Fall Spanish 3305 Prof.: José A. Alonzo

2014 Culture and Civilization Office: SCRB 110

Office Hours:

MWF 12:00-2:00

TTH 9-9:30 & 11-12:30

Phone: (903)-923-2268



Chang-Rodríguez, Latinoamérica: su civilización y su cultura. 4th Edition.

Heinle & Heinle Publishers Inc., 2008.


Spanish 2302 or consent of instructor.


The objectives of this course are to expose the students to the rich culture and civilization of Spanish America, and to enhance the student’s oral, written and reading proficiency of the language.


Spanish 3305 is a course for advanced students and for majors and minors. The study of the culture and civilization of Spanish America from its beginning to the present is the main focus of this course. All readings and class discussions are in Spanish. The course consists of lectures, class discussion of assigned material, and reports. The class meets three fifty-minute periods in the classroom per week.


Credit for this course is dependent upon the completion of all academic assignments required below:


Students must prepare for each class by reading the assigned material prior to

class time, and by having all out-of-class assignments ready by the date requested.


Regular class attendance is expected in this course. Absences should be cleared with the professor, in advance if possible, in order to arrange for any corrective work that may be needed. Absences in excess of eleven will result in a grade of F. This attendance policy is in accordance with the attendance policy in ETBU’s catalog. Please see the catalog statement.


There will be four hourly tests and a final examination given during the semester. No student will be exempt from any test. Every student must take the final examination, no exceptions. No make-up tests will be given for the hourly exams, unless the student was legitimate absent, and has proper verification (hospitalization, for instance). Make-ups for hourly exams will be given at the end of the semester. In addition to the regularly scheduled examinations, a number of quizzes and assignments will be given during the semester. No pop quizzes can be made up, except for hospitalization or official school activity. In case of university-approved absences, make up work will be allowed provided that:

a)  The activity was properly scheduled.

b)  The absence was authorized in advance.

c)  Arrangements were made with the professor prior to the absence.


Grades will be computed as follows:

Hourly tests (four tests) (400 pts.)

Final Exam (100 pts.)

Quizzes (100 pts.)

Oral/Written Reports (5) (100 pts.)

TOTAL (700 pts.)

The grading system used is as follows:

A 91-100 728 points

B 81-90 648 points

C 71-80 568 points

D 60-70 480 points

F 59 or below 479 points or less

Important information:

·  All students are asked to complete an on-line evaluation of the course at the end of the semester as part of the requirements for the course.

·  All students will show courtesy to others in the classroom by refraining from talking or making noise when another person is talking, cell phones included.

·  Any form of dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in a grade of zero on the assignment and referral to the Dean of the School of Humanities.

·  Students may bring water in squeeze bottles with caps or hard plastic cups with screw-on lids. No food or other beverages may be consumed during class.

·  I will not discuss grades or absences with students over the telephone or by e-mail. Such information will only be given in person.

·  The Modern Language Department provides free tutoring for students who need extra help with their Spanish courses.

·  This syllabus can be found in the student tool box and Blackboard.

Disability Accommodation

A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services will notify you and your professor of the approved accommodations. You must then discuss these accommodations with your professor.

Español 3305 – Programa de studio

Agosto 25 Orientación-----Capítulo 1

27 Capítulo 1------Unidad del mundo latinoamericano pp. 3-10

29  Capítulo 3------Las grandes civilizaciones precolombinas pp. 29-41

Sept. 01 Capítulo 4------Las exploraciones, la conquista y su significado pp. 45-52

03 Capítulo 4------pp. 52-59

05 Capítulo 5------El régimen colonial y su legado pp. 63-68

08 Capítulo 5------pp. 68-75

10 Presentación # 1y Repaso

12 EXAMEN #1

15 Capítulo 7------La vida intelectual durante la colonia pp. 89-95

17 Capítulo 7------pp. 95-102

19 Capítulo 8------Las guerras por la independencia hispanoamericana pp. 107-113

22 Capítulo 8------pp. 113-118

24 Capítulo 10-----Los países del Río de la Plata pp. 137-142

26 Capítulo 10-----pp.142-146

29 Capítulo 10-----pp. 147-152

Oct. 01 Presentación # 2 y Repaso

03 EXAMEN # 2

06 Capítulo 11-----Los países andinos meridionales pp. 157-164

08 Capítulo 11-----pp. 164-169

10 Fall Break

13 Capítulo 11-----pp. 169-173

15 Capítulo 12-----Los países andinos septentrionales pp. 177-183

17 Capítulo 12-----pp. 183-189

20 Capítulo 13-----México y su revolución pp. 193-197

22 Capítulo 13-----pp. 197-203

24 Presentación # 3 y Repaso

27 EXAMEN #3

29  Capítulo 14-----Centroamérica republicana pp. 207-212

31 Capítulo 14-----pp. 212-218

Nov. 03 Capítulo 14-----pp. 218-222

05 Capítulo 15-----La personalidad histórica de las Antillas pp. 227-233

07 Capítulo 15-----pp. 233-242

. 10 Capítulo 15-----pp. 242-247

12 Presentación # 4 y Repaso

14 EXAMEN #4

17 Capítulo 17-----La arquitectura pp. 277-285

19 Capítulo 17-----pp. 285-291

21 Capítulo 17-----pp. 291-297

24 Thanksgiving Day---Vacaciones del Día de Gracias

Dic. 01 Capítulo 18-----Las artes plásticas 301-307

03 Capítulo 18-----pp. 307-313

05 Capítulo 18-----pp. 313-320

08 Capítulo 19-----La música pp. 325-329

10 Capítulo 19-----La música pp. 331-339

12 Presentación # 5 y Repaso

17 EXAMEN FINAL ---(Miércoles de 8 a 9:50 a.m.)