1. / Name of the Candidate
and Address / Heena Kausar S
P.G. Scholar
Department of Ilmul Advia,
National Institute of Unani Medicine,
Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road,
Bangalore- 91
2. /

Name of the Institution

/ National Institute of Unani Medicine,
Bangalore- 91
3. / Course of Study and Subject /
MD ( Ilmul Advia )
4. / Date of Admission to Course /
14th November, 2011 (Batch 2011 -12)
5. /

Title of the Topic

/ Evaluation of Antiobesity effect of Sandroos in diet induced obesity in rats
6. /

Brief resume of the intended work

6.1 / Introduction & Need for the Study:
Obesity is one of the most prevalent nutritional diseases of children and adolescents in many developed and developing countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared overweight as one of the top ten health risks in the world and one of the top five in developed nations1. The prevalence of obesity has increased almost 3 fold within the last 20 years and continuous to rise. Obesity reduces life expectancy by 7.1 years in men and 5.8 years in women.3
Obesity is defined as an excess of adipose tissue that imparts health risk, a body weight of 20% excess over ideal weight for age, sex and height is considered as health risk2. According to Allagappan, a person is said to be obese if his body wt is >20% of ideal body wt (IBW) and BMI >30kg/m2. As far as the etiology is concerned it is considered a life style disease that leads to the complications like Type II Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Stroke, Hyperlipidemia, Coronary heart disease, Gallstones, Increased risk of certain cancers, Breathlessness and Respiratory diseases, Menstrual abnormalities and Hirsutism, Pregnancy complications, weight related Musculoskeletal disorders and Arthritis, Stress incontinence, Obstructive sleep apnoea etc. while in some cases geneticity is thought to be responsible where the genes might influence the appetite activity level, rate of lipid oxidation and adipocyte hyperplasia.3
To manage Obesity several anti obesity drugs have been already introduced in the mainstream medicine such as Orlistat, Sibutramine etc. But the long term use of these drugs has been reported for several adverse effects, like Orlistat have been reported to results in loose stools, oily spotting, faecal urgency, flatus and the potential for Malabsorption of fat soluble vitamins, whereas side effects of Sibutramine includes dry mouth, constipation and insomnia, the nor adrenergic effect of the drug can also increase heart rate and blood pressure 10. Hence, the people are moving towards the Traditional System of medicine for a safe and effective treatment in the management of Obesity and to avoid the side effects produced by modern drugs.
A number of single drugs like Tukhme suddab ( Ruta graveolens Linn.),5 Zarawand madharaj (Aristolochia rotunda Linn.)5, lac (Coccus lacca)6, filfil siyah (Piper nigrum Linn.)6, jawakhar6, Sandroos,6 Marzanjosh,6 Ajwaine desi6 etc and compound formulations like Safoof e muhazzil, Majoon e Kamooni, Majoon e falafili,19 Dawa e lac,18 Itrifil e sagheer18 etc are widely used in Unani System of medicine in the management of Saman e mufrat (Obesity) on the basis of their ascribed effect mentioned by Unani physicians, like Ibne sine7, Najmul Ghani9, Hakeem Ghulam Jeelani 6, Hakeem Naseer Ahmed Tareeq8 , Zakria Razi5, in their books Al Qanoon fil tib, khazainul Advia, Maqzunul ilaj, Taj ul mufradath, kitab Al Hawi, respectively. Many scientific studies have proven the antiobesity effect of some unani drugs like Lac,20 Tukhm e karafs( Apium graveolans Linn.),21 Tukhm e suddab,22 but Sandroos has not been scientifically studied for its Anti obesity effect yet. Therefore, the present study is undertaken to evaluate its Anti obesity activity in diet induced obesity in rat.
