API Subcommittee 6

Valves and Wellhead Equipment

Winter 2009 Meeting


Date:Tuesday, February 3, 2009 Time:9:00 to 1:00

Location:ShellWoodcreekParkOffices(Located in West Houston's Energy Corridor District)

150A North Dairy Ashford

Houston, TX

(Directions: Turn north from I-10 onto Dairy Ashford. Turn right at the first entrance, 150A N. Dairy Ashford. Identify yourself to the guard as a visitor. Visitor parking is directly in front (parallel parking) of the complex. Enter the conference center entrance on the right and check in with the guard at the desk. The meeting is on the 6th floor (6032A) of the office building.)

Agenda Items:

  1. Attendance – Ed Baniak
  2. Adoption of the Agenda – David Cole
  3. Establish a Quorum– SC6 Membership – David Cole
  4. Ratify the Summer 2008 Calgary meeting minutes (attached, see API website for attachments) – David Cole
  5. Review 2008 ballot outcomes – Ed Baniak
  6. Ballot 1420 - Repair Remanufacture (Annex Q) – Published as Addendum 3, December 2008
  7. Ballot 1442 - Addition of Filler Grease – Published as part of Addendum 2, December 2008
  8. Ballot 1472 - Reaffirmation of API 6FD – Document Reaffirmed
  9. Ballot 1475 - Changes to TR 6AF2 – Document format updated and changes published
  10. Ballot 1476 - Changes to TR 6AF – Document format updated and changes published
  11. Ballot 1513 - Changes to API 6A Table 7 – Published as part of Addendum 2, December 2008
  12. Ballot 1564 –Bullplug Coatings, API Spec 6A – Published as part of Addendum 4, December 2008
  13. Ballot 1565 – Bullplug Dimensional Allowance, API Spec 6A– Published as part of Addendum 4, December 2008
  14. API Ballot System – Ed Baniak
  15. Recent (2009) SC6 Ballots – Ballot 1587 (Changes to API 6FC)
  16. Improvements to ballot system
  17. Report/Updates from task groups

Draft SC6 Agenda January 27, 2009 – Revision3

  1. 20K Flanges - Shyam Patel
  2. Use of Castings -Sterling Lewis
  3. API 6HP - Earl Shanks
  4. Pipeline Valves - Rick Faircloth
  5. ASME Section 8 Div.II changes - John Fowler
  6. API 6A718 - Tim Haeberle
  7. API 6AV1 - Eric Wehner

Draft SC6 Agenda January 27, 2009 – Revision3

  1. ISO 10423 Status – Ries Langereis
  2. API and ISO Cooperation - David ColeRies Langereis
  3. New Business
  4. AWHEM Reports -Metallic Material Limits for Wellhead Equipment Used in High Temperature for API 6A And 17D Applications:

Phase I (dated 4-04); Phase II (dated 9-06); Phase III (dated 11-08) (abstracts attached)

  1. SC6 PER-15K Membership Solicitation
  2. SC6 to review product specification licensing categories to ensure their accuracy
  3. SC6 to review product specification welding requirements/references to ensure adequacy
  4. Color coding requirements of SC6 documents – need to notify Monogram Program
  5. Other (?)

11. Adjourn (Next Meeting: June 2009, Westminster[Denver], Colorado)


Meeting of the




at the

85th Exploration and Production Standards Conference

on Oilfield Equipment and Materials

of the


Hyatt Regency, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

June 26, 2008


David Cole, Chairman

Ed Baniak, API Staff Representative

Roy W. Benefield, Secretary


Upstream Standards

1220 L Street, NW

Washington, DC20005

85th Exploration and Production Standards Conference on Oilfield Equipment and Materials

API Subcommittee 6 – Valves and Wellhead Equipment

Hyatt Regency, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chair: David Cole

