P113/44 - Conyboro estate, Avery’s Farm, Woodbine Cottage,
The Manor House, and land.
The estate established by Thomas Medley at Conyboro, was formerly part of the demesne of the manor of Barcombe; the name implies that it may originally have been a rabbit warren (46). There was a house at Conyboro by 1643 which was probably rebuilt by Thomas Medley shortly after 1689.
That house was demolished about 1816. In 1855 Sir John Dodson acquired the estate and his son John Dodson (later Baron Monk Bretton) built the present Conyboro (on a new site closer to the main road) and was resident there by 1869.
Stickpits was purchased by Medley from Martha and Dorothy Goring and George Egles in 1751.
Avery’s Farm derived its name from the final owner of the tenement before it was bought in as part of the estate. Another cottage, associated with the halfyard tenement, was recorded in an estate survey of 1798 as Homewoods, but was lost by 1840. It stood somewhere in the vicinity of Avery’s Farm, probably either on the small enclosure identified as Harriotts Garden (TA 1288), or on the road leading to the fields in Conyboro Park (TA 1342).
For the rest of the land in Barcombe owned by the Earl of Liverpool see P113/44/1, TA 1033; P113/44/2, TA 200; P113/44/3, TA 432; P113/44/4, TA 1178.
Manorial tenements
Former demesne
1672 Conyboro former demesne of the manor of Barcombe sold 1581 acquired by Medley (possible extent TA 1339, 1310, 1311) (46)
Acquired 1751 Stickpits former demesne of the manor of Barcombe (possible extent TA 1169, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1312, 1319, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1334, 1337)
Four copyhold tenements of the manor of Barcombe (46)
Acquired < 1688 Weard Lands near Cookes Bridge messuage, barn, garden, orchard 12 acres (not identified; part of Conyboro adjacent to TA 1327 (The bounds of the original tenement are unknown but it possibly included TA 1330, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1336)
Acquired 1704 Messuage, barn, garden, halfyard, near Cooksbridge (TA 1298, 1300,1307, 1308, ?1288) (Homewoods)
Acquired 1767 Cabul strete, yardland
(1687 Townersland near Cobsgreen, messuage 50 acres)(5) (TA 1192, 1194, 1211, 1286,1287, 1301-1303) Avery’s Farm
1836 New grant Near Cooksbridge, 2 roods (not identified) (3) / Quit rent
copy 3s 4d by apportionment
copy 6s 8d
copy 12s 2d
copy 1d
Owner / Tithe Apportionment 1840
Earl of Liverpool / 4 cottages and gardens, 1 cottage in the park, Coneyborough Park and land
field numbers / 1192-1194, 1211, 1285-1288, 1297-1314, 1319, 1325, 1326, 1328-1342 (1)
Land tax 1840 / Homewoods £13 5s 6d
Averys £26 10s 0d
Stickpits £51 7s 6d (2)
P113/44 / 2007 Conyboro
Former demesne of the manor of Barcombe
1581: Three several fields called the Boroughes and one piece called Mores meadow, parcel of the demesne lands of the manor of Barcombe 42a.
1602: 3 several fields called lez Burroughes and a piece of watery land (terre acquose) with an alder grove (alnete) one other parcel of meadow, a field called Bromefeld and a madow called Mores meadow. 42a
1623: Two fields called the Borroughs with a barn built threon and a strip of meadow and a piece of wett ground wherein alders grow at the N end of the said fields…lying to Stickpitts parcel of the demesne…
Field called the Broomefield on the E side of the said fields and a lane leading to the little Myll of Barcombe E.
Field called the Borroughfield lying on the E side of the said way from Barcombe to the little Myll
One other meadow on the N of the said Broomfield called Mores meadow, adjoining to the Stickpitts. 40 ½ a in Barcombe
1643: House and land
1662 Edward Raynes 7 hearths (45)
c1689: new house built by Medley
c1816: Medley house demolished
1867-9 present Conyboro house built
<1581-1581 / George Goring / 1581 sale to Thomas Pellande
1581-1602 / Thomas Pellande, yeoman / 1602 sale to William Claggett
1602-1623 / William Claggett / 1623 with other land elsewhere as settlement on his son in consideration of his intended marriage with Mary Newton, daughter of William Newton of Southover (Southover Grange)
1632-1643 / William Claggett, only son / 1643 sale by William Claggett and his widowed mother to Edward Raynes for £720
1643-1662+ / Edward Raynes of Lewes, lawyer
1662-1672+ / John Raynes
1672+-1726 / Susannah Raynes, niece married Thomas Medley of London and Kent in 1672 / Susannah dield at Conyboro 1704. Thomas subsequently settled at Buxted Place where he died in 1728.
