Chapter 4 Part 1 : Defining Individual Rights

·  “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, as we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.”

This was the prayer said before school in the mornings… argument was that it violated “government will make no establishment of religion” and was upheld in 1985 with silent prayer.

What about something like prayer at the pole? Or a moment of silence for victims of a terrorist attack?

The Bill of Rights- the first 10 amendments of our constitution

·  1st Amendment

o  Freedom of Religion

§  Should religion supersede federal authority?

·  Conscientious Objectors and Jehovah’s Witnesses

§  Should churches be free from taxation?

·  Puts more pressure on other taxpayers

§  Should church schools be supported by the government?

·  Voucher System in Indiana- parents choose, gives opportunities to students… separation of church and state, what if it was Muslim school?

o  Freedom of Speech

§  Slander:

§  Libel:

§  Best Defense:

§  Keep requests peaceful: no violence

o  Freedom of the Press

§  Printing the truth is safest bet… what about tabloids?

o  Freedom of Assembly and Petition

§  Right to Petition

·  Right to air your grievances, ask for something, signatures

§  Picketing

·  Assembly + Petitioning = Picketing; keep walkways clear, obey lawful orders, have a permit

·  2nd Amendment

o  Right to bear arms

§  Originally needed because Americans lived on the frontier and needed to be able to hunt and quickly form state militias

§  Concealed Weapons

·  3rd Amendment

o  Freedom from Quartering Troops (Doesn’t apply to today)

·  4th Amendment

o  Freedom from unreasonable search and seizures

§  No-Knock laws, evidence seized “in good faith”, public safety

·  5th Amendment

o  Freedom to Own Property

§  Due process can leave you without property; foreclosure

o  Freedom from Prosecution without Indictment

§  Grand Jury must issue, must be evidence

o  Freedom from Double Jeopardy

§  Even if new evidence introduced

o  Guarantee of Presumed Innocence

§  Previously discussed

o  Freedom from Self-Incrimination

§  Testify against yourself, third degree, and immunity from prosecution (mob)

o  Guarantee of Due Process

§  Miranda v. Arizona (21 Jump Street)

·  “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights I have just read to you?”

·  6th and 7th Amendments

o  Guarantee of Jury Trial

§  May request

§  Must be both Speedy and Public, or neither ironically enough

·  Judge has final discretion…

o  Right to be informed of charges

§  Must be told what charges are

§  Right to Confront Witnesses

·  Open Court Appearance

§  Right to Secure Witnesses

·  Subpoenas:

§  Right to Counsel

·  Can’t Afford:

·  Can you serve as your own attorney?

o  How do you question yourself?

·  8th Amendment

o  Guarantee of Reasonable Bail

§  Bail is ______.

§  Bail may be denied: trust and serious felonies

o  Freedom from Cruel and Unusual Punishment

§  Whippings, torture

§  No outlandish sentences

§  Death Penalty, cruel and unusual?

§  Improvements in Prisons: overcrowding, unsanitary conditions

·  9th and 10th Amendments

o  Limits on the power of the Federal Government

§  9th- Even if the constitution does not spell out a particular right, it still exists and must be protected

§  10th- What isn’t listed to the federal government is left up to the states or the people themselves