Minutes of Fritwell Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 11th July 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
- Present: Councillors Ultsch, Foster, Reeves, Rooth, Stillgoe, Barlow and the Clerk.
District Councillor Kerford-Byrnes, County Councillor Fatemian.
Residents: Jenny Paviour, Rachel Clark, Colin Smith, Helen Metcalfe, Mike and Rosemary Dockrey, Christine Denton, Janet Britton, Mark Reeves, Mike Stewart.
Apologies: None received.
- Declarations of Interest:None presented.
- Public Participation: Jenny Paviour ~ Covert Farm possible development (Advised nothing further known to date). Rachel Clark ~ Cala Homes:Could Section 106 money be used to improve bus services to the village? NB: Letter received by residents invites everyone to attend a consultation meeting on Tuesday 19th July to raise comments or concerns with developer. The parish Council will ensure this possibility is raised. Mike Dockrey ~ Removal of road signs to The Lane and Mays Close is causing confusion for delivery drivers. Action:Clerk to contact OCC highways re whereabouts of new signs. Helen Metcalfe (On behalf of Anthea Unsworth) ~ Concerns over long grass on the corner of Fewcott Road and East Street causing loss of visibility at road junction. Response from District Councillor Kerford-Byrnes and County Councillor Fatemian: OCC will be making one cut of one metre width on all verges around the county at some point this summer. Councillor Foster asked if we could be informed when this is scheduled so that we can arrange removal of obstructions. Action: Clerk to contact OCC as per recent email form Councillor Kerford-Byrnes to ascertain position. Councillor Rooth volunteered to strim the area at the corner of East Street and the Fewcott Road.
Colin Smith ~ The current problems with sewerage facilities in the village needs to be raised with Cala Homes. (See above).
District Councillor Kerford-Byrnes: Noted that he is the only representative of the newly formed Deddington ward on the Planning Committee for CDC. There have been issues raised over feedback to parishes when planning decisions are not in accordance with their recommendations; John Westerman, Development Services Manager from the Planning Department is willing to visit parish councils and explain the position where this is a cause of concern.
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st March 2016:
These were read, agreed and signed by the Chair as a true record.
- Matters Arising from these Minutes:
- New weekly bus service will be providing a return trip to Bicester on a Friday, beginning on 22nd July 2016. This issue will remain on the agenda. Councillors are keen to encourage residents to make the best possible use of this service to ensure its long term viability.
- Tree on the crossroads by Fullers Farm has now been trimmed by Appreciate Landscapes and visibility restored to the road signs at the junction.
- The jointly owned Speedwatch equipment has been returned to Ardley for the next two months; on its return in September, more volunteers are urgently needed to ensure the success of this project.
- The issue of the mapped temporary structures at Hunters Lodge will be investigated by District Councillor Kerford-Byrnes. See below extract from email sent by Paul Ihringer on 4.4.16.
Unauthorised change of use of land, stable and manège to the rear of 82 East Street, Fritwell
Horse related activities are normally supported by the Council (Policy AG5 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996) unless specific harm is identified. It is my understanding that the stable and the manège, which are sited on agricultural land, have not been in use for some time and are not readily visible from the public domain (the design of the stable is considered to be acceptable). Against this background, whilst these works and the change of use require planning permission, it was concluded that formal action would not be a proportionate response in the absence of an application to regularise the work. The case has therefore been closed.
- Financial Matters:
The current position for this financial year was explained by Councillor Barlow, Responsible Finance Officer.
Thanks were expressed to Councillor Rooth for his hard work in updating the spreadsheet which is proving extremely helpful in presenting the accounts efficiently.
Mike Dockrey queried the payment for £360 on footpath maintenance; this does contain a component for pond maintence which should have been separated on the spreadsheet. Action:Clerk to adjust and add planned payments in the appropriate section.
Councillor Rooth noted that it has been agreed with the PCC that mower costs will be split equally between the two organisations in future. The Clerk will pay all costs on behalf of the PC and invoice the PCC at the end of the financial year.
- Planning Matters:
- Mid-Cherwell neighbourhood Plan is progressing; there are three reports currently being drafted; Councillor Foster is responsible for drafting the Social Infrastructure section. She requested any ideas from residents regarding sporting facilities that would enhance provision in the villages, rather than just at Heyford Park.
- Councillor Ultsch encouraged all residents to visit the MCNP website to keep informed about progress.
- Councillors reassured residents that all comments made at the recent two Engagement Meetings would be fed back to the MCNP Forum. There will be one further Engagement meeting in November to present the draft plan.
- Christine Denton asked how many questionnaires had been returned from Fritwell. Action: MCNP representative to enquire.
- The Clerk explained about the recent Inclusivity initiative and noted that she would be in touch with leaders of local organisations, urging their members to complete further questionnaires if they have not already done so.
- Councillor Foster has an A3 map of the proposed development at Heyford Park; residents are welcome to view this on request.
- Footpath Team:
Councillor Foster presented an update on progress; new OS maps have been provided by OCC. All the paths have now been checked, walked and way markers cleaned or replaced. One mapped path is currently missing and the team will contact James Clare, the likely land owner, to pursue this.
Action: Councillor Foster; also to source an electronic copy of the new footpath map for inclusion on the website.
A new pair of secateurs has been purchased which has been much used to remove brambles etc.
