Minutes of the Additional Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 7.00pm on Monday 22 June 2015

Present: / / Cllrs Spear in the Chair, Mrs Spear, Bunyard, Mrs Chesters, Mrs Wellstead, Lord, Withey, Lucas, Mrs Chugg, Bennett, Bonds and Miss De Groot.
Miss T Weaver (Parish Clerk)
058/2015/16 / Apologies / Received from Cllr Miss Beardshall.
059/2015/16 / Items not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council / The Chairman informed members that the Parish Council’s contractor for cutting the Devon County grass verges had been threatened with a Fixed Penalty Notice issued by the Devon County Council’s on street parking enforcement officer, because his vehicle was parked on the grass verge whilst he was cutting it. The Chairman expressed his disappointment in the County Council for taking this action and an article would appear in the local media this week. The Council has also written to the County Council requesting that they allow our contractor to park on the verges whilst carrying out his work, especially as the Parish Council have arranged the cutting of grass verges as the County are no longer providing this service in the community.
060/2015/16 / Declarations of Interest / None received.
061/2015/16 / Finance / The cheques on the schedule were approved and drawn in the sum of £17,385.50.
062/2015/16 / Elect Lead Member for Planning / Council received Cllr Miss Beardshall resignation as the Lead Member for Planning.
There was one nomination received Cllr Bennett, who was duly elected.
063/2015/16 / Elect Deputy Lead Member for Planning / There was one nomination received Cllr Miss Beardshall, who was duly elected.

064/2015/16. Planning

(a) 59056 Outline application for erection of dwelling (amended plans) at Little Orchard, Higher Park road, Braunton EX33 2LG grid ref: 249805; 136477

Applicant: J McDonald

Comment: Braunton Parish Council recommends approval subject to the positioning of windows not being south facing as this would overlook neighbouring properties, and the three mature and well established trees on the southern boundary not to be removed.


(b) 59409 Householder application for proposed extension to dwelling at Burleigh, 15 First Field Lane, Braunton.

Applicant: Mrs S Hickman

Comment: Recommend approval.


(c) 59263 Creation of additional parking space & improve visibility at Brambles, Sharlands Lane, Braunton.

Applicant: Mr David Roff

Comment: Recommend approval.


(d) 59416 Application for non material amendment to planning permission 58916 alterations and extensions to existing dwelling in respect of amendment to width of existing access at 52b South Street, Braunton.

Applicant: Mr S J Berry

Comment: Request clarification from the Planning Authority regarding details of the amendment as the plans are unclear.


(e) 59354 Extension to dwelling at Vardons, Limetree Grove, Braunton.

Applicant: Mr R Wallace

Comment: Recommend approval.



58571 Erection of 4 dwellings (amended location plan & new certificate) (amended site plan) (amended plans) at land adjacent Westmeads Close, Braunton.


59234 Erection of dwelling & part demolition & conversion of workshop to form domestic garage at land adjacent to Hordens Mill, Chapel Street, Braunton.

065/2015/16 / Parish Council Garden Machinery / The Clerk reported that due to the County Council cuts in services the Council has taken on more work in the community including weed clearance, tree maintenance and cutting of grass verges.
This has put more demand on the Council’s grounds team and it has been identified that a second parish vehicle would be required. At present the two members of staff share the use of the parish vehicle which has resulted in the Parish Gardener having to use the Kubota ride on mower which is only registered for agricultural use or use his own vehicle.
The Council considered the purchase of a John Deere Gator XUV 855D with 490 hours on the clock at cost of £10,500. The benefits of purchasing a gator: -
·  Would enable the Council’s grounds staff to be more flexible and achieve more work.
·  Access hard to reach and remote locations
·  Raise the profile of the Parish Council and the work it carries out in the community.
·  Can be used for other functions of the Council such as street cleaning and snow removal.
The Council currently has nowhere to store the vehicle. In 2008 the Council purchased a Camon C275P Chipper, 20hp engine to be used for projects in the community. For various reasons mainly due to the lack of funding, these community projects never came to fruition. The Chipper is rarely used by the Council if it were to consider selling the Chipper there would be sufficient space to the store the new vehicle.
Manson Kings have offered to part exchange the Camon C275P trailed chipper, 20hp engine for £5,000.
Concerns were raised regarding the emissions of the gator and it was suggested that the Council should look at more environmentally friendly alternatives. It was further suggested that the Council might be eligible for funding.
Cllr Lord was of the opinion that the deal with Mason Kings would enable the Council to dispose of the Camon C275P Chipper freeing up storage space for the new vehicle. It would also ensure that the staff are provided with a safe mode of transport whilst carry out their duties for the Council. He proposed that the Council proceeds with the offer from Mason Kings to purchase the John Deere Gator XUV 855D at a cost of £10,500 and part exchange the Camon C275P Chipper for £5,000. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Chesters
Cllr Bunyard proposed that the Council carries out a cost, benefit analysis regarding alternative options available prior to purchasing a new vehicle and explores possible grant funding that might be available. Seconded by Cllr Withey.
A vote was taken and the motion was carried.
066/2015/16 / Women’s Institute 100 year Anniversary / RESOLVED: That the Council grants permission for the Women’s Institute to plant a Rowan tree in the Memorial Gardens adjacent the Chaloners play park hedge to mark their 100 year anniversary.

The meeting closed at 7:46 p.m.

...... The Chairman