
The Council has worked in partnership with third sector in Rochdale Borough to put in place a peer support scheme.This is a way of providing a quality service to help organisations achieve their potential and support not for profit organisations to achieve, aspire and be successful.

This prospectus contains information on the Peer Support available and how to access it.


This is a self-help peer support scheme delivered by Rochdale Borough third sector organisations for their peers in the Borough.

The scheme offers peer support and mentoring, it is not formal training or an advice service. It is an opportunity for an organisation to share specific skills and experience with another organisation.

The peer support organisations can provide a range of support including help with:

setting up a new organisation

management committees/boards roles and responsibilities

preparing accounts

independent scrutiny of accounts

accessing training and support on the internet

preparing funding bids

supporting volunteers

managing staff

monitoring and evaluation of performance

business planning

How will it work?

It is about the organisations in the Borough helping each other. Peer Support organisations will offer learning/support opportunities to other third sector organisations in the Borough wanting to develop skills and learning. The peer support organisations will receive a small payment, funded by the council in recognition of this.

The scheme provides an opportunity to network, improve skills and enable information and expertise to be shared across the sector.


This prospectus includes details of organisations in the Borough offering peer support (supporters). Itidentifies the different skills and experience they can offer.

This prospectus will be available and circulated to third sector organisations based inRochdale Borough.

Any organisations requesting support can approach any of the supporter organisations included in this prospectus to arrange an initial meeting.

The purpose of the initial meeting is:

To decide whether or not the peer support (supporter) can meet the needs of the organisation receiving support.

To agree a support plan. The support plan will outline the organisation’ssupport needs; agree outcomes the organisation wishes to achieve; and agree the arrangements for the support sessions.


This service is free of charge to organisations requiring support. The Council will provide the following funding to the peer support organisation:

Initial meeting – £20.00 – This fee is paid regardless of whether the peer support plan goes ahead.

This session will focus on the support requested and agree the support plan if appropriate.

Follow up peer support session - £30 per session (session is up to 2 hours)

A maximum of 6 sessions can be agreed. If your organisation has further needs, this request can be referred to Rochdale Council for an individual programme.


All materials and resources will be provided by the supporter organisation.

The support organisations will invoice the council for the sessions provided.


The outcomes agreed in the plan will inform the monitoring and evaluation of this new service.Feedback from the supported organisations will be a key part of the evaluation and all supported organisations will be required to provide this feedback report at the end of their period of support.

Role of the Council

The Council will support the peer support scheme by:

Facilitating the peer support scheme

Sending out regular updates on the scheme

Arranging a briefing session for supporters to agree basic practices and standards

Processing claim forms from supporter organisations and payments to that organisation

Monitoring and evaluating the scheme

Quality standards

The new service will be measured quarterly by:

The number of sessions provided

The number of supporters and supported organisations taking part

Feedback information from supported organisations


This is a pilot scheme up to the end of March 2014 with the option to extend for a further 12 months.

What should I do if I would like to access this peer support?

If your organisation would liketo take advantage of this new scheme you should read the ‘offer’ available from CVS, Burnside Community Centre and Rochdale Connections Trust. You need to then decide which organisation you think is best suited to support you. Once you have chosen your preferred organisation then you should contact the organisation directly to arrange your initial session.

You will find the contact information at the beginning of each organisation’s ‘offer’. There is no need to contact the council or seek permission – it is there for you. Your peer support organisation will let you know what else you need to do and make arrangements to provide you with the help or advice you need.

Please remember that the support and mentoring offered by organisations participating in this scheme is not offered in a professional capacity. Mentors are not claiming to be experts in the subject area nor do they necessarily hold a recognised qualification. The information given is purely based on their knowledge and experience and as such organisation seeking peer support should not rely solely on the information given. Supported Organisations should seek professional help where their organisation could potentially break the law or suffer financial loss as a result of acting on information given.