  1. Opening of the meeting (David Cole): - Meeting opened by chairman, David Cole.
  2. Safety Issues - He started with safety information on how to evacuate the room
  3. Housekeeping Issues - keep the aisle way clear.
  4. Roster Update (Ed Baniak) – Comments on interest and voting.
  5. Roll call to establish quorum (Ed Baniak):
  6. Establish quorum – Established. See sign-up sheet (Attachment 1).
  7. Update on voting categories - There are two voting categories: one for 6A and one for 6D types of documents.
  8. Adoption of the proposed agenda (David Cole) – Motion made, seconded and passed to adopt the agenda as published.
  9. Adoption of the minutes from Houston, TX (winter meeting), March 4, 2008 (David Cole) – Motion made, seconded and passed to adopt minutes of last meeting.
  10. Ballots since last meeting (Ed Baniak): - Ballot comments should be made in the comment page on the ballot wed-site, if possible.
  11. Ballot 1406 (Reaffirmation of API Spec 6AV1) – closed 4/29/08 – Ed Baniak reported the ballot passed.
  12. Ballot 1420 (Repair/Remanufacture – Spec 6A) – closed 5/15/08 – Ballot passed with one negative and comments to be resolved. Sterling Lewis will report on this.
  13. Ballot 1432 (ISO/DIS 10423 – USTAG) – open (closes 7/1/08) – Still open.
  14. Ballot 1442 (Addendum 2 – Spec 6A) – open (closes 7/2/08) – Still open.
  15. Task Group Chair/Project Group Leader reports:
  16. API Spec 6A/ISO 10423
  17. Castings/Forgings (Ed Baniak) – Question is what does API need to resolve this issue. Castings allowed in 6A but not ISO 10423 at PSL 3 and above. Attempts have been made over the past year to obtain work from ISO workgroup that meets the requirements of API. Motion was made, seconded and passed to form a task group to evaluate the use of castings for pressure containing 6A equipment including the review of the results of the poll of API Monogram licensees on this subject. Volunteers signed up. A task group chairman will be announced and volunteers are requested to contact him at that time.
  18. Current Status (Ries Langereis) –Ries Langereis reported on status of ISO 10423 issues. Ballot due to close in USA on July 1, 2008 (Attachment 2).
  19. Repair/Remanufacture (Sterling Lewis) –Sterling Lewis reported on the actions of R/R Task Group. Ballot has passed 15 to 1 with editorial comments. Recommendations were made from the task group for publication and future action (Attachment 3). Motion was made, seconded to accept the recommendations of this task group that is to publish the document for the 19th edition of 6A and to forward to the ISO 10423 WG 3 for inclusion/consideration in ISO 10423 and 6A 20th Edition. Motion passed.
  20. API Spec 6D/ISO 14313 (Rick Faircloth) - Rick Faircloth reported on the actions of this subcommittee and the documents involved. ISO DIS 14723 – 2nd edition passed DIS with 100% affirmative voting. A new WG 18 has been approved to publish document by May 2011. Identical adoption into 6D with no regional annex (Attachment 4).
  21. API Spec 6DSS/ISO 14723 (Rick Faircloth) . Audit check list on 6DSS is in process. (Attachment 4) Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the 6D/6DSS report.
  22. API Spec 6AV1 Workgroup (Eric Wehner) – Eric Wehner reported on the 6AV1 task. A meeting is planned for next quarter and at the API Winter Conference (Attachment 5).
  23. API TR 6AF/6AF2 Revision (Shyam Patel) – Shyam Patel reported that he has submitted a report on this action. It is proposed that these documents be balloted as there are changes. A new revision number will be assigned. They will be balloted separately. Motion made, seconded and passed to ballot the changes of TR 6AF and TR 6AF2.
  24. API 6HP (Earl Shanks) – Earl Shanks presented a report on this task group. It involves groups other than SC6. Work started in 2005 because of high performance requirements in the industry. Object is to develop the design verification and validation process for high pressure/temperature applications. ASME Section VIII procedures are being considered. ASME recommends fracture mechanics methods for the large forgings involved. Stress Engineering was contracted to do the writing. An example procedure was presented at the 2007 conference. Analysis has been performed and data is being formatted for the report. The technical document will proceed.
  1. Summary/Update of Prior Meeting Discussions:

a.20K Flanges/High Strength Bolting Materials (Shyam Patel) - Shyam Patel reported. The task group consists of 6 manufactures, 2 users and 1 consultant. See attachment for details of the report. Flange design and verification are in process (Attachment 6).

b.Transfer of Standards out of SC6 (14A/14B/14L) (Ed Baniak) – Ed Baniak reported that the standards assignments have been concluded. They are now assigned to SC19 and are no longer under SC6.

c.Transfer of Standards into SC6 (11IW) (Ed Baniak) – This document has been assigned to SC6. It may be necessary to contact licensees and users for input on this standard.

