North Kyme Parish Council


Date: Wednesday 22nd July 2015 / Venue: North Kyme Village Hall / Time: 7.30p.m.

Present: Cllr G Pout(Chairman) Cllr G Bailey

Cllr J DringCllr G Everard Cllr A Yeomans

In attendance: K Handley (Clerk)

District Councillor Ogden

Parishioners: 0

32/07/15ApologiesCllr G PantonCllr R Wright

33/07/15Chairman’s Opening address:

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and reported that the rounder’s match held during the Strawberry tea was very successful.


The notes were accepted as a true and accurate record and proposed by Cllr G Everard and seconded by Cllr G Bailey

35/07/15Declarations of Interest


36/07/15Feedback on action points;

  • Picnic Bench- installed on picnic area by Mr M Gardner. The Chairman also informed the Council that there was a covered bench for sale which would be useful for the playing field. The Chairman proposed that the PC purchase this bench and the cost would be approximately £50.00. Cllr Dring asked about insurance to which the clerk responded that it would be covered under street furniture. The Chairman proposed that £70.00 be put aside for the bench. Cllr J Dring seconded this proposal.
  • Insurance claim for the old SID is still ongoing and the clerk was asked to pursue this.
  • Playing Field-clerk reported that the playing field was covered in the insurance policy.

37/07/15Planning application

Planning application reference 15/0816/HOUS

Proposal erection of first floor extension, location 73 Main Street North Kyme.

Parish Council reported they had no objections.

38/07/15Financial report

Cheques approved;

Cheque no / Amount / Payee / Relating to / Prop/Sec
000371 / £8.00 / LALC / Training Course for Cllr G Everard / Cllr G Pout/Cllr A Yeomans
000372 / £10.00 / Clerk Karen Handley / Compost for flower tubs / Cllr G Pout/Cllr A Yeomans
000373 / £100.00 / Mr Gardner / Fitting of picnic bench / Already proposed
000374 / £34.95 / G Pout / Cllr J Dring/Cllr G Everard

39/07/15 Kite competition

This item had been requested by the Chairman who explained that he had proposed that a kite competition be held on the playing field. The Chairman asked the Parish Council if they could spend £40.00 on purchasing kites which could be used. This was seconded by Cllr A Yeomans.

40/07/15Community Wildlife grant

The clerk passed the information on to the Council. The Chairman offered to look into this further.

41/07/15Cluster group feedback and date of next meeting

The SID will be handed over to Billinghay once the insurance claim has been resolved.

Community plan-the Chairman reported that he had asked if North Kyme could be involved.

Newsletter-the cost of a joint newsletter would be £300 p/a. The Councillors discussed the implications of this.

Highway issues-Rowan Smith informed the Cluster meeting that repairs would be made to the road to South Kyme in September.

Streetlights still not working in North Kyme-to be reported by the clerk to NKDC.

The date of the next meeting will be November 23rd and South Kyme will host.

42/07/15 Clerk’s correspondence

  • Lincolnshire Minerals and waste plan-information passed on to the Councillors

43/07/15 Issues arising

The Chairman informed the Councillors that the Village Hall had been chosen by the Co-Op to receive donations between September and December of this year.

District Councillor Ogden reported that NKDC were preparing the Local Plan for Housing development.

44/07/15 Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 9th Septemberat 7.30 p.m.

45/07/15 Close of meeting

The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.

1Karen Handley Clerk