

Baum said that the current projection is that health funds will run out in about eight years unless something is done. An increase in employees’ contributions is possible for those still working, but those already retired probably have no concern. He said that the notion of merging all five retirement systems is not likely because of different memberships, different calendars, different retirement ages, etc.

Baum said that people now satisfied with what health insurance plan they have need do nothing. Those who want changes should fill out enrollment forms and send them in between January 1 and 10. Everyone is being shifted automatically unless they opt out. People on Medicare A and B will go to the Aetna Advantage. Plan.

History: Carlson said that he wants a photo of Emeriti Park on our newsletter masthead. Miller-Fox said she could arrange to get it to Russ. Carlson also wants more emeriti to write their memory pieces for the newsletter.

Newsletter: The deadline for next newsletter is November 28. Baum encouraged people to send in stories and notices to Russ for the December newsletter.

Emeriti Park: Tucker reported that the park is closed for the winter, so no volunteer activity is needed there until spring. He asked if some of the money in the Emeriti funds held by the university is available for the purchase of flowers, etc., next spring for the park and Miller-Fox answered that they are. (See her attached report.)

Membership: Carlson suggested that we recognize one class of retirees at each luncheon. Thomas suggested that we recognize people by categories rather than by year of retirement. Others suggested we might have a special reunion for one discipline or another at various luncheons. Baum said almost everyone who lives within 20 miles of Athens and has emeritus status is a member. He will look at the lunch list and see who of these people do not attend luncheons. Because the December luncheon will have a music program, it was decided that the retired faculty of the College of Fine Arts would be recognized then.

Revising the Budget. Baum mentioned that the original budget had $902 unallocated. Carlson moved that this amount be added to the Administration category, Evarts seconded, and the motion passed.

Use and Abuse of Our Nest Egg. We have roughly $20,000 on hand but not in the Endowment account. Baum asked whether we should save it for a special project, such as better lighting for the park or free lunch for everyone at the end of the year, or some other idea. Thomas suggested that we use it for a directory of our members since the university is no longer putting out a print directory and the information on the online directory will be very slim and perhaps not include us at all. Baum said that we can reach members through the Emeriti listserv (an e-mail-only mail list of those who have submitted their e-mail addresses). Carlson wants a more active Web site, which also uses pictures. Miller-Fox said she could have the data pulled to get all e-mails (where provided) and street addresses, etc., from the university BSR data base for a directory of our own. There was a suggestion that we look into a professional directory-generating group to see what it would cost and how they would work, etc. Baum said he will pursue how to do this, what it will cost, etc. Tucker asked how much the emeriti Web site is looked at, but no one had that response at hand. Joe Essman is in charge of the Web site.

Opening Emeriti Group to Other Retirees: The idea of opening our group to all university retirees as opposed to only those granted emeritus status was brought up for discussion today, but Baum said he wanted only to talk about it and to put action off until at least the next board meeting. Carlson said this idea was brought up several years ago and went nowhere, but he encouraged our present board to explore it again. Tucker said we could open it to administrative retirees, but not to all retirees of the entire university. Evarts pointed out that such a large group would make finding a place for luncheon meetings almost impossible since we seem to strain the largest existing place (the Inn ballroom) to its limit at our more well-attended meetings. Baum said he would add to this the next board meeting as old business.

Endowment Report: Miller-Fox reported that the Emeriti Association Endowment Fund stands the same as it was in October -- $24,748.00 and the Endowment Principle for the Emeriti Park is $22,252.12, of which $2,202.43 is available for spending. (Her complete report is attached to the file copy of these minutes.)

Adjournment was at 10:55 a.m..

Respectfully submitted,

Dru Riley Evarts, secretary