6.2. / Review of Literature: In Unani system of medicineobesity istermed as Samane Mufrat and it is defined as a condition in which there is increase of ratoobat and baroodat kaifiyat of the body. The common causes are Sue hazam (dyspepsia), Ifrate naum (excessive sleep), Ifrate sukun (excessive rest) and Qilate harkate badani (sedentary life style), Kasrate ghiza (excessive eating) etc.16 Samane Mufrat is a disease which is produced by the Sue Mizaj of balgham 17( morbid phlegm ) i.e., Khilte balgham predominates in the body of obese and hence it is considered as the main predisposing factor in causation of obesity.5 The people having Barid Mizaj have a slower metabolic rate and finally suffer from obesity. This causes more input of energy than that of expenditure and finally the extra energy is stored in the form of extra fat.5,18 In Unani medicine the drugs which are Qate balgham (phlegmolytic)8 and the one which corrects the Sue Mizaj of balgham are generally used to treat Samane mufrat (obesity)18.
Sandroos (Vateria indica Linn.) is a resin exuded by the Sal tree and known as Piney resin. It possesses Qate balgham (phlegmolytic)8, Muhalil (resolvent)9, Qabiz (astringent)9, Habisuddam (haemostatic)9 and Mundamile Quru (antiulcer) properties; it is useful in odontalgia, splenitis, chronic diarrhoea and stops catarrh15. Its fumes are useful in piles and fistulae15. It is an important Anti obesity drug which is exclusively used by physician of Unani medicine in the treatment of Samane Mufrat.
Mizaj (Temprament): Hot 30 and Dry 30 (7, 8)
Chemical constituents
·  Organic : Glycosides, Steroids, Resins, Saponins, Proteins, Phenolic compounds/ Tannins.12
·  Inorganic : Sodium, Potassium, Iron and Calcium.12
Miqdar e khuraq : 1 to 3 gms.8,9
6.3 / Objectives of the Study:
a.  To evaluate the Anti obesity activity of ‘Sandroos’ in Diet induced Obesity.
b.  To compare Anti obesity effect of test drug with the standard drug (orlistat).
c.  To develop an effective, cheap, economic and safe anti obesity drug.
d.  To prove the claims of Unani Physicians as ‘Sandroos’ is a potent anti obesity drug.
7.2 / Materials and Methods:
Source of Data:
Data will be produced from the experimental studies carried out in the pharmacology laboratory of Department of Ilmul Advia, NIUM, Bangalore.
Methods of Collection of Data:
Plant material: The plant material intended to be used in the study is Sandroos (resin of Sal tree) will be procured from the market and will be identified by a pharmacognocist. Sandroos will be dissolved in water and prepared freshly before oral administration. The dose of the drug will be calculated by the conversion factor of 7 (Freirich. et al., 1968)22.
Animals: 40 Sprague Dawley rats of either sex, weighing 300-400 gm of 6 months old15 will be taken randomly for the study.
Methodology: Obesity will be induced in rats by feeding them Cafeteria diet daily for 6 weeks in group II, III and V along with normal diet, and the concurrent group (IV) will be fed with Cafeteria diet only for 3 weeks and then treated with the test drug along with normal diet for rest of the period.
Design of experimental work:
Procedure: The study will be carried out on Sprague Dawley rats of either sex, weighing 300-400 gm of 6 months old15. The room temperature will be kept at 22-230C with 12h light and dark cycles14. The animals will be divided into 5 groups of 8 animals each and treated in the following manner.
Group 1 - Negative control ( normal diet will be given throughout the study i.e., for 6 weeks)
Group II - Positive control (Cafeteria diet + Normal chow, will be given for 6 weeks)
