Why Sell Plexus?

People decide to sell for different reasons.

•Some sign up specifically to make money and grow a business. A successful business doesn’t happen by accident, so if this is your goal, you need to be willing to put some time and effort into it. Especially up front, it takes some time to learn about the products, learn the Plexus Back Office (the online resource you’ll use), and network in order to spread the word.

•Some people sign up strictly to get the products at a reduced rate (Yes, you do get a special rate as an Ambassador, and it’s less than the Preferred Customer option!). Maybe they’re hoping to make just enough to cover their own costs each month (which you could do with just 2-3 customers!). This is a valid reason too, though don’t be surprised if, once the bug bites you, you find yourself accidentally drawn into making more money!

•And, finally, there are people who work their business at every level in between “none” and “a ton.” You can make of it what you want.

The reason so many people are selling is two-fold: One, because the products are really great and they do work! And two, because Plexus makes it so easy to join! They call us “Ambassadors” and we do function like that – we take the product out to our communities and spread the word about getting healthy! And make money doing it!

If you’re considering becoming an Ambassador, there are a few things to know:

When you sign up, you pay for two things. First, there is an annual fee of $34.95 for Plexus to host your website – people will use this site to buy from you. Second, you purchase a Welcome Pack. There are several options to choose from with an array of varying products, and you choose the one that fits your interests & needs best. They range in price from $99-$199. You get a lot for the money – in fact, it’s the best discount available in the entire Plexus system, so take advantage of it!

You can start selling from your website right away. You can have people put in their own orders, or you can stock products yourself and sell for the pre-set “Retail” price. We are on a great team of uplines, and there is a lot of support available via our Facebook page, as well as from the Back Office.

How much do I have to sell? Plexus has a pretty good system in place instead of an outright “quota” you have to meet. They require you to sell $100 in PV in a calendar month. PV = Product Value and it’s not equal to the cost of a product, but nearly. They have a pre-determined amount of PV they give you credit for on each product sale. Honestly, it’s quite easy to get to that $100 each month – your own purchases even count toward it!

So, now you have two questions: What if I don’t sell $100? What if I do? First: if you don’t sell $100, they will ship you an order called a Back Up Order. This is somewhat like the Welcome Pack in that it’s a variety of products and you get to select which ones you want. You’ll automatically be charged for this. The good thing is, you can turn around and sell what you don’t want, and make that money back (plus profit on a Retail sale). You’ll be responsible for keeping track of this Auto Ship date yourself and won’t get a notice ahead of time that your PV is low enough that it’s going to ship. As your Upline and direct Sponsor, I’ll help you keep an eye on this too. The bad thing is, what if you really don’t want this Auto Shipment and you really can’t make $100 in PV? Oh, they have an answer for that too. You just turn off your Back Up Order to keep it from shipping! Easy peasy! You go in any time before your monthly Auto Ship date, and click a box to turn it off (They call it your AQ and I’ll tell you why), and no money disappears from your bank account and no unwanted products show up at your door.

Plexus refers to this process as your Auto Qualification (AQ) because in order to earn commissions on anything you do sell, you have to have it turned on. This automatically qualifies you to earn your commission on sales, and if it’s turned off, anything you earned will go to your upline instead.

Back to our previous question: What if I do sell $100? Plexus has a generous compensation plan, which is why so many people succeed at it. You make a percentage off your sales over $100 (15% up to $500, and 25% beyond!). You also get a bonus per product that is sold on a Preferred Basis (remember, Preferred Customers are the ones set up to auto-pay and auto-ship their purchase each month). You can also earn additional income through a point system that can lead to promotions and bonus pay. And you earn money for signing up Ambassadors under you – what Plexus calls a Business Building Bonus for the Welcome Pack they purchase, plus a percentage of their sales. Really, it can get complicated, but it equals out to a pretty generous plan!

There are a lot of happy people who are glad they took the jump. I’ve had friends be able to pay car payments, mortgages, and credit card bills with the income; quit their “day jobs” and stay home with the kids; supplement their family income…and on and on! All while losing weight and feeling great, and helping others to do the same. There really aren’t a lot of hidden costs or hidden rules, no one wants you to accidentally be left on the hook for unsold products, and you have the potential to make a good amount of money, depending on how hard you work the business.

To sign up, all you have to do is go to my website and click “Join Plexus.” You can select your Welcome Pack, your Auto Ship package (even though you might not want it to ever ship), and set up your bank account or credit card information. I’ll send you a lot of information and you’ll need to spend some time familiarizing yourself with your website, the Back Office, and the files and resources available to you.

Low risk and potential high payout – that’s a good formula! So many people wish they’d joined sooner…Don’t miss out on the possible income! Do it today!

Melissa Eickenhorst

Silver Ambassador

Plexus Worldwide

