by Chuck Weck, DTM, PDG
1. After being introduced as Table Topics master and greeted by the Toastmaster, briefly discuss rules, and theme of the day (if available). A suggestion might be to have the Table Topic master choose the theme by the week before the meeting, and give theme to Vice President Education.
2. First choices for table topics participants are those members who do not have an assignment. Next choices should be minor tasks such as timer, ah counter, grammarian, closing thought, etc. Last resort would be Toastmaster, General Evaluator, and Evaluators. Speakers should not be called on. Have names of participant choices already selected before you start Table Topics.
3. Acknowledge the Toastmaster when you have been introduced, and ask for timing rules.
4. Do 30 second intro to the type of table topics session planned.
5. Ask first question. (Questions should not be more than two sentences. You are the table topics master, not the speaker.)
6. Call on the person to answer the question. Repeat question if necessary. (Make everybody think about how they would answer the question. DON'T call on person then ask the question.)
7. Introduce table topics speaker.
8. When speaker is done, thank him/her and continue steps 4-7 until time is up for table topics.
9 .Try to minimize time beween questions so that more members can participate. Remember you are the facilitator, not the speaker.
10. When done with questions, ask for timers report.
11. Ask audience to vote for the person who best answered the question they were given; overtime speakers are not eligible for vote.
12. Thank the participants for their responses, and without further extemporizing, return control of the meeting to the Toastmaster.
1. Magazines, especially Toastmaster Magazine, and Readers Digest
2. Newspapers (local, rags, topical, etc.)
3. Internet
4. Be on the lookout for topics; make a folder to put topic ideas, so when you see an idea for a topic, clip it or write it down, and put it in the folder. If you carry the folder with you to meetings, and if needed to be Table Topics master, you are prepared.
5. Get TI Table Topics Catalog items: 1315 - Think Fast, Table Topics Handbook; Standup and Speak, TT Game; 1318 - TableTalk - Questions; 1318-PS - Public Speaking for Dummies - Questions on Speaking Skills.