Group III - Concurrent group (Cafeteria diet + test drug + Normal chow, will be given for 6 weeks).
Group IV - Post treated group (Cafeteria diet will be given only for 3 weeks and test drug will be given for next 3 weeks)
Group V- Standard control (Cafeteria diet + Orlistat + Normal chow, will be given for 6 weeks)
During the study body weight, food intake, locomotor activity and blood glucose level will be measured and will compare with all the groups. After six weeks rats will be sacrificed by decapitation and serum insulin levels, plasma lipids adipose tissue cell size and number, body composition, lipid content in fat pads will be determined and comparison will be made between the groups.15 The data will be analysed by using appropriate statistical tests.
7.3 /
Does the study require any investigation or intervention to be
Conducted on patient or other humans or animals. / Yes
7.4 / Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case of 7.2 / Applied for
8 / References:
1.  Kaur al. Prevalence of overweight and Obesity amongst School Children in Delhi, India. Asia Pac Jclin Nutr 2008; 17(4):592-596.
2.  Mohan H. Text book of Pathology. Edition 5th. New Delhi: JBMPL; 2005; PP. 250.
3.  Minhaj S. A Clinical study of Samane mufrat Ibtedai and Efficacy of Unani Formulation in its management. Bangalore: Dissertation submitted to RGUHS; 2008; PP. 2.
4.  Shah NS. API Text book of Medicine. Edition 8th. Mumbai: The Association of Physicians of India; 2008; PP. 985.
5.  Razi ABMZ. Kitabul Hawi. Vol.6. New Delhi: CCRUM; YNM; PP. 183-239.
6.  Jeelani B. Makhzanul Ilaj. Vol.1. New Delhi: Idara Kitabus Shifa; 2005; PP. 823.
7.  Ibn Sina. Al-Qanoon Fil Tibb (Urdu Translation by Kantori G.H). Vol.2. New Delhi: Idara Kitabul Shifa; 2010; PP. 404.
8.  Tariq AHN. Taj ul Mufradat. New Delhi: Idara Kitabus Shifa; 2010; PP. 308
9.  Gani Najmul. Khazaienul Advia. New Delhi: Idara Kitabus Shifa ; YNM; PP-604.
10.  Haslet C, Chilvers ER, Boon NA and Cllede NR. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. 19th ed. Churchill living stone; 2004: 301.
11.  Anonymous. Standardisation of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine. Part III. 1st Edition. New Delhi: CCRUM; 1997; PP. 256-258.
12.  Annonymous, The Wealth of India. Vol X. New Delhi; 2003; PP. 436,439.
13.  Ibn Sina. Al Qanoon fil Tib (English translation).Vol 2. New Delhi: Jamia Hamdard; 1998; PP 276.
14.  Vogel Gerhard H. Drug Discovery and Evaluation,Pharmacological Assays. New York: Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidlberg; 2002; PP.1054.
15.  Gupta SK. Drug Screening Methods. 2nd Edition. New Delhi: JPBMP; 2009; PP.149-150.
16.  Lone AH. Holistic concept and Management of obesity in Unani medicine. Bangalore: 2011.
17.  Kabiruddin M. Ifadae kabir. New Delhi: CCRUM; 2001; PP. 65.
18.  Ibn Sina. Al-Qanoon Fil Tibb (Urdu Translation by Kantori G.H). Vol. 4. New Delhi: Idara Kitabus Shifa; 2007; PP.372-382.
19.  Qumri AMH. Ghina Muna, Minhajul ilaj. Edition 1st.New Delhi: 2008; PP. 388.
20.  Parray AS. An experimental study of Tukhme Suddab to evaluate its efficacy in Diet Induced Hyperlipidaemia and Atherosclerosis in Rabbits. Bangalore: Dissertation submitted to RGUHS; 2010.
21.  Mansi K, Abu Shaffa AM, Disi A, Aburjai T. Hypolipidaemic effects of seed extract of celery (Apium graveolans Linn.) in Rats. Pheog Mag 2009;5: 301-5.
22.  Freirich EJ et al. Quantitative comparison of toxicity of anti cancer agent in mouse, rat, dog, monkey and men. Cancer Chemotherapy Rep1996; 50(4):219-44.
9. / Signature of Candidate
10. / Remarks of the Guide
11 / Name & Designation of
11.1 / Guide
11.2 / Signature:
11.3 / Co-Guide:
11.4 / Signature:
11.5 / Head of Department:
11.6 / Signature
12 / Remarks
12.1 / Remarks of the Chairman & Principal:
12.2 / Signature