Supporter Organisations

Burnside Centre

Contact Details
Contact person: Miss Kerry Edwards
Burnside Centre
38 Burnside Crescent
M24 5NN
Telephone: 0161 643 5775
Skills and experience on offer to supported organisations
Setting up a new organisation
We have been in existence since 1969 and in that time we have gone from a very small grass roots service to becoming a standard charity in 1992, and then more recently in 2012 we became a charitable company limited by guarantee. This involved a whole legal and organisational change which has given us a wealth of experience in what is needed to create a new organisation. We have supported many groups over the years and are always keen to support newly formed groups and initiatives. We believe we can fully support groups to start on a firm footing, set up action plans and offer sound practical advice in establishing an organisation.
Management committees/boards roles and responsibilities
Having run for over 40 years, we understand the importance of having a strong and well-resourced committee. We recently had a quality assurance review of our committee and from that we have a full recruitment procedure in place which includes skills match, expression of interest form, full application form, job description, interview process, etc. We can support groups to put similar structures in place, give them options on best ways to recruit and also speak to committee members about their role and responsibilities.
Skills and experience on offer to supported organisations
Preparing accounts
As a charitable organisation with an annual turnover of £200k, we understand the importance of financial transparency and accountability. Our staff work closely with our accountant and with mentor support from a London School of Economics Tutor. We have produced a financial governance document which underpins all our finance procedures and the preparing of accounts. We have staff members that are qualified in manual and computerised accounts/bookkeeping who can offer sound, professional advice on finance procedures to support the production of yearly accounts and finance management.
Independent scrutiny of accounts
We have great links with a number of accountancy firms who work within the voluntary sector, who understands the unique needs of the sector and we can sign post groups to them and similar services. We can also support groups to understand the importance of accounts, why they are needed, who needs to see them and the legal requirements.
Accessing training and support on the internet
This is an area of importance as the world is moving forward with people using ICT more. We have training providers that use online courses and we have held some at the Burnside Centre. We currently offer people in the community online courses and national online initiatives which we are signed up to. We have 3 staff members who are certified PTLLS tutors, two of whom are experienced in the delivery of courses and also writing accredited training programmes of work.
Preparing funding bids
We have an excellent reputation with local and national funders and pride ourselves on quality bids with real achievable aims. We already offer local groups advice and support in this area. Staff members have been on lots of training in this area, with many years experience. On average each year we secure over 80% of our budget from external funding. We have experience of writing small bids for £500 to much larger bids of £90k. We have secured funding from national funders such as the Big Lottery, Children In Need, Lloyds TSB Foundation and also many smaller local pots.
Supporting volunteers
Burnside Centre has a very structured support system in place and our Manager strongly believes in moving volunteers forward onto new opportunities and employment. Over half of our current paid staff started out on a voluntary basis, which enables us to fully appreciate the benefits of volunteering and how it can help support the third sector. Case studies can be provided that highlight our commitment to volunteers. Our projects utilise volunteers, make training opportunities available, give them clear development goals, supervise and invest in them for long term individual, organisational and community outcomes.
Skills and experience on offer to supported organisations
Managing staff
Burnside Centre on average has 15 paid staff made up of full time, part time, zero hours contracts, etc. All receive regular supervisions and appraisals. Team meetings, staff development, problem solving and getting the best out of staff are areas where we have a lot of experience and could offer support and guidance on best practice, team dynamics and how to support staff within the voluntary sector. Our manager has many years experience within the sector and managing people at all levels.
Monitoring and evaluation of performance
We implement a number of quality assurance initiatives and schemes. We have a PQASSO Champion who is in charge of raising quality standards within the organisation with the aim of the organisation passing the Level 2 PQASSO in the near future. Our Pre-School also undertakes the High Five Quality Assurance Section and is at the highest level for that. At any one time the Burnside Centre has over 20 different funding streams which require a high level of monitoring and evaluation. We also have secured funding so that we could carry out our own community audit – to understand our local area and how we are meeting current and emerging needs within it. We believe we could offer groups sound advice in this area and provide templates and examples of best practice, at all levels of service. As a charitable organisation we also have matrix plans, development plans and annual objectives in place and these are monitored by staff with the support and overview from the Management Committee.
Burnside Centre has been a community facility since 1969 and has a number of highly experienced and trained community workers. We have an excellent relationship with external bodies and understand the foundation blocks needed within the third sector to improve productivity. We believe that we can offer practical support and mentoring to other groups within the local area and have the capacity and experience to make positive changes.
Learning/support opportunities
Area of support available / Brief description
Being successful with external funding / Understanding funding and setting clear timeframes funding strategy)
Writing application forms
Catering bids to different funders
Setting outputs and outcomes
Gathering supportive information
Writing end of year/grant reports
What funders really want to hear
Understanding what your objectives are
Policies and procedures / Drafting policies
Knowing what policies are relevant to your organisation
Implementing policies and procedures
Making sure they work for you
In line with current legislation
Skills and experience on offer to supported organisations
Learning/support opportunities
Area of support available / Brief description
Management of community facility / Insurance
Short, medium and long term planning
Finance systems, budgets and accounts
Monitoring record keeping
Quality assurance
Management committees
Legal Charity and Company status
Management skills
Working with the public
Partnership/collaborative working
Annual returns and reports
Health & Safety
Risk assessments
Community development
Project management
Community events and fun days
Working alongside governing bodies such as Ofsted, Charity Commission and Companies House
Management of staff, students and volunteers / Recruitment
Disclosure and barring
Job descriptions
Career and personal progression
Team dynamics
Problem solving
Supervision and appraisals
Employment law
Confidence building
SSP, SMP, etc.
Miss Georgina Jacques, Project Manager of Langley Theatre Workshop
Bowness Road, Middleton, Manchester M24 4NU
Tel. 0161 643 0581
Mr Rick Walker, Director of Cartwheel Arts
110 Manchester Street, Heywood OL10 1DW
Tel: 01706 361300

