TCPS Interpretation Request Form
Please complete this form to submit your interpretation question to the Secretariat on Research Ethics (SRE) and the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE). The purpose of this form is to (1) focus your request for interpretation of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS), and (2) allow the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE) to gather standardized information for statistical purposes, and to analyze the type of requests it receives. PRE/SRE will respond to interpretation questions for which a request form has been completed.
PRE /SRE provides advisory guidance on interpretation questions to assist the research community in applying the TCPS to the ethical issues they face. In doing so, PRE/SRE does not provide legal advice; nor does it act as an appeal body on REB/University deliberations. PRE and SRE will use information you provide on this form only for the purposes described above. PRE posts some interpretations on its Web site, in a non-attributable form, for the benefit of others who may be confronted with a similar TCPS question. By completing this request form, you acknowledge that PRE may remove identifying information and then edit and publish its response to your inquiry. The response remains under the copyright of the Government of Canada, and any personal information you provide to PRE is protected under the federal Privacy Act.
To send the form, please send it by e-mail to . You may also print the form and send it by fax to (613) 996-7117. The Secretariat will promptly acknowledge receipt of your question.
Entries with a ' * ' are mandatory
Top of FormDate of this request / (Day/Month/Year)
Email Address *
For the purpose of correspondence on this request
Title of your question *
Please state the topic in question, in title form (for example, "REB membership and decision making").
Question *
Please provide details and full context of the topic in question.
Nature of request
In what area of research does the topic of your question fall? / Veuillez cocher toutes les cases appropriées:
Behavioural sciences /
Biomedical /
Engineering /
Health sciences /
Humanities /
Interdisciplinary /
Natural sciences /
Social sciences /
Other /
All /
Do not know /
Information on the requester *
What type of individual or organization is the source of request?
Please Specify Country: ______
2. / Check all that apply
a. / Research Ethics Board
b. / Researcher
c. / Student
d. / Administrator
e. / Research Participant
f. / Other (please specify): ______
Affiliation of requester
Are you affiliated with an organization?
No (please enter province)
Province *
Consultation on the topic
Have you consulted on this question prior to submitting this request?
/ Yes (please check all that apply)
PRE/SRE collection of interpretations /
Your institutional REB /
Other REBs /
Institutional administrator /
Colleague /
Other (please specify): : ______ /
Research on the topic
Have you investigated the topic of your question?
/ Yes (please provide details)
To help us prepare an answer to your question, please provide information or resources that you have encountered and consider useful in framing your question.
Relevant TCPS sections and articles
In your view, which articles of the TCPS apply to your question?
(PC Users: Please hold CTRL to select multiple articles)
(Mac Users: Please hold COMMAND to select multiple articles)
Do Not Know /
Other (please specify): /
Urgency of request *
Is there an urgency or time sensitivity to your request?
/ Yes (please explain the urgency and state the time frame)
Bottom of Form