1726 Conyboro settled on third son Edward Medley
1726-1761 / Edward Medley / 1761 deceased George Medley inherits
1761 -1796 / George Medley, nephew / 1796 deceased
1796-1796+ / Lady Shuckborough Evelyn
C C C Jenkinson, later Earl of Liverpool / 1855 sale to Dodson
1855-1855+ / Sir John Dodson
John George Dodson MP 1884 created Lord Monk Bretton
Tenants Conyboro & cottages / Tenants Farmland
1761+-1795 / Edward D’Oyly, archdeacon of Lewes
1795-1814 / Thomas Kemp
<1780-1790+ / John Berry
<1800-1820+ / Mr Berry, Ann Berry
<1820-1820+ / Richard Knight Senior Conyboro ? Owner/occupier / George Berry all other land
<1830-1830+ / T Smith Kell
<1840-1840+ / Reuben Harman,1325, 1326
John Cheesman, 1328, 1329
William Burfield, 1330, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1335.5 / John Waters (2)
P113/44a / 2007 Stickpits
Former demesne of the manor of Barcombe
1744: Barn, and several pieces of land called the Stickpitts and the Little Mill lands 97a.
Lords of the manor of Barcombe
1744-1751 / Mary Goring, Martha Goring, Dorothy Goring / Mortgage William Durrant £100
1751 Lease for a year to Edward Medley
1751-1751+ / Edward Medley / 1751 release for £3250 (with the other Barcombe lands also held by Martha and Dorothy Goring)
Merged with Conyboro (P113/44above)
<1744-1744+ / John Heath
P113/44b / 2007 not located, part of Conyboro
Weard Lands near Cookes Bridge messuage, barn, garden, orchard 12 acres. Copy 3s 8d possibly TA 1319, 1314, 1313, 1169, 1170
1680: 10 acres copy 3s 4d
1714: PARTITION –by apportionment copy 3s 4d
<1680 / Howell
<1680 / Morris
1680-1688 / John Raynes gent / 1680 admitted by William Earl to secure mortgage by Edward Raynes.
1688 deceased, heriot red cow
Sold to Susannah medley £3 5s 0d.
1689-1704 / Susan wife of Thomas Medley gent / 1789 admitted.
1704 deceased.
1704-1714> / Edward Medley son / 1704 admitted by John Rootes attorney.
1714 part sold to Thomas Wood (see TA 1327).
Remaining part merged with Conyboro (P113/44above)


/ Part of Avery’s Farm
Messuage, barn, garden, halfyard, near Cooksbridge - copy 6s 8d
1704 / Cable St E, coneyborough W, stream S, 20 acres.
<1687 / William Berry
<1687-1692 / Thomas Holmewood gent (5) / 1692 deceased.
1692-1704 / Hester Holmewood widow and Thomas Wood son of Thomas Wood of the Borough Southwark by TW attorney / 1692 admitted by will.
1692 licence to let 1s 8d.
1697 licence to let, fine 2s 4d.
1704 Thomas Wood sale to Edward Medley.
1704-1704+ / Edward Medley gent of Middle Temple / 1704 admitted.
Merged with Conyboro (P113/44above)
<1692 / William Atkins, James Round, Henry Martin
P113/44d / Land east of the road to the church and north of Avery’s Farm
Cabul Street, yardland
1687: Townersland near Cobsgreen, messuage 50 acres – copy 12s 2d
<1562 -1571+ / John Earle the younger
1622 / John Earle
<1685 / Thomas Earle
<1685-1707 / Thomas Earle mortgage John Smith of Hamsey gent £60. / 1686 surrender to will.
1687 mortgage John Smith £47.
1688 mortgage redeemed.
1692 mortgage Thomas Barrett of Lewes gent £315 and redeemed.
1707 deceased, heriot pullet.
1686-1686 / John Smith / 1686 admitted and surrender to Thomas Earle.
1693-1707 / Thomas Barrett / 1693 admitted.
1707 surrender to Thomas Earle, heriot value £3 16s 0d.
1707-1737 / Thomas Earle son / 1707 admitted and surrender to will, mortgage Thomas Barrett £330 and redeemed.
1712 mortgage Mary Barrett of Cecil St., London widow £320 and redeemed.
1718 mortgage Ann Barrett of Cecil St spinster £330.
1719 mortgage John Newnham of Barcombe yeoman £72 10s 0d.
1728 mortgage Robert Chatfield of Streat yeoman £275
1744 Sarah Chatfield widow-mortgage redeeeed. 1737 Thomas Earle deceased, heriot 20s 0d.
1737-1767 / William Avery aged 14 son of Grace widow of Nathaniel Avery / 1737 admitted, mother guardian, fine 5s 0d.
1745 surrender to will.
1760 mortgage John Paine of Falmer gent £800. 1768 redeemed
1767 surrender to John Berry heriot 20s 0d.
1767 / John Berry of Cooksbridge yeoman. / 1767 admitted as trustee (for lord of the manor)
merged with Conyboro (P113/44above)
P113/44e / Near Cooksbridge.2 roods – copy 1d
Garden in front of messuage in occupation John Cheesman N. Coneyborough Park E&W. Turnpike S. Point
1836-1836+ / Samuel Forster Esq of Lincolns Inn / 1836 grant in trust for lord of manor.
merged with Conyboro (P113/44 above)