CVS Rochdale

Contact Details
Contact person: Michelle Warburton
CVS Rochdale
Partnership House
Sparrow Hill
OL16 1QT
Telephone: 01706 631291
Skills and experience on offer to supported organisations
CVS Rochdale has over 30 years experience of supporting not for profit organisations within the borough of Rochdale, and have formally delivered an information, advice and support service to the sector for over 12 years. Our staff have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, which they have demonstrated in their work supporting people and organisations representing all sections of the community within the borough, including people with language difficulties or impairments. They have research, planning and problem solving skills which they demonstrate in their ability to work with organisations to identify their needs, plan with the organisation what needs to take place in order to meet these needs and where they have had knowledge gaps have had the ability to research the subject in order to gain the necessary information. CVS Rochdale staff also have the skills necessary to enable them to present information to not for profit organisations, to effectively record the work they have done and to monitor and evaluate the provision of their support and the outcomes for those they have supported.
Setting up a new organisation
Advising groups on the correct legal structures is a specialised and complicated piece of work. Our staff have the knowledge, experience and expertise to do this, as well as the appropriate insurance in place to support this. CVS staff also have the necessary skills needed to guide people through the complexities of setting up a not for profit organisation, from the point of the identification of need. During 2012/13 our Governance Officer supported the setup of nine new not for profit organisations within the borough. This support included establishing a governing body, setting organisational purpose, aims and objectives, identifying and evidences the needs of potential beneficiaries. We then supported them to decide on the most appropriate legal structure, write a governing document and register with the relevant incorporation body such as Companies House, Charity Commission, CIC Regulator or the FSA. When they had agreed the most
Skills and experience on offer to supported organisations
Setting up a new organisation (continued)
appropriate legal structure we supported members of the governing body to know and understand their legal duties, and requirements of the incorporation body and to develop the relevant organisational policies and procedures needed for them to operate efficiently and effectively.
Management committees/boards roles and responsibilities
Our volunteer service provides an opportunity for organisations to register a management board opportunity. CVS will then look for and signpost a potential board member when they are looking for staff and we provide support to governing bodies in a range of ways to enable them to govern their organisations effectively and efficiently. During 2012/13 our Governance Officer supported 11 organisations with a range of governance issues. These include supporting new members of governing bodies to understand their roles, responsibilities and legal duties. Supporting with issues like the need to change governing documents or change legal status. Mediation between members and governing bodies around issues of Annual General Meetings, Election of Board Members and provision of financial information. We have also supported governing bodies to follow best practise and encourage the use of tools like the code of governance or PQASSO (a quality assurance system designed specifically for not for profit organisations). During 2012/13 our Governance Officer also supported 12 organisations to review, revise or develop organisational policies and procedures to support good governance and operations within their organisation.
Preparing accounts and independent scrutiny of accounts
During 2012/13 our AAT qualified Community Accountancy Officer has provided support to 9 organisations to setup financial management systems, including establishing an organisational budget, cash flow projections and implementation of full cost recovery. He also prepared accounts for 36 registered charities, not for profit companies and Community Interest Companies, and provided independent examination of accounts to 44 not for profit organisations. We have also supported groups with annual returns to the Charity Commission and Companies House as well as Tax Returns, etc.