MOVEMENT (Cru Cal Poly, Epic, Hancock, etc):

TARGET AREA PREFERENCES (Which Dorm, Greek House, etc?):








Staff Evaluator Name: Application Status:


For All Cru Central Coast Movements

Thank you for considering leadership as a Community Group Leader or a Discipler with one of Cru Central Coast’s movements. Once we receive this Leadership Application back from you, we will notify you of an interview to complete your application process. It is our hope to let you know of our decision in a timely manner. This application is a means to ensure that you have the level of understanding and the ability to effectively maintain the messages and to carry out the purposes of Cru Central Coast.



Current Year in School:

Birthday (MM/DD/YY):

Estimated Grad Date:




I am interested in being a:

Community Group Leader



Community Group Leaders:

Involvement (clubs, work, sports, etc.):

Your Freshman Dorm (if applicable):

Cru Summer Mission Experience (Trips/Years):


1. Describe the mission and purpose of Cru Central Coast. Do you have any questions about the mission or purpose of Cru Central Coast?

2. Describe in detail how you would communicate to someone, from the Bible, how one becomes a Christian.

3. What are some of the principal tools used by Cru Central Coast to communicate the messages of the Bible? How are those Cru Central Coast tools used to explain the Christian faith?

4. Describe your experiences explaining the Christian faith to other people during the last six months. How have you taken the initiative in evangelism?

5. Describe from the Bible what it means to live a Spirit-filled life.

6. In order to carry out the mission and vision of Cru Central Coast, your training is absolutely essential. Will you faithfully attend the Leadership Training class each week for Spring, Fall, and Winter quarters?


7. Why do you desire to be a Cru Central Coast Community Group Leader or Discipler?

8. What training have you received (through Cru Central Coast or elsewhere) to develop your understanding of Christian beliefs and the Christian life? What additional learning would you like to pursue?

9. What strengths, gifts, or skills could you bring to Cru Central Coast leadership? Where do you see yourself needing to be developed?

10. How do you see yourself helping to advance the purpose and mission of Cru Central Coast during the next year?

11. As a leader with Cru Central Coast, we look to you to help train others in our ministry. Are you willing to share the Christian faith with students you do not know and train those under your leadership to share the Christian faith as well?

12. When you think about reaching an area of campus, what are you excited about and what are your fears or concerns?


I have met the attendance requirement of attending a majority of Weekly Meetings this school year.

Yes No

I have seen and used the “Knowing God Personally” booklet or if not, I am willing to be trained in it.

Yes No

I have attended one or more of the following: conferences, retreats, spring break trips, or summer missions put on by Cru Central Coast.

Yes No

I am a current member of a Community Group hosted by one of Cru Central Coast’s movements.

Yes No

I have answered to the best of my ability and have responded truthfully and accurately. I acknowledge that if I have a disagreement with Cru Central Coast leadership over my ability to communicate Cru Central Coast’s messages, that I will submit that disagreement to the leadership team and abide by any decision made by a majority of the leadership team.


Initials (by placing your initials, you are digitally signing this form):