  1. Status of Work Plan and Action Plan Update (David Cole):
  2. API Spec 6FD (Fire Test for Check Valves) 1995/Reaffirmed 2003 – The chairman asked for a decision on need to reaffirm or withdraw. Motion made, seconded and passed to ballot Spec 6FD for reaffirmation.
  3. API Spec 6A718 (Nickel Based Alloy 718) 2005 – The chairman reported that we need to be thinking about reaffirmation in the future. Tim Haeberle suggested that we reactivate the task group to evaluate the need for reaffirmation and possible changes. Motion made, seconded and passed to reinstate the 6A718 task group. Volunteers are requested to contact Tim Haeberle.
  4. API Spec 11IW (Independent Wellhead Equipment) Reaffirmed 2008 – The chairman reported that this document is now under SC6. It has been reaffirmed twice with no changes. Interested parties are welcome. It was suggested that licensees and users of this equipment be contacted.
  5. New Business –
  1. Audit Effectiveness (Bud Wrightman) - Bud Wrightman discussed audit effectiveness. Questions are developed for audits of API Spec 6A. A request was made for volunteers from SC6 to rank the questions and develop new ones. An e-mail will be sent to SC6 chair requesting volunteers.
  2. API Bull Plug Issue (David Zollo) - David Zollo presented this issue for AWHEM. It has been found that API bull plugs cannot be made up according to the requirements API specifications. David reported on testing results and recommendations. Coatings are recommended to prevent galling, but torque is still high. Dimensional changes are required to allow proper make-up. Dimensions were presented on the 2” size. New dimensions are recommended to reduce the torque required for make up. Also, bull plugs should not be rated above 10,000 psi working pressure. Other sizes need to be evaluated (Attachment 7). Motion made, seconded and passed to ballot the proposed changes as an Addendum to API Spec 6A to add coatings for all sizes of bull plugs and the dimensional changes presented for the 2” size. Each change (coating and dimensions) will be balloted separately. AWHEM is requested to provide recommendations and dimensions for the other sizes of API bull plugs.
  3. Review of ASME Code Section VIII Division 2-2007 (John Fowler) - John presented a summary of the ASME Code changes and pointed out how API specs are affected. See attachment for details. Recommendations are included. The chairman supports the formation of a work group. It was recommended that SC6 identify people willing to work on this issue (Attachment 8). Motion made, seconded and passed to form a task group to evaluate changes needed to SC6 documents as a result of the new ASME Codes, dependant on outcome of the ECS. John Fowler was appointed chairman of the ASME Codes Task Group. Volunteers are requested to contact him. The ECS will be requested to consider standardizing the design stress analysis methods for all API committees/subcommittees.
  4. Coordination between API committees and ISO groups (Chairman) – The chairman requested and received support from SC6 to work with Ries Langereis to investigate how other API subcommittees are working with their ISO counterparts and bring a report back to SC6 in the 2009 winter meeting.
  1. Actions Item Summary – Five ballot items:
  2. Changes to TR 6AF
  3. Changes to TR 6AF2
  4. Reaffirmation of API 6FD
  5. Change to API 6A – Add Coatings for all Sizes of Bullplugs
  6. Change to API 6A – Change dimensions with respect to Bullplugs
  7. Upcoming Meetings:
  8. E&P 2009 API Winter Conference in San Antonio, TX (January 19-23, 2009)
  9. E&P 2009 API Summer Conference in Westminster, CO (June 22-26, 2009)
  10. Adjourned - Motion made, seconded and passed to adjourn.

AWHEM Reports



Phase I (April 04); Phase II (September 2006); Phase III (November 2008)

PHASE I Abstract:

This API-funded project was conducted by a Task Group charged by the Association of Well Head Equipment Manufacturers (AWHEM). The Task Group examined mechanical properties of metallic materials used for API 6A and 17D wellhead equipment for service above 250ºF. Six different materials meeting API 6A, PSL 3 and 75 Ksi conditions were supplied “in condition” by a variety of suppliers. Yield strength reduction ratios at temperatures of 300, 350 and 400ºF from “mid-radius” specimens were determined. As a result of testing, yield strength reduction ratios ranged from 93% at 300ºF to 89% at 400ºF by averaging results of heats for each type of material. Materials such as AISI 4130 showed the greatest variability due to hardenability issues. These results are intended to amplify data shown in API 6A, Appendix G. (11 page report)

PHASE II Abstract:

This API-funded project was conducted by a Task Group charged by the Association of Well Head Equipment Manufacturers (AWHEM). The Task Group examined mechanical properties of metallic materials used for API 6A and 17D wellhead equipment for service above 250ºF. Phase I of the project tested six different Low Alloy materials meeting API 6A, PSL 3 and 75 Ksi conditions which were supplied “in condition” by a variety of suppliers. Similarly Phase II examined five different corrosion resistant alloys (CRAs). Yield strength reduction ratios at temperatures of 300, 350 and 400ºF from “in condition” specimens were determined. As a result of testing, yield strength reduction ratios ranged from 99% at 300ºF to 76% at 400ºF by averaging results of heats for each type of material. Supplier-furnished data was used for some of the material due to the difficulty in obtaining CRA in tight market conditions. Test results from some labs on certain material produced widely varying results and were removed. Some bad data were due to movement of the specimen or extensometer extensions during testing. Shortages of material precluded retesting. (15 page report)

PHASE III Abstract:

This API-funded project was conducted by a Task Group charged by the Association of WellHead Equipment Manufacturers (AWHEM). The Task Group examined mechanical properties ofmetallic materials used for API 6A and 17D wellhead equipment for service above 250ºF. Themaximum test temperature for mechanical properties was 450°F. The work reported hereinvestigates the short term effect of temperature on the mechanical properties and any long termeffects at these temperatures on the microstructure of these age-hardenable CRA alloys isoutside the scope of this work. Phase I of the project tested six different Low Alloy materialsmeeting API 6A, PSL 3 and 75 Ksi conditions which were supplied “in condition” by a variety ofsuppliers. Phase II tested five different corrosion resistant alloys where the two alloys, nickelalloys 925 and 625Plus/725, failed to achieve a correlation of elevated temperature properties.Phase III was approved by API for a new round of testing on nickel alloys 925 and 625Plus/725.Yield strength reduction factors at temperatures of 300, 350 and 450ºF from “in condition”specimens were determined. As a result of testing, yield strength reduction factors ranged from0.93 at 300ºF to 0.89 at 450ºF by averaging results of heats for each type of material. The resultsfrom Phase III were shown to be in good agreement with supplier-furnished data for the samealloys. (9 page report)