March 6, 2014
Roundtable Roundup
C:\Documents and Settings\Carol\My Documents\Scouts\News letters and announcements\14 - March Roundup.doc
District Awards Banquet
March 8, 6:30 p.m.
Christ United Methodist Church
Scouting for Food
March 22
Utah Scouting Expo:
March 29
Ticket Sales Kickoff
9:00 at Christ United Methodist Church
Bring your boys. Boys earn valuable prizes.
Sell tickets - get 10% of the ticket sales back
Have a booth - get an additional 10% of the ticket sales back to your pack
May 17 Utah Scouting Expo
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
at South Towne Expo
Council Pinewood Derby
CORE VALUE for April:
Cub Scout Leader Position Specific Training
May 8
7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Host Canyon Rim Zone
OWL Training
Outdoor Webelos Leader
April 26 8:00 am
Frontier Fort at Cub Country
BALOO Outdoor Training
May 24 8:00 am
Tracy Lodge at Cub Country
On line training
Position Specific
“Youth Protection”
“Fast Start”
“This is Scouting”
Training required for all Cub Scout Leaders
District Pinewood Derby
For top 3 winners of
Zone Pinewood Derbys
May 15 5:00 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.
Christ United Methodist Church
Winners may compete at the
May 17 Utah Scouting Expo
Theme: “My Family Tree”
Ask parents about the past.
Interview Grandparents.
Learn about your lineage.
Keep a diary.
Webelos Corner
Ø Sportsman
Ø Family Member
Science Belt Loop
Character Connection
■ Earn your religious award.
■ Have tolerance for other’s beliefs.
■ Help others.
Patch of the Month:
National Den Award
Cub Scouting happens in the den.
Hold year round activities.
“Keep It Simple
Make It Fun”
Summer Camps
Sign up now at the Scout Service Center
April 22 Wendy’s Scout Day
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
10% of sales will be given to Scouting
Teaching Children to Have Faith
Faith is having inner strength and confidence based upon a trust in a higher power. Children learn to have faith by watching those around them and seeing the way they act and react. Pray together. Keep your language clean. Set a good example, showing your faith by the way you live.
Also teach by precept. Share your thoughts and feelings about sacred things, as appropriate. Tell them personal stories that are true, simple, and sincere, without exaggeration or embellishment. If you sincerely say, “This happened to me,” it adds credibility to your words. There is no room to dispute what you have said. Avoid telling them sensational or speculative stories, as these tend to create doubt, rather than strengthen faith. First or second hand stories are best, after that they get really “iffy,” especially a story that has been going around on the Internet. However, you could invite someone to tell their own true story to the children.
Consider a service project where the children demonstrate their faith and love of God by their actions. We love whom we serve.
“ I will show thee my faith by my works.”
James 2:18
C:\Documents and Settings\Carol\My Documents\Scouts\News letters and announcements\14 - March Roundup.doc