BACKGROUND: / WILMAPCO was selected for the Walkable Community Workshops program in 2004, a program of the National Center for Bicycling & Walking. Since this time, WILMAPCO has worked with six communities to conduct workshops and plans to offer this program to others.
WHAT: / Walkable Community Workshops are interactive events that bring together residents, elected officials, advocates, public agency staff, public health practitioners, educators, planners and engineers to focus attention on making your community safer and easier to walk in. Workshops will provide information on how we can turn our communities into the kind of pedestrian-friendly places we all like to experience.
WHY: / Through the program, we will identify real-world problems and hands-on solutions for your community.
WHERE: / Any city, town, unincorporated community, or corridor where people want a safer, more attractive route for walking.
AT A WORKSHOP: / During workshops, participants will learn about the elements of a walkable community and solutions to common issues. Instructors then lead a walking tour of the study area and emphasize seeing the community from the perspective of a pedestrian. Participants identify specific measures to improve conditions for pedestrians and priority actions they can take to create a more walkable community. Typcially, workshops last for four hours, however the format can be costumized to your needs.
THE WORKSHOP: / A key to the success of the workshops are the instructors, who are national experts from diverse backgrounds and fields of work, including planning, transportation engineering, public health, and pedestrian policy. These experts will train WILMAPCO staff, as well as spend a week in Delaware working directly with our communities. They highlight ways in which land use and transportation affect walking, health, physical activity, and livability.
HOW TO APPLY: / If you or your community would like to participate in this unique and exciting program, please complete the enclosed form. If you have questions, please contact Heather Dunigan at 302/737-6205 ext. 18.
COST: / Free!

Walkable Community Workshops

Walkable Community Workshop Application

Applicant Contact Information

Name: ______Organization: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Local Coordinator (if different from applicant) Identify a local coordinator. Local coordinators will work with WILMAPCO to secure a meeting site, identify participants, and provide needed background information.

Name: ______Organization: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Community Concerns List the top three concerns in your community related to pedestrian facilities and needs:

Reason(s) for Applying Describe why your community wants to host a Walkable Community Workshop. What outcomes do you expect?

Desired Workshop Area Describe (or attach map) the area within your community where you would like the workshop to take place?

Community Support The success of the Workshop depends largely on bringing key members of the community to the table. Please describe existing public support necessary to generate commitment and action for community change, the capacity of your local coordinator to enlist a wide cross-section of the community’s participation.

Please Mail to WILMAPCO, 850 Library Avenue, Suite 100, Newark DE 19711, FAX to 302.737.9584,
or EMAIL information to . Use additional paper if needed. Call 302.737.6205 x111 for information.