There are four Footpath Wardens in all. They plan to contact neighbouring parishes to ensure paths link up wherever possible. They also plan to contact OCC regarding the replacement footbridge over the stream in Mancetter’s Field so the parish mower can be used more extensively. They will be reporting to The Ramblers’ Association in due course. Action: Councillor Foster.
It was agreed that the Footpath Wardens should be consulted on any footpath related issues. They are generally keen to use environmentally friendly methods for maintenance as far as possible but recognise the use of weedkiller (Glyphosate) on Church Lane is necessary. However, this is to be avoided elsewhere.
It was agreed that mowing on the path from the footpath to the stream is to be continued and that any cut vegetation should be pushed aside to clear the paths but should not be removed as this provides an important habitat.
Action: Clerk to contact Tony Fox to arrange this to continue until the footbridge is repaired.
Mike Dockrey raised the issue of the sloping land on the Mancetter’s Field side of the footbridge, which is too steep for the mower and needs strimming. He is happy to undertake this. Action: Footpath Team to visit site and report back.
Councillor Ultsch commented that it would be possible for the PC to create a precedent by employing contractors to do mowing, thus incurring extra costs, when volunteers would be a more cost effective way forward. This comment also applies to the verge on the corner of Fewcott Road and East Street if OCC do not complete the job satisfactorily.
Action: Clerk to add request for further volunteers for mowing / strimming to next article for Three Parishes.
It was also noted that CDC had completed some gutter clearance but that other areas still required attention. Weeds on the pavement areas against garden walls are also becoming unsightly.
- William Hicock Charity:
Councillor Barlow reported that this has now been closed with the Charity Commission and the PCC have taken over responsibility arising from the plaque in the church.
- Mower:
- The Parish Council expressed their thanks and appreciation to Mike Dockrey for taking responsibility for the housing and maintaining the mower over many years and for the volunteer mowing / strimming duties he so efficiently carries out. He kindly agreed to continue this arrangement.
- The Village Mowing Equipment Policy and Risk Assessment, prepared by Councillor Rooth, was approved. A copy will be kept with the mower.
- Councillors Barlow, Rooth and Mike Dockrey will be the only persons who can authorise repairs.
- The account, held by the PC at Turney’s Groundforce does not currently have names of authorised purchasers identified and this needs to be rectified. Action: Clerk to write to Turney’s stating that Jason Barlow, Jeremy Rooth, Mike Dockrey and Alistair Lowdon are the only authorised purchasers against this account.
- Helen Metcalfe drew the necessity of future accountability and transparency in these matters to the attention of the meeting.
- Trees in Cemetery Drive:
- It is thought that Appreciate Landscapes surveyed these trees two or three years ago. Action: Clerk to search for any documentation from this period.
- An email has been received from the new Arboriculturalist at CDC, suggesting the documentation needed but declining to make a site visit.
- The issues involve roots damaging the stone wall (which the owner wishes to repair) and the large overhanging canopies.
- In the absence of the owner, the PC are unsure whether a complete rebuild of the stone wall is planned or just a repair of the damaged areas. It was noted that this wall has deteriorated significantly in recent months.
- The wall features in the Fritwell Conservation report as worthy of preservation.
- Action: Councillor Barlow to liaise with the owner and set up a meeting between her, the PC and the PCC to agree a way forward.
- Action: Clerk to take digital photographs and forward these to the Arboriculturalist at CDC; also to ask District Councillor Kerford-Byrnes for his assistance in arranging a site visit.
- Correspondence:
- An offer has been received from Rob Jones of Village Web Design, to install software updates to the website and provide a one off backup service for £65.00. It was agreed to accept this offer. Proposed by Councillor Rooth, seconded by Councillor Ultsch. Action: Clerk to contact Rob Jones.
- Forget-Me-Not-Club have requested a grant of £500 to help reduce costs of trips to members. Accounts have been provided. This was approved; Proposed by Councillor Ultsch, seconded by Councillor Foster. Action: Clerk to prepare cheque.
- It was noted that the FMNC had sought funding from other villages in respect of those members not resident in Fritwell, and been turned down. Just over half the current members are Fritwell residents.
- Councillor Rooth asked if any other village organisation might be in need of funding and it was agreed that other organisations are free to apply to the PC for grants if necessary.
- AOB:
- Councillor Barlow raised the issue of work required in the Cemetery; hedges need narrowing and reducing in height, strimming and path clearance is necessary in the centre access route, weed killing around the gateway is required and the layout of future plots needs re-examining as we will be unable to meet the original plan due to lack of space.
- Action: Clerk to request a quote for reducing the height and width of both the holly hedge and the beech hedge from Doug Goward, to explicitly include removal of debris.
- Agreed a working party to be held on Saturday September 10th 2016 10.30 – 11.30 to address some of the other issues.
- Councillor Foster drew attention to a handout on the Plunkett Foundation, a provider of support and possible funding for community projects. The documentation was passed to Councillor Stillgoe to take to the Village Hall Committee.
- Councillor Ultsch drew attention to the open meeting with Cala Homes on Tuesday 19th July 2016 in the Village Hall, 4.00pm to 8.00pm and requested a schedule of PC representatives. Action: Clerk to circulate this a request volunteers.
- Dates of next meetings:
These have been set as follows and will be held at 7.30pm in the Village Hall:-
Monday 12th September 2016
Monday 12th December 2016
Monday 23rd January 2017
(All dates booked 12.7.16)