Out of the Dust Syllabus for your Success!

Read carefully:

(Dates are subject to change due to testing and unexpected interruptions—make adjustments as per Mrs. Evans.)

Wed. 4/15 / Vocab for Dust;Love That Dogsame format as Dust; Lab expectations
Thurs. 4/16 / Lab—Dust Bowl/Great Depression
Fri. 4/17 / Lab—Dust Bowl/Great Depression; timeline
Mon. 4/20 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 3-16; Question Sheet 1 assigned
Tues. 4/21 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 17-33
Wed. 4/22 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 37-51
Thurs. 4/23 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 55-72
Fri. 4/24 / Vocab quiz; Sheet 1 due
Mon. 4/27 / Lab—research FDR, polio, Lindbergh, Depression, Dust Bowl
Tues. 4/28 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 73-90; New Vocab; Sheet 2 assigned
Wed. 4/29 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 91-110
Thurs. 4/30 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 111-128
Fri. 5/1 / Lab—MLA citations; Sheet 2 due
Mon. 5/4 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 129-146; Sheet 3 assigned
Tues. 5/5 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 147-167
Wed. 5/6 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 168-183; Vocab quiz
Thurs. 5/7 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 184-198 (per. 3, 6, 7-last vocab words)
Fri. 5/8 / Lab—MLA/Powerpoint; Sheet 3 due
Mon. 5/11 / Lab—MLA/Powerpoint/choose topic--research
Tues. 5/12 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 199-214
Wed. 5/13 / Read Out of the Dust pp. 215-227
Thurs. 5/14 / Lab—research topic
Fri. 5/15 / Vocab quiz; organize notes for presentation
Mon. 5/18 / Create a poem/plot diagram/answer q’s
Tues 5/19 / Library for research
Wed. 5/20 / (buffer day)
Thurs. 5/21 / Lab—create powerpoint
Fri. 5/22 / Lab—create powerpoint
Mon. 5/25 / Memorial Day—No school
Tues. 5/26 / Presentations—Powerpoint with short narration/speech
Wed. 5/27 / Presentations—Powerpoint with short narration/speech
Thurs. 5/28 / Presentations—Powerpoint with short narration/speech
Fri. 5/29 / Presentations—Powerpoint with short narration/speech

You will have homework assignments based on the vocabulary during this time.

Add them above and in agenda.

Homework is due the next day for full credit. Late work will lose 10 points per day late.

Question sheets 1, 2, and 3 are due on the dates listed above. Point loss will result if late.

All presentations/narratives are due 5/26!! You will be called upon on an unspecified day to present. If you are unprepared, have it the next day (point loss will result). Presentation/ narrative will have a rubric/checklist. This project is worth 30% of grade.

If you have any questions at any time, see or email me: