PATRICK BECK CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 7:00 PM, and opened with the Roll call and Pledge of Allegiance.

ADOPTION OF AGENDA. By Motion of KAMEEN/TARQUINIO, agenda was adopted as proposed.

ADOPTION OF MINUTES- By Motion of HAAR/CIERVO, minutes of Oct. 3, 2016 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

President Beck noted that there were several open appointments to be made by the Council. The first appointment is for the Architectural Review Board (ARB). Only letter of interest received was from Charles O’Neil. Beck read the letter aloud. BY MOTION OF HAAR/WINEBERG, Council unanimously voted to appoint Mr. O’Neil to the ARB.

Remaining open appointments are on the Planning Commission- two spots. No letters yet received. Will continue to seek out interested parties.

President Beck addressed the matter of Budget and Visioning workshops. Advised that there was an executive session prior to the meeting to address some personnel issues, specifically with regard to salaries, raises, etc. Said that the public workshop meeting scheduled for November 15 from 11-1 would address the Budget, with a proposed budget to be available for public review by November 21. Public is welcome/encouraged to attend. Final budget will be voted on at the December 5, 2016 meeting.

Visioning process has been moved to after January 1, 2017. The Comprehensive Plan will be used as a basis. Suggested that it be reviewed every 10 years (date of plan is 2006). Plan will be placed on Borough Website.


1.  Luhrs/Chamber of Commerce- Santa Express- Penny Luhrs was present. Explained event, presented application, Certificate of Insurance. Gentlemen who puts on event does it for free. 3rd year. Kids love it. Councilman Wineberg commented that it was very loud. Resident Michael who lives directly across from parking lot said no issue with noise. No addition comments. MOTION TO CLOSE THE HEARING BY KAMEEN/WENDELL. SO MOVED. BY MOTION OF TARQUINIO/WENDELL, COUNCIL UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE SPECIAL EVENT KNOWN AS SANTA EXPRESS. (Note- Secretary Ahlstrand provided letter to PennDot indicating approval of Council)

2.  Frisky Goat/Norman Dexter – Winter 5K runs – December 4 – Jan 1 (Sunday mornings). Solicitor Waldron explained there is not a need for this event to get “Special Event” approval. Not on Borough property, no street closures, not sponsored by a non-profit. Will provide police with dates/map.

3.  Grey Towers Heritage 8K Run/Walk – May 16, 2017 Reviewed application, notice, Certificate of insurance; same as in previous years. Not really “special event” since no use of Borough Property, use fire department to manage traffic/runners. But significant impact on Borough streets. MOTION TO CLOSE HEARING BY WENDELL/KAMEEN. BY MOTION OF WENDELL/TARQUINIO, COUNCIL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO APPROVE EVENT.

4.  Pocono Fox Trot/Michael J Fox – Parkinson’s fundraiser. Marcia Guberman, Applicant, present at meeting. BBQ in Ann St Park after the run, and resource fair. They provide additional Porta-John. Application complete, certificate of insurance provided. MOTION TO CLOSE HEARING BY CIERVO/TARQUINIO. BY MOTION OF WENDELL/TARQUINIO, COUNCIL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO APPROVE EVENT.


George Borecky from the Public addressed the Council about the situation with UGI tearing up the streets, and about the repairs not being done correctly. Some discussion with Council. President Beck stated that the Boro Code which covers this requires that repairs be done in accordance with PennDot standards. Trying to determine what their standards are. Mayor Strub noted that UGI has been more cooperative with notification, payment for permits, etc. Councilman Wineberg said it appears they do patching, and then go back and pave when all jobs in an area are completed, as they did on Mott St. Question for Solicitor Waldron- is there any means available to require an escrow? Waldron said no, requires a permit and supervision of work. Would need to change the Ordinance to require an escrow.

Ed Brannen from the Milford Community House requested a letter from the Borough Council giving endorsement for Grant. Councilperson Wendell noted that letter was already done, and hand delivered to Tammy at the Economic Development Agency. Will print again and have for Ed to pick up in office. Brannen explained reason for grant, letter. Will pick up letter in Borough office.

Peter Rushton addressed the Council about 3 matters:

-  First, the letter regarding registration of multi-family dwellings- How will this be enforced? Mayor Strub expressed concern about fee, “amnesty”, form. Wineberg explained there is a one-time fee, tax amnesty is for prior years,. Secty Ahlstrand said forms are available on the website and in the office.

-  Second, he commended the street department for the fall clean up effots;

-  Third, he asked that we please call the papers and advise them of the CORRECT time for Council meetings-7 not 7:30. Mayor Strub sent an email from his phone immediately to the Courier.



ZONING- No additional report other than Zoning reports submitted. Chairman Wineberg did comment that the Multi-Family registration letters, which have been in the works since March, finally went out.

LAW AND LEGISLATION- Chairperson Wendell gave an update on the re-codification of the Code. Should have proposed outline within thirty (30) days. Council will need to figure out how to approve drafts in a timely fashion without waiting for monthly meetings. Wendell will put together a schedule, asked if a Committee is okay to approve drafts to keep process moving along. Asked Secretary Ahlstrand to get her any Ordinances passed since April 2016 so she can forward to General Code.

President Beck asked about the lights in front of library. Wendell said she contacted electric company; they had “lost” the project. Wendell was able to track it down. Should be turned on in 7-10 days.

INSURANCE AND FINANCE: No report. Will review proposed budget at workshop on November 15. Beck asked if there were any additional questions or comments with regard to the budget process- None.

PARKS: Chairperson Haar reported that Mr. Sickler, MH&E said the electric in Ann St Park should be completed by December.

Rich Henn, the Little League president, has resigned. Haar met with the new president, Mike Calvario, and he will come to the December or January Council meeting to address concerns of the Boro.

BOROUGH PROPERTY: Chairperson Tarquinio advised that work on the shed would begin tomorrow, November 8. Was to begin today, but contractor was waiting for deposit of 50%. Total cost for this phase is $5950.00.

Submitted proposal for repair of the front steps to the Borough Office building and to replace/repair the lattice under the porch. Estimate was $1200. President Beck asked if this was something the “street” department could do instead. Borough could buy supplies. Council agreed to approve expenditure for lattice, etc. and to ask Borough employees to do the work.

Submitted proposal for repair/renovation to bathroom in the Borough Office building- approximately $5000 provided by contractor John Eilbacher. Some discussion about the work needed there. Councilperson Haar said she felt they should just fix the leak. Kameen agreed, said just get an estimate to replace/repair the sink.

Tarquinio reported that ServPro had completed the cleaning of the office and police station.

Tarquinio asked about the $4500 estimate to run the generator from the police station to the Borough garage building. Councilman Ciervo explained it needed a transfer switch. Some discussion about whether this was already approved. President Beck said it fell under Emergency Managmenet. BY MOTION OF CIERVO/WENDELL, cost of $4500 approved to have line run for generator.

Tarquinio addressed the painting of the Borough office, now that it had been cleaned. Believes it could be done by volunteers. Haar volunteered to paint; Ciervo said he would help move furniture and would supply paint. Mayor Strub suggested that if they set a time could post on FB and ask for volunteers from public. Tarquinio said he felt they needed no more than 4 people total.

Tarquinio noted that Bill Kiger (Historical trust) had hung a banner “on loan” of the historic buildings in Milford Borough, which is temporarily displayed on the wall of the Borough Hall.

STREETS AND LIGHTS: Chairman Ciervo gave his report. Pedestrian signs have all been removed from Broad & Harford. Kameen asked if they needed to get a permit from PennDot to paint “Stop for Pedestrians” on these streets, since signs are gone. Ciervo will check with PennDot.

Plows are ready for the winter, serviced. The street department has been picking up leaves, and will continue to do so until it snows, or until the leaves are gone.

Had a question from the Community House- asked if the Borough Employees could clean the sidewalks through the winter, even though property owners are responsible. Ed Brannen said they had financial concerns. Spent all their money on renovations. Have Chant plowing/clearing their parking lot and interior walkways. There was some discussion about shoveling. Ciervo noted that the Borough doesn’t clear sidewalks other than by the Borough buildings and garbage cans. President Beck said they would “keep the conversation going”.

Tarquinio asked about the municipal lot on Broad St. Asked if they could enforce long term parking. There are some vehicles there over 3 weeks, including a bus. Some discussion about the parking ordinance. Question about whether this would involve passing a law. Solicitor Waldron said could put a sign up that no long term parking allowed without passing a law, but if someone challenged it and asked the basis for the sign/ticket, would not be successful in Court unless ordinance was in place. Waldron commented that he was currently reviewing sidewalk ordinance due to a question that came up, and will review the parking ordinance along with it, and advise.

MAYOR’S REPORT: No additional report other than Police report submitted. Will address matters under “Other Business”.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Greg Myer reported that the Boro has done well with regard to Tax collection, delinquent tax collection, as well as with Realty Transfer Tax. BY MOTION OF CIERVO/TARQUINIO, THE COUNCIL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO APPROVED THE TREASURER’S REPORT AS SUBMITTED.



a.  President Beck asked Secretaries Ahlstrand/Crellin to report on webinar training. Explained a lot about timing, budget, year-end reports. Crellin said it was very valuable training. There is a conference in May which one or both may want to attend in Harrisburg. Two days, overnight. Broader spectrum. Ahlstrand commented that they are sorting through a lot of files, sorting, organizing, and will determine what can be destroyed and what has to be saved. Beck asked Tarquinio about whether he is still involved in locating space for the “retention project”. Tarquinio explained looking at making space in Borough Hall upstairs in Building/Zoning office. President Beck commented that both secretaries are doing an excellent job; grateful for that.

b.  Brookhill Road – Mayor Strub asked if it was possible to obtain funding from PennDot to repair the storm damage and re-open the road. President Beck indicated that Secretary Ahlstrand is looking for the old grant files to see where we have applied for grants in the past, and where we might be able to get grant money for these types of repairs. Asst. Secretary Crellin attended the Hazard Mgt. meeting at the County, and said FEMA might be an option for grants for these types of repairs. She will follow up. Mayor Strub noted that Brookhill is an important road for the Borough. Only real access to the river. Councilman Ciervo will call PennDot ans ask; Crellin will follow up on FEMA; Solicitor Waldron suggested contacting Representative Lisa Baker’s office as well. Question from the public as to the location of Brookhill. Shown to public on map- starts at George St.

c.  Mott St. Bridge – Councilman Wineberg reported there is no news. Mayor Strub asked if the project has become too costly and has gone from restoring to replacing with a footbridge. Said it is an important cultural asset; gateway to the National Park trail. Wineberg said there are no plans to change it from a restoration project. Kiger (Public- Historic Trust) asked at the committee meeting about the Bridge, was told that PennDot will cover, but wants an explanation of the additional cost for the rivets; has a call into the Historic Museum Commission asking why there is a need for “historic” rivets to be used. Wineberg said the bulk of the new money is from Washington. Deadline was last August, but MH&E (Engineers) has gotten extensions.

d.  Santos Project – in Milford Twp. Mayor Strub said they are inviting the developer to address the Borough as well, since this project will impact the Boro. Attorney asked that Milford Borough be addressed after they make their presentation to the Township. Wineberg commented that according to Don Quick, the Township will need to pass a new ordinance, since the proposal is for a mixed use project. President Beck noted that it may also affect the Comprehensive Plan, which was done in conjunction with Milford Twp.