3440 Developing Leadership Skills

HRM 3440 Developing Leadership Skills

Course Outline – Section N

Winter 2014

Professor: Dr. Soosan D. Latham


Office Hours: By Appointment

Location: ACW 006

Course Time:11:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Textbook: Northouse, P. G. (2012). Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: © 2012 SAGE

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide an introduction to leadership by focusing on what it means to be a good leader. Emphasis in the course is on understanding self as leader as well as the practice of leadership. The course will examine topics such as: the nature and style of leadership, recognizing leadership traits, developing key leadership skills, creating a vision, and addressing ethics in leadership. Attention will be given to helping students understand and improve their own leadership performance.

Course Methods

This class will be interactive based on lecture-discussion. For each class students are expected to read the assigned chapter as well as additional articles that may be posted on the course website. In addition students are required to complete the chapter questionnaire, as well as observation activities and reflection and action worksheet. These activities are designed to help students better understand leadership within the context of their own life as well as to facilitate class discussion.

Outcomes of the Course

  • Students will gain through self-assessment questionnaires an awareness of their own leadership philosophy, traits, skills, and behaviors.
  • Students will gain an understanding of the fundamental ways leadership is practiced in on-going organizations.
  • Students will gain through reflection and action activities an understanding and appreciation for the unique dimensions of their own leadership style, their strengths and weakness, and ways to improve what they do as leaders.


Presentation20% Group Grade 10% Individual Grade

Leadership Profile Paper30%


Final Exam20%

All final grades will be reviewed by the School of Human Resources Management and the School reserves the right to modify them in order to maintain high standards.

Final Exam: 20%

The exam will be an essay question directed at applying theories to practice. It is inclusive of all course material, presentations, and class discussions as well as reflection and action journal entries. It will be closed book.

Group Presentation:20 + 10%

A professional career often involves working within a team to deliver a product or service. Making presentations, individually or as a group to communicate to others the progress in activities of the group is an integral part of team performance.

Students will work in groups and make 30 minutes presentations on a leadership topic and provide handouts for the class. Groups will be formed on the first day of class and work together through the entire course. Presentations will begin the third week of class.

Group evaluation will be based on a) theoretical knowledge of the topic, b) application of theory to practice, c) ability to work effectively as a team and d) Q & A responses.

Individual evaluation will be based ona) knowledge of topic, b) presentation style, and c) teamwork and collaboration.

In cases where contribution of a group member (s)is significantly different than the group, the instructor reserves the right to adjust the individual grades accordingly.

Written Assignment: Leadership Profile - 30%

Students are asked to keep a learning journal/blog throughout the term and to complete the chapter assessments. The journal entries should include critical reflection on personal leadership strengths and challenges based on insights gained from class discussions, assessments or feedback. A five page, doubt space, font 12 interpretive paper based on the reflection and action entries is due. The paper must include:

a)A working statement of personal or professional vision that builds on strengths and provides opportunities for development.

b)Statement of learning and performance goals that will enhance individual leadership skills, knowledge or abilities.

The paper will be evaluated based on:

a. Clear and concise use of English language

b. Theoretical understanding of topics discussed

c. Critical application of topics to personal leadership capacity

d. Personal development action agenda.

Participation: 20%

To be an effective leader/manager one is required to have strong written and verbal communication, provide effective feedback, and to express clear rationale for decisions. Group exercises and class discussions are designed to provide an opportunity to practice these important skills throughout the course. Student evaluation will be bases on regular attendance, sharing of ideas based on their professional and personal experiences, asking relevant and value adding questions, and contribution to the learning and development of others.

Please note: Absence from classes and group discussions will adversely affect participation grade.

Tentative Schedule

Week / Date / Assignment / Tuesday / Presentations
Week 1 / January 8 / Chapter 1 / Course Overview
Being a leader
Week 2 / January 15 / Chapter 2 / Recognizing
Personality Traits
Week 3 / January 22 / Chapter 3 / Philosophy and
Style of Leadership
Week 4 / January 29 / Chapter 4 / Attending to Tasks and Relationships / Group 1
Group 2
Week 5 / February 5 / Chapter 5 / Leadership Skills & Competencies / Group 3
Week 6 / February 12 / Chapter 6 / Creating an Inspiring Vision / Group 4
Week 7 / February 19 / NO CLASS
Week 8 / February 26 / Chapter 7 / Setting Performance Tone / Group 5
Group 6
Week 9 / March 5 / Chapter 8 / Teams and
Out- Groups
Groups / Group 7
Week 10 / March 12 / Chapter 9 / Managing Conflict / Group 8
Leadership Profile Paper Due
Week 11 / March 19 / Chapter 10 / Managing Change
& Overcoming Obstacles / Group 9
Week 12 / March 26 / Chapter 11 / Ethics & Leadership / Group 10
Week 13 / April 2 